Please read your email and look for a message from:
"American Contract Bridge League."
The message Is entitled:
"Security Notice: Online Bulletin Temporarily Unavailable."
The bottom line is that the Online Bulletin has been infected with malware. If you access the Online bulletin, you may be prompted to identify yourself as either human or robot. DO NOT take the actions as requested, else your computer may also be infected. If infected, the security of passwords, financial information, etc. on your machine may be compromised.
Until you have received another email from ACBL giving the 'all clear', please DO NOT access the Online Bulletin.
Red, Gold, & Silver March Madness |
ACBL March Madness

March will be all a-glitter thanks to several extra events added to our calendar.
First, District 11 (in combination with District 7) will host a STAC week during the last week of March. That means TRIPLE SILVER points for the entire week.
Second, third, and fourth, ACBL is celebrating March Madness with three separate weeks of colored award points.
- During the second week, 3/11-3/16,
awards will be 1/3 RED and 2/3 BLACK points.
- During the third week,
3/17-3/25, awards will be 1/3 GOLD and 2/3 BLACK points.
- During the final days of March Madness, 3/28-4/2,
awards will be ALL SILVER points.
We will adjust our calendar to include and avoid conflicting with these extra events. The Club Championships scheduled in March will now all be held during the first week in March, 3/4-3/7. The entire first week will be club championship games, meaning DOUBLE BLACK points.
The bottom line is that all of our March games will be DOUBLE or TRIPLE points, and/or RED, GOLD, or SILVER points at every game. That's just madness, March Madness! 
Jack Frost |
 "Jack Frost 2" photo by Matthew Koglin
Jack Frost is nipping at our noses this week. Later in the season, his bite may be more painful! When inclement weather arrives, don't be caught out in the cold, check this website BEFORE you come to play bridge. If there's any doubt about the game status, we'll post a GAME ON or GAME CANCELED notice here by 9AM. Often there are conditions that make our parking lot impassable when the rest of the world is rolling on. Please check here first.