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If you would like to make contact with the Oakingham Bridge Club, please contact the Secretary, Keith Greig on 07500 833657.

Club History



In the autumn of 1984, among the Further Education Classes on offer at Montague House in Wokingham was a BRIDGE class run by VALERIE HURST. 

Under her expert guidance the course succeeded not only in greatly enhancing play but also in encouraging a very considerable enthusiasm for the game. As a result of her efforts, Valerie found herself with about forty very keen players at the end of the course and, with typical initiative, kindly offered to establish a regular bridge club at Montague House. The students contributed ideas towards the name and it was decided to adopt Oakingham, the old name for Wokingham.The first duplicate session was on Wednesday 25th September 1985 at the back of Montague House.

                                                   Oakingham Bridge Club was born!

Initially Valerie ran the club single-handedly. The club, of course, had no initial funds and a Building Society a/c was set up where the only income, the weekly table fees, could be accumulated. Such funds were, of course, inadequate to purchase playing equipment but Valerie generously donated the playing cards and wallets for the ten tables, whilst a member typed, photocopied and trimmed the travellers and score cards!   In 1987, The Founder’s Trophy was presented for the ‘best pair’ during the year,                                                                                                                                                                                                                At Montague House the parking was limited and so the members looked around and the club moved to Pinewood. The first session there was on Weds. 22nd June 1988. The club rapidly became more formalised with an elected committee, membership fees and more professionally-produced table documentation.                                                                                                                                                                      The clubdecided to introduce a second session, on Fridays, and this was introduced in January 1992.                                                                                                                                                                    In 1994 the Chairman’s Cup was donated so there was now a trophy for each of the two sessions. (See Roll of Honour)

Over the years bidding boxes were introduced and the scoring was no longer done by hand.

In 2005 the club celebrated its 20th anniversary with a very enjoyable party. Mementos were presented to all founder members who had maintained continuous membership for the 20 years.

The club moved into a newer era in 2009 when it introduced its own website. In 2010 the EBU introduced its Pay 2 Play system and the club voted to affiliate.This new technology was further enhanced in 2012 when a member very kindly funded the purchase of all the equipment required to allow the club to enjoy wireless scoring. A year later a dealing machine was purchased giving computer generated hands which can be viewed on line after play.

2020 and Covid meant members could no loner meet face to face.    Realbridge was introduced and the club members voted to continue playing online when the covid restrictions were lifted.

The  club has not stood still but moved with the times and flourished.

Oakingham continues to thrive and the  members enjoy playing in a friendly, well organised club.

Further contributions from members would be warmly welcomed as they may have memories they wish to share. Please send them to the club Secretary.