Newcastle-under-Lyme & District B.C.
Release 2.19r
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Home Page
25th Aug 2024 09:43 BST
Handicap Teams - 2024
21st Aug 2024 12:12 BST
Beginner's/Improver's Classes
3rd May 2024 23:51 BST
Club History
31st Mar 2024 14:33 BST
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Data Protection

A folder outlining club members' privacy rights under the Data Protection Act has been placed alongside the photocopier in the bar.

Welcome to Newcastle-under-Lyme & District B.C.
Charity Event - September 6th

We are running a charity Pairs event on Friday 6th September.  This is going to support those affected by the tragic events in Southport recently.  Families of the murdered girls along with those that suffered life changing injuries will all need support.

This a great opportunity to show solidarity with the local community whilst raising some much needed money for their cause.

We have been in contact with Southport Bridge Club who will run an event too, along with a couple of other clubs and an only bridge club.  So we should be able to reach a good number of players.

The evening itself will be a relaxed bridge session of no more than 24 boards, starting at 7pm with coffee and cake break at half time.  Finishing no later than 10.15. 

The results will be combined with those other clubs, so we can have one big simultaneous session.

We will have a collection box for any that would like to contribute but can't make the event.

Please let martin know if you are entering a pair:

Many thanks for your support

2024 Handicapped Teams

We are running the handicapped teams again this year and invite entries from members, guests and all local clubs.

Register your team with Paul:

Wednesday 27th March - 30 years on ...

After 30 years at our King Street premises, a happy band of bridge players celebrated with an evening of bridge with a celebration cake and some fizz.

Re-start to Thursday Night Bridge

Following a survey it has been decided to re-start Thursday Night Bridge on Thursday 14 March at 7.00pm

We have managed to complete 2 sessions now, with 3 1/2 tables turning up each night, with 1 pair kindly leaving to keep full tables.  We are hoping to get to 4+ tables in the coming weeks.

If you are interested in playing and need a partner, please let us know

Newcastle Bridge Club
Newcastle Bridge Club

Newcastle B.C. was founded in 1950.

The current premises is a single storey building owned by the members.

Hot drinks are available from the kitchen and soft drinks from the bar.


Partner Wanted?

If you are looking for a partner, please contract Tracy on 07775691820 or

Director: Keith
Scorer: john bridge
Director: Ray
Scorer: john bridge
Wednesday Pairs
Director: KH
Scorer: john bridge
Tuesday Afternoon Pairs
Director: pb
Scorer: john bridge
Sunday Pairs (online)
Director: Neil
Sun 1st September 2024
Sunday Pairs (online)
RealBridge 7pm
Director: Laurent
 RealBridge Login
Tue 3rd September 2024
Bridge Lessons
Tue 3rd September 2024
Tuesday Afternoon Pairs
Wed 4th September 2024
Wednesday Pairs
Fri 6th September 2024
Friday Handicapped Afternoon