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Membership Forms

BOTE membership application:
Membership Application.pdf

Waiver of Liability:
Waiver of Liability.pdf

BOTE Reopening Waiver
Reopening Waiver.pdf

2024 BOTE Membership Renewal

The 2024 membership renewal is ongoing. Cost of renewal is $25 and this can be brought to any game and given to the Director or forwarded electronically to using the password Swilers.
New members should complete the application form. The link is above in membership forms.

Contact Board Members

A link has been established that will allow
members to send ONE (1) email message
that will be viewed by ALL Board Members:

Books for Loan

Library:The "Information" tab
above provides a list of bridge books.

Our Bridge Library has been updated
Our Bridge Library has been updated

Thanks to our generous donors, the Club, over the years, has been able to build a comprehensive collection of over a hundred bridge books on a variety of topics, past and present. The reorganization of the Library is complete and it  is now located on the Book Cart in the back room. Please remember to sign out any book you're taking.

A Review: The New York Timres Bridge Book

I don't know if it is possible to love bridge and not love anecdotes about the game. I particularly enjoy the amusing, but I also enjoy the interesting, intriguing and inspiring.

The story of bridge is as fascinating as the game itself and the story is told incredibly well by Alan Truscott and Dorothy Hayden Truscott in the New York Times Bridge Book, subtitled no less than An Anecdotal History of the Development, Personalities and Strategies of the World's Most Popular Card Game.

I recently borrowed this new addition to our library and find it captivating. It gives us the magnificent history of bridge, filled with stories of brilliant minds, fascinating strategies, and sensational scandals.


This book can be enjoyed by anyone who knows what a pack of cards looks like, but is indeed a special treat for those who play bridge. You can borrow it from the library – when I am finished with it.

Rick Callahan

Waiver of Liability
During the Covid crisis, our Club, like many, had a serious revenue shortage that threatened its very existence. We were able to withstand those extensive losses due to two main factors, first, previous Boards had wisely reserved a ‘rainy day’ contingency fund that allowed us to continue to pay our bills and second, we made serious financial cuts to our operating budget, including Director fees and the Manager’s salary, in order to survive the lean months.

Previously, when we had a strong, steady revenue stream, the Club carried extensive insurance to protect all its volunteers, Directors, teachers and the Club Manager from any personal liability, that might arise in the course of carrying out their duties. The insurance cost over $2,000 a year, significant for a small club. At the fall ‘22 AGM it was proposed and accepted by the Membership that this insurance be cancelled as a financial saving. It was agreed that the actual risks of sustaining personal injury from playing bridge were minimal and that we all could, as responsible adults, accept those risks collectively and individually.It was also decided to include a waiver of responsibility, to protect our staff and volunteers, in the conditions of Membership to reflect the lack of insurance coverage.All present members will be asked to sign the waiver and any new members will be asked to sign on joining. Should any member be unwilling to agree to such a waiver and wish to rescind their membership please notify us of this choice and we will refund their membership fees. 

Our new Waiver of Liability form is attached. Please take the time  to read it carefully.

Your 2022-23 Board of Directors

Please remember that Bridge on the Edge is a scent-free bridge club. We have several members who are severely allergic to scent.

Welcome to Bridge On The Edge

Web Site

Welcome to the website of Bridge on the Edge, based in St. John's, NL, Canada.  In 2016 we became a player owned bridge club.  We support a respectful culture, both at the bridge table and in all BOTE communications, for the enjoyment and growth of all members.  

Please check with any Board member if you need additional information.

Members who want to use the member's functions (ie bookings etc), please ensure you've accessed the site using the bridgeweb link

Nellie Nails it in Toronto



On just the second day of the Toronto NABC, Nellie Burke reached three important Milestones playing in just one event. Partnered with Susan & teamed with Rahul & Anne they won Bracket 6 of the Educational Foundation Bracketed Teams. This first place finish gave her team 8.92 Gold and amazingly she became a Life Master, Bronze Life Master and Silver Life Master all at once.

Congratulations to Nellie, Susan, Rahul  and Anne for this early but important achievement.

Good luck to all the BOTE players in the rest of the tournament. Your Club is very proud of you.


It looks like we have broken through the post-Covid barrier.

Regina, BOTE’s Financial Chair, & Nigel, our Accountant, have just finished compiling our results for the operational year, March 2023-March 2024. The Annual Financial Report has been prepared and submitted to our Board.

I will summarize the highlights; the full edition will be posted on our website in the Member’s section shortly.

The news is very good in all respects:-

  • Our Cash Assets have increased almost 70%, to $11,283 from $6,714. Our short term investment Asset also has added an extra $500, to top out at $13,490.
  • Our Revenue during the period, increased from $28,144, to $41,914, and for the first time since Covid, we managed to turn a small profit of $3,705.
  • Income rose in all of our main areas, Competitive Games increased by close to $15,000 for a return of $34,378. Educational offerings increased over 100%, to bring in $6,271; and even Memberships rose significantly this period adding about $1,000 to a total of $4,225.

This success has been achieved by everyone working together and supporting the club. The efforts of all of the Board Members; the exceptional hard work of our Educational Committee and the instructors; the ongoing contributions of our Club Manager and the Directors; the excellent financial management supplied by Regina, Rick Comerford and Nigel; the weekly attentiveness of the Dealers, and Set-up crew and of course all our loyal players, Supervised Play attendees and devoted students.  You all have remained very faithful to the Club through thick and thin and the results are now showing.

Let’s keep moving forward, we will continue to work hard with the goal of continued success in 2024-25. 

Roy Perry
BOTE President 

Information For First Time Tournament Attendees

Going to an ACBL tournament is a big commitment, of time, money and nervous energy. It’s also a LOT of fun, playing lots of great bridge, wonderful learning opportunities, meeting new people and making new bridge friends.  We want to make sure that first time tournament attendees are suitably prepared to maximize their experience. 

We have four helpful ways to help:-

1) There is a printed handout of ‘Useful Information’ available at any game from ‘the Director of the day’ or Rahul, our helpful Manager, 

2) Information is available at this helpful webpage

3) Ask specific questions of any of our helpful Tournament Ambassadors, Roy Perry, Tom Dale, Brian Collins or Rahul Chandra: and 

4) We are going to run a casual information session in early July, stand by for the exact date on that. 

Look forward to a fabulous experience, discuss your bidding and defence with your partner and ask all the questions you need to.  Jim Brown is the coordinator for this initiative so feel free to ask him anything as well.

What's Happening in July
What's Happening in July

Open Pairs 1:00pm

Open Pairs 1:00pm

Open Pairs 1:00pm
0-99 Pairs 1:00pm


Education sessions over for the summer

Our Education sessions are over for another year, but it’s never too early to plan for the fall. . . Let us know what classes you’d like to see offered or that you’d like to teach.

Please contact your education committee:

29th July 2024
Mon Afternoon - Open Pairs
1:00 PM
Dealer: Marguerite Noonan
Table Set Up: Mary Moore
31st July 2024
Wed Afternoon - Open Pairs
1:00 PM
Director: Brian Collins
1st August 2024
Thur Afternoon- Open Pairs
1:00 PM
Director: Judith McIntyre
Dealer: June Hynes
Table Set Up: Judith McIntyre