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Sue and Will Waddell promoted to Club Master

Congratulations to Sue and Will Waddell on  being promoted to Club Master. 

Well Done.


Congratulations to Roy and Gail Rogers on winning the recent Jean Barrow Centenary Pairs Trophy with a great score of 66%.

This competition is for those members with a rank not exceeding Tournament Master.

Well done.


On a Tuesday, after the Bridge, between 6 and 8 people go onto Weatherspoons just round the corner from the Club to discuss the hands and the different bids.

Also with a pint of beer recently at 99p, what more can you ask!!

It's most enjoyable and if you wish to join them, please do so.

Anyway, this reminded me of a joke about Weatherspoons which was told to me on their birthday which I hope you find amusing.

A group of people in their 40's decided to celebrate and go to Weatherspoons where the waitresses were very shapely and wore mini dresses.

Ten years later when they got to 50, they met up again and decided to go to Weatherspoons because the waitresses were easy on the eye, and the service and food were very good, with an excellent choice of beers.

Ten years later when they got to 60, they met again and discussed where to celebrate, and after a lot of talking to and fro, Weatherspoons was chosen, because there was ample parking and the ability to have a quiet meal at a reasonable price.

Then they got to 70, and again discussed where to celebrate and it was decided to go to Weatherspoons because there was easy access for wheel chairs and toilets for the disabled.

Then they made the mile stone 80th birthday and talked long and hard about where to go and finally decided on Weatherspoons because they had never been there before.

Don't know how to get into our web site?

If you don't know how to log into the membership area of the web site,

click on members only and click on the 2 fields (email address and register).

When in the site, look to see your details are correct. You can then use all member facilities.

If you have trouble, Richard will assist you and provide a temporary password if you email him at 




Supervised Play

The club has started it's Supervised Play sessions, June running to September on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursdays in the month.

People who have attended a Beginners course and wish to progress further are welcome. Monday players are also invited.

Mike Kinsey, Tim Broughton-Pipkin and other experienced members will be running it and will also look and discuss hands played on a Monday and a Tuesday. Our thanks to them.

£5/week CASH.

Last updated : 16th Jun 2024 12:33 BST

Welcome - Bridge for all players

Petersfield Bridge Club, inaugurated in 1969, is a friendly club, affiliated to the EBU, and welcomes all bridge players, from complete beginner to expert.

We play at Petersfield Community Centre in Love Lane providing duplicate events at various times during the week and various Beginner & Improver Teaching sessions.

If you would like to know more about our club, assistance in playing online, then contact Mike Kinsey, our Chairman on 01730 265496  or email

New members and visitors are most welcome. We do not have a "host" system, but our partnership Secretary will find partners if requested in advance. Please contact Mrs Maureen Rubra on 01730 263396

 Our sessions are:-

Monday Gentle Duplicate.  

Tuesday F2F Duplicate. 

1st Thursday in the month - Teams

 Remember to sign up in advance with a partner, on the website, to play in any of the sessions.

We look forward to seeing you all.



Last updated : 15th Nov 2023 11:56 GMT

Congratulations to John Pearson and Rick Assad  on sharing third prize in a recent Dorset green pointed Swiss Pairs competition.

Their first match was halved followed by four victories out of the next five rounds, two of which were against Grand Masters.

Ten tables made for a very pleasant day. Six eight board matches, a start of 1200, lunch break consisted of an excellent carvery with completion by 1830.

An excellent day all round.

Well done both.


Last updated : 3rd Jul 2024 16:13 BST

Following their victory over Mayfield B, Petersfield A (Owen Leigh, Mike Kinsey, Steve Preston & James Clark)

are now through to the quarter-finals of the NICKO.2024

Well Done and good luck in the next round.

Last updated : 7th Jun 2024 15:54 BST
Petersfield Post Cup Swiss Pairs winners

The Petersfield Post Cup Blue Point Swiss Pairs was recently held  and congratulations to Ian Walsh and Stefan Lindfors who won all their matches.

It was a strong field with an NGS rating of 58.4% so well done to them.

Our own Tim Smith was =5th playing with an exHampshire player which when you see the field, was an excellent result.


Last updated : 10th Jun 2024 10:36 BST
Betty Bennet Teams Trophy. Congratulations

Congratulations to the winners of the Betty Bennett Teams Trophy, a reformed competition for members no higher than the rank of Tournament Master, who were Gail and Roy Rogers with Duncan Wright and Mike Bracy.

They led at half time and were never threatened winning 7 matches, only losing to last year's winners and the 'non eligible experts'. All teams won at least two matches, so success all round.

A record attendance of 10 tables (The only team event on a Monday) since COVID meant a movement of 9 rounds in two stanzas, two boards a round, and sharing across the room. So the organisation was tested to the full. Our thanks to John Pearson.The plus was that tea, coffee and biscuits could be had at the change over! The evening ended at 10pm with a real buzz.

Last updated : 21st Jun 2024 16:09 BST
Ladder Month 7
Director: Gabriel
Gentle Duplicate
Director: Mike
F2F Bridge
Director: Liz
Gentle Duplicate
Director: John
Director: Peter Lang
22nd Jul 2024
Gentle Duplicate
Community Centre 7.00pm
Director: Margaret
23rd Jul 2024
British Summer SIMS
Community Centre 7.15pm
Director: Mike
29th Jul 2024
Gentle Duplicate
Community Centre 7.00pm
Director: Mike Kinsey
30th Jul 2024
F2F Bridge
Community Centre 7.15pm
Director: Mike
1st Aug 2024
Community Centre 7.15pm