Release 2.19o
No Longer Running Duplicate Bridge

Tuesday afternoon social bridge continues unchanged but we now are no longer running F2F Duplicate Bridge on Tuesday evenings.  

Online bridge tournaments remain available - see the panel on this page. Details and results of online duplcate events are listed on Ned Paul's home page

Chiswick Tennis Club
Chiswick Tennis Club

Above:  Pedestrian entrance to Chiswick TC and convenient E3 bus stop.

Chiswick Tennis Club, our venue for social bridge, is situated on Burlington Lane close to Chiswick House Gardens.  The Club is close to Chiswick BR station and is served by buses E3 and 190.  Nearest tube is Turnham Green District Line station, also served by bus E3.  Daytime parking is available without charge in the streets surrounding the club.  To access the clubhouse, enter by the pedestrian street gate and use the path past the tennis courts.

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No Longer Running Duplicate Bridge
7th Mar 2024 15:38 GMT
Welcome to New Chiswick Bridge Club
Welcome to New Chiswick Bridge Club

Weekly Social Bridge - Tuesdays 2.00pm

We  meet EVERY Tuesday afternoon at Chiswick Tennis Club for social bridge, providing a friendly practice environment for new players, refreshers, improvers and basically anyone who would like to polish up their bidding and card play. 

You join an available foursome and deal hands at the table.  A tutor is available to provide advice and support as required and there are occasional short formal lessons.

Players of any standard are welcome at these sessions. Come along and play bridge at your own level, or use these sessions to gain the experience needed to progress your bridge.   No pre-arranged partner is needed - you just join an available table. We are welcoming and aim to ensure that all new attendees enjoy their game.

What We Play!

Learning Through Play

Here at New Chiswick BC, we are very flexible about bidding systems.  The 'house standard' is to play a modern form of Acol, the standard bidding system that is widely used throughout the UK.  Any recomended conventions that you have not met will always be properly explained.  You can ask questions at any stage, and players can in this way progress their standard through actual play rather than through formal lessons.  This method is both fun and forward looking and we hope that you will enjoy getting better as your experience of bridge deepens.  Do come and give us a try.

Our Tutor

Bridge Host - Ned Paul

The main bridge host of New Chiswick Bridge Club is Ned Paul, who runs many other bridge sessions in London.  Ned has over 15 years experience as a full time bridge club host, tutor and organiser.  New Chiswick Bridge Club welcomes all players who wish to play and improve in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. 

Contact Ned on 07792 715517 or email to
See also Ned Paul’s other site at

Ned Paul Bridge Goes Online

Ned Paul Bridge Online

Three Online Tournaments A Week

Since the Covid pandemic, New Chiswick Bridge Club, in common with other clubs in Ned Paul's 'stable', has met regularly for online bridge. This has continued as many players find it convenient to play online.  We are currently scheduling three tournaments each week, The tournaments are registered with the English Bridge Union and award master points.

We use the bridge playing site (known as 'BBO') to run these games and play between 18 and 21 deals in approximately two hours. All members of any of Ned Paul's clubs plus friends may play: and even if you have not played in any of Ned Paul's clubs you may ask to play.   For full details and timings of current online games, and results of past games, see Ned's other webiste

In play at Chiswick Tennis Club

Beginning Bridge

If you are interested in learning bridge or brushing up your skills please contact Ned Paul by phone (07792 715517) or email ( Ned's runs a 2-day course for absolute beginners, “Learn Bridge in a Weekend”, held over a Saturday & Sunday. The two days give you an excellent grounding in bridge and lots of playing practice. Learn Bridge in a Weekend has had excellent results over many years and references are available. After the course why not join our Tuesday afternooon sessions - come along, join in and build up your playing experience in a safe and friendly environment.

Next Dates:

New Chiswick BC at the LMC
Director: Ned Paul
Scorer: Ned Paul
New Chiswick BC at the LMC
Director: Ned Paul
Scorer: Ned Paul
New Chiswick BC at the LMC
Director: Ned Paul
Scorer: Ned Paul