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8th Feb 2025 22:23 NST
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8th Feb 2025 01:17 NST
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8th Feb 2025 01:16 NST
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31st Jan 2025 16:00 NST
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Membership Forms

BOTE membership application:
Membership Application.pdf

Waiver of Liability:
Waiver of Liability.pdf

BOTE Reopening Waiver
Reopening Waiver.pdf

2025 BOTE Membership Renewal

The 2025 membership renewal is ongoing. Cost of renewal is $25 and this can be brought to any game and given to the Director or forwarded electronically to using the password Swilers.
New members should complete the application form. The link is above in membership forms.

Contact Board Members

A link has been established that will allow
members to send ONE (1) email message
that will be viewed by ALL Board Members:

Books for Loan

Library:The "Information" tab
above provides a list of bridge books.

Our Bridge Library has been updated
Our Bridge Library has been updated

Thanks to our generous donors, the Club, over the years, has been able to build a comprehensive collection of over a hundred bridge books on a variety of topics, past and present. The reorganization of the Library is complete and it  is now located on the Book Cart in the back room. Please remember to sign out any book you're taking.

Waiver of Liability
During the Covid crisis, our Club, like many, had a serious revenue shortage that threatened its very existence. We were able to withstand those extensive losses due to two main factors, first, previous Boards had wisely reserved a ‘rainy day’ contingency fund that allowed us to continue to pay our bills and second, we made serious financial cuts to our operating budget, including Director fees and the Manager’s salary, in order to survive the lean months.

Previously, when we had a strong, steady revenue stream, the Club carried extensive insurance to protect all its volunteers, Directors, teachers and the Club Manager from any personal liability, that might arise in the course of carrying out their duties. The insurance cost over $2,000 a year, significant for a small club. At the fall ‘22 AGM it was proposed and accepted by the Membership that this insurance be cancelled as a financial saving. It was agreed that the actual risks of sustaining personal injury from playing bridge were minimal and that we all could, as responsible adults, accept those risks collectively and individually.It was also decided to include a waiver of responsibility, to protect our staff and volunteers, in the conditions of Membership to reflect the lack of insurance coverage.All present members will be asked to sign the waiver and any new members will be asked to sign on joining. Should any member be unwilling to agree to such a waiver and wish to rescind their membership please notify us of this choice and we will refund their membership fees. 

Our new Waiver of Liability form is attached. Please take the time  to read it carefully.

Your 2022-23 Board of Directors

Please remember that Bridge on the Edge is a scent-free bridge club. We have several members who are severely allergic to scent.

Welcome to Bridge On The Edge

Web Site

Welcome to the website of Bridge on the Edge, based in St. John's, NL, Canada.  In 2016 we became a player owned bridge club.  We support a respectful culture, both at the bridge table and in all BOTE communications, for the enjoyment and growth of all members.  

Please check with any Board member if you need additional information.

Members who want to use the member's functions (ie bookings etc), please ensure you've accessed the site using the bridgeweb link

February News and Reminders 
February News and Reminders 
Well February certainly has started off cold, fortunately there is always a warm welcome at the bridge club, even if it can be a bit chilly temperature wise to start with.  We holding our usual Open Games, Supervised Play and lessons throughout the month.  A big thank you to all the people who give willingly of their time to make all these happen so we can play and improve our bridge skills.  There are many hours spent in the background making things happen!  If you would like to help in any way we would be happy to hear from you.  Here is some information and a few reminders that you may find useful.
Supervised Play
This is proving very popular and we would ask (again) that you sign up by Sunday afternoon to help with making full tables.   We understand some are having problems signing up and Regina, one of our web-ladies will be giving a ’Sign-Up Seminar’ on Monday 17th February at Noon.  Bring along your computer or iPad and follow along as Regina explains the steps.  It’s way too fiddly to do on your phone!!  Trust me I’ve tried. 
We would also ask if any of our regular players would be willing to help ‘fill-in’ with Supervised Play to contact us.  All you have to do is show up on Monday morning and make up a table, it’s pretty simple, you meet new friends, it’s fun and you get to ask Tom, Deirdre, Bink or Brian questions!  What’s not to like?
Duplicate Light - 99ers
We are absolutely thrilled with the number of players showing up at our Duplicate Light-99er game.  However, PLEASE,  sign up on the website by Thursday morning.  Last week we had a whole table show up unexpectedly and it took a bit of extra time to get things going.  We would also like to ask if anyone would be interested in helping out with the running of the game to help the Director of the day out. Again, let us know. 
Regular Open Games
Next week on the 10th and 13th there will be the opportunity for Gold points at the club.  Book your favourite partner and come along!  We are hoping to add an extra game on Wednesday afternoon so stay tuned for that. 
Our Beginner Lessons are well subscribed and the Bridge Essentials classes taught by Roy are ongoing.  Check our webpage for the topic of the week in Bridge Essentials.  These classes will be going ahead even if it looks like there is nobody registered. 
As winter has set in we want to remind you that if schools are closed, our club is closed.  We don’t want anyone risking life and limb for a game of cards. 
With that, stay safe, keep warm and sign up for a few games!
See you at the club!
PS If you didn’t get this as an email directly or can’t sign in to register for games, it means your membership has lapsed.  This can easily be fixed!  e-transfer $25  to and use the password Swilers. 
Bridge Essentials -February 6

Roy will continue to teach Bridge Essentials this Thursday, 10:00am to noon. In the morning we will carry on with our discussion on Forcing Bids which will continue for the next few weeks. Today's Lession is on 1 NoTrump Forcing, the full system & the follow-up Bids. As ususal, this Session will feature Theory, Methods, Examples & Practice. All are welcome!

Please note the Bridge Essentials Lessons will be going ahead even if no one appears to be registered.

Minutes of the BOTE Board Meeting

Minutes from the Board of Directors meeting held on Jan 30th, 2025 can be viewed by accessing the Information tab on the left and opening the minutes section in the drop down menu.

Beginners Lesson


Beginners lessons are starting Thursday 23rd January, running 7:00 - 9:00pm, taught by Anne Hughes, ACBL certified teacher. Cost $150 for all lessons. For information contact

What's Happening in February
What's Happening in February

Supervised Play 9:30am- Noon

Open Pairs 1:00pm

Bridge Essentials 10:00am - Noon

Open Pairs 1:00pm
99ers-Duplicate Light 1:00pm
Beginners Lesson 7:00 - 9:00pm



Inclement Weather - Club Closure Policy

Just a reminder that BOTE's policy is to close the club for the day if schools in the St John's area are closed due to weather-related issues.  

Please check BOTE site for updates.



This winter we’re offering lots of Education opportunities.  Beginners, Supervised Play and Bridge Essentials. Let us know if there is anything you would like to see taught or that you’d like to teach.  Please contact your Education Committee at


For members interested in improving their game through a mentoring program please contact Wanda Lundrigan at for details and assignment of a mentor

10th February 2025
Supervised Play
9:30 AM
10th February 2025
Mon Afternoon - Open Pairs
1:00 PM
Director: Shakti Chandra
Dealer: Fran Cook
Table Set Up: Mary Lou Martin
13th February 2025
Bridge Essentials
10:00 AM