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Congratulations to Kenny, Grant, Willie and Graham on winning the BABC teams event held at Kelso on Sun 24th March.


15/7/24 May C - 1 Star Senior Master (Bronze 4)

4/4/24 Lesley R - District Master (Bronze 2)

4/4/24 Cathy C - Regional Master (Silver) 

12/3/24 Helen L - Regional Master (Silver)

4/11/23 Richard E - 4 Star Master (Bronze 4)

5/11/23 Geoffrey W - National Master (Silver)

5/11/23 Denis H - Scottish Master (Silver)

5/11/23 Bryan S - District Master (Bronze 2)

4/12/23 Maggie E - District Master (Bronze 2)

11/12/23 Robin K - Regional Master (Silver)

22/12/23 Judith T- 2 Star Master (Bronze 3)

23/12/23 Katherine C - Master (Bronze 3)

23/12/23 Pru S - Local Master (Bronze 2)



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