Web Site |
Welcome to the website of Bridge on the Edge, based in St. John's, NL, Canada. In 2016 we became a player owned bridge club. We support a respectful culture, both at the bridge table and in all BOTE communications, for the enjoyment and growth of all members.
Please check with any Board member if you need additional information.
Members who want to use the member's functions (ie bookings etc), please ensure you've accessed the site using the bridgeweb link bridgewebs.com/onedge/.
Bridge Etiquette and Protocol |
Some gentle reminders on
Above all, avoid any behavior that would make anyone (especially beginners) feel uncomfortable.
Cards should not be taken out of the board before all players are at the table.
Before you look at your cards count your hand and ensure that you have exactly thirteen cards.
Do greet your opponents at the table and treat them with respect and courtesy.
Do not indulge in post-mortems with your partner directly after a hand is finished. (Save it for after the game.) Not only could a post-mortem undermine partnership confidence, but it may communicate information to players who have not played the hand at other tables.
Do not criticize partner. (Keep it to yourself until after the game. You will have cooled down by then.) And you may also have figured out that you share some of the blame.
Do compliment your opponents for fine bidding or play. (Especially beginners)
Do not gloat! (It is ugly) Be modest.
Do say 'Director Please' in a pleasant tone. Keep your hand up so that the Director can quickly determine who called.
Do support your partner at all times. She/he is the only player in the room that is on your side!
The Auction
Bidding boxes are designed to reduce the possibility of information being communicated between partners by voice intonation or other mannerisms such as eye contact. When using a bidding box, decide what your bid is going to be before reaching for or touching cards in the bidding box. An extreme example of this impropriety is when you touch a 2H card and then pull out a pass card.
Do not ask for information from your opponents unless it is your turn to bid.
Do not ask what a bid means unless you are intending to bid. Asking for explanation without bidding could in certain circumstances be construed as passing unauthorized information to one's partner. If one doesn't intend to bid, questions of the opponents, should be made after the auction has concluded.
Play of the Hand
Do say ‘Thank you’ to your partner when he/she puts the Dummy on the table. (Even though you are thinking to yourself ‘where the heck is the hand my partner was bidding?’)
Do, when you are on opening lead, lead first and then write the contract on your score sheet. When you are on opening lead, detach a card from your hand and lay it face down on the table. This prevents irregularities...such as leading when it is not your turn to do so and allows questions about the auction and any alerts to be answered. All players, except dummy, may now request a review of the auction and an explanation of any alerted calls. You, as the opening leader, may ask for any review of the bidding 1 before you make your first lead. Other players may also ask for a review of the auction at their first opportunity to play.
Do not SNAP your cards down on the table.
Do not detach a card from the hand before it is your turn to play. Do not pull up a card, push it back into your hand, and then pull up another card. Nor should you detach a card and then replace it to play another card. Also do not detach your card before it is your turn to play and never rearrange your hand when you are out of a suit. All of these maneuvers provide additional valuable information to the declarer.
You have the right to inspect the cards that have been played on the current trick as long as your card remains face up. Once all cards have been turned over (face down) no one can ask to see the cards that were played.
At the end of a hand ensure that you do not mix up your cards until the result is agreed with the opponents.
North, when scoring the traveler, must present it to East West for their acceptance prior to folding and returning it to the board. The same applies when entering the result into Bridgemates.
Do not look at your opponent's or partner's cards after the hand has been played without their
Let’s all play nice!
Wednesday's Game |
If you would like join our Wednesday game but are having trouble finding someone to play with, Roy has offered to help. Just contact him at president@bridgeontheedge.ca or (709) 722-7575, he will find you a partner. The Wednesday game starts at 1:00pm, is more relaxed than Monday or Thursday Open games, usually has fewer boards and is a fun afternoon. It’s a great place to start in Open games.
Thanks Roy!
Congrats to our Members |
Congratulations to our members:
Bruce Watson-Ruby Life Masters
Rick Callahan-Section Masters
Glenn Myers-Club Masters
Well Done!