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Charity Events

Purchasing BB$

It is necessary to pay in advance to Bridge Base Online (BBO) in order to play in Newton Abbot's online events. BBO is an American website and  accepts payment for what they call Bridge Base dollars (BB$,) 

There is a minimum purchase amount of BB$10 and the payment you make is converted to UK £. Your account is credited and will then be debited by $3 when you pay the table money for an event .

Register to Play in an online Event

Everybody needs to go onto the BBO website and register for the event or tournament from 2 hours in advance.

Please do not leave it to the last minute as we need to resolve any of your problems and finalise the movement before we start.

Click for detailed instructions and screenshots


Find a Partner

If you would like a partner for a game then please contact our temporary Partnership Coordinator

Will Hand by email at

who will be able to assist you.