Bridge on Tuesdays |
We have a no pressure bridge session on Tuesday afternoons, 1.30 to 3.30pm in the Dining Room at Galloways. No partner required. Open to all. £3, including hot drink and a biscuit.This is a relaxed session of bridge, with advice on bidding and play available, as well as time to consider how the hand may have been played differently.
Come along and join in the fun!
Spring Party |
The Spring Party will be held at Penwortham Golf Club on Monday 28 April, 6 for 6.30pm. £24 for 2 courses and £28 for 3 courses. Click on title for menu.
Table Money |
Due to rising costs, table money on Monday and Thursday evenings will increase to £3 for members, from Monday 31 March. This is the first increase for many, many years.