Summary of information for new members. For full details see the Club Programme on the web site calendar.
Monday afternoon 2-00pm
Chicao Bridge organised by U3A group
Monday evening at 7.25 p.m. for prompt 7.30 p.m. start
Competitive bridge, usually club pairs or teams competitions. Please arrive by 7.25 at latest with your partner or team already arranged. Usually 8 – 10 tables. Full members only. Computer dealt hands and wireless scoring
Tuesday Morning at 10am until noon
Chicago bridge open to non-members. Popular social event
Tuesday Evening at 7-30pm
On line bridge on RealBridge - Play 21 to 24 boards
Wednesday Afternoons at 1.25 p.m. for 1.30 p.m. start
A more relaxed atmosphere ideal for less experienced players. Usually 13 or more tables.
Thursday evenings at 7.25 p.m. for 7.30 start
Supported bridge -fortnightly - help will be given - aimed at introducing players to duplicate bridge - Open to non members - . 12 -16 hands played
Friday Afternoons at 1.25 p.m. for 1.30 start.
Pairs and teams on alternate weeks - check calendar - about 6 tables.
Teaching and development.
See website for more details. Lessons, themed sessions and supported play are all available to help members new to duplicated bridge to develop their skills.
The club strongly supports the English Bridge Union’s policy of ‘Best Behaviour at Bridge’ and all members are expected to welcome new members and to help them enjoy playing bridge and the social aspects of the game.
Competitions run throughout the year, with opportunities for players at all levels to compete against their peer group.
An active website is maintained with results being displayed immediately play ends.
Chairman Richard Tickle 07836 363653
Vice Chairman Richard Gibson 01327 342257
Secretary Ross Stacey 01604 946143