Nettleham Bridge Club
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Happy New Year to all our members


Club sessions restart on 6th January 2025

Please arrive by 1.30pm 

New members are always welcome.

Contact Cathy Platt the club secretary for more details.



News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Minutes of 2024 AGM


Annual General Meeting on 7 October 2024 at 1.30pm

In the Large Hall of the School Room

Present:  36 players

Apologies:  Hugh Carter, Roger & Joyce Flatt

Minutes of 2024 Meeting: These had been on uploaded onto the club website and copies were on view.  As there were no Matters Arising, these were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

Chairman’s Report: David said there had been a great deal of activity in the club, a good consistent attendance and spread of ability levels. All these  three things contributed  to a healthy club status.  The recent EBU charity bridge day had raised the club’s profile and £763 was donated to Cancer Research.  All the help received was gratefully acknowledged - those who organized the event and to those who ensured the play, the raffle, auction, the set-up and clear-up went smoothly. 

The success achieved by the 2023’s beginners, (now fully fledged and integrated in the main club), was especially commended.  David asked members to consider taking up a committee role (TD apprenticeship, scoring, etc) which would strengthen the club and to help to spread the tasks on a rota basis or act as relief in case of absence.

Treasurer’s Report:  Mik presented meticulously prepared Income,  Expenditure and  Balance Sheet accounts, which were distributed to the members,  plus an itemized list of weekly income and expenses for committee members information. 

He remarked on:

  1. the increase in membership
  2. the advantages of payment of table money by bank transfer, and said payments using loose change was not helpful as bank charges were incurred when depositing coins.
  3. He anticipated an annual rise room rental charges, plus our requesting extra time, both these would increase these costs.

And ended by thanking everyone for their co-operation but announced that he intends to stand down as treasurer at the next AGM. He also hoped that some member would agree to be trained and guided to fill the role when he retires.

Secretary’s Report: The fact there had been a lot of activityin the yearwas viewed as a sign of a healthy, dynamic club.  It’s pleasing to see the progression of players from beginners to intermediate and into the main club fold.  The help from many of you towards setting up the sessions was much appreciated.  The on-line play of Wednesday has restarted and communication improved (hopefully) via a WhatsApp.

Election of officers: There were no nominations for these posts.  The current chairman, treasurer and secretary agreed to serve for another year, and agreement to this was confirmed by a unanimous vote from members.


The date for the Christmas party was agreed as Monday 16th December and it would be similar in style and format as in the previous year.

The meeting closed and normal duplicate play continued.

Last updated : 15th Oct 2024 16:43 BST
NBC Big Deal Charity Pictures 2024


NBC Big Deal Cancer Research Event 2024

Presentations by Councillor  John Barrett




Last updated : 4th Sep 2024 15:50 BST
Club constitution 2019

Nettleham Bridge Club Constitution 2019


  1. Aims of the club
  2. Personal Data Protection
  3. Table Money
  4. Officers and Committee
  5. Duties of Officers
  6. Election of Officers and Committee
  7. Annual General Meetings
  8. Special General Meetings
  9. Voting
  10. Guests and Visitors
  11. Winding-up

1 Aims of the club


The aim of Nettleham Bridge Club shall be to promote friendship and fellowship amongst individuals who enjoy playing and learning about the game of Bridge



Membership shall be open to any player of bridge who contacts the secretary or is introduced by a member. The capacity of the meeting room dictates the maximum number of tables and members that can play on club nights. Should applications be received over the rooms’ capacity, a booking list may be opened. 


Place:  In Nettleham village at the Old School Rooms, Mill Hill

Time:  6.45pm to 10pm.

Allowing 15 minutes preparation and pack up time before and after play.

Frequency:   The club currently meet weekly on a Friday. Additional sessions may be introduced on Wednesdays.

Publicity about the club is found on Village Notice boards and website

2 Personal data protection

Being a member of the Bridge Section and acceptance of the club rules will be deemed to constitute consent to the holding of relevant personal data solely for communication within the bridge club. On ceasing to be a member all personal data relating to the member shall be permanently deleted from the data base.

3 Table money and Fees

The joining fee and annual subscription is due the first meeting following the Annual General Meeting and this sum is assessed, and confirmed at the AGM.  A membership list is then made up for that year.  There is also a subscription called table money and this sum is fixed at a level to ensure rental for the meeting room and any costs required for renewal of equipment is covered and to allow the club to continue to be financially viable. This may be adjusted on recommendation by the treasurer for subsequent years. Any player who joins the club part way through the year will pay a fee pro-rata of the normal full year amount as determined by the treasurer.

4 Officers and Committee

  1.  All Officers shall be elected annually by ballot at the AGM and shall be eligible for re-election.

     Officers are currently, Chairman / Tournament Director, Secretary, and Treasurer.

b) Committee Members are currently Scorer and Social Secretary and shall be elected by ballot to be held at the AGM. Committee Members shall be eligible for re-election annually.

c) Any person ceasing to be a member of the Bridge Section shall automatically cease to be an Officer and/or a Committee Member

5 Duties of Officers

a) CHAIRMAN. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Bridge Section. In their absence the meeting shall elect one of the other Officers to act as Chairman for that meeting. The Chairman will also have the responsibility of Tournament Director and direct the weekly sessions of bridge in accordance with nationally recognised rules of play. Other members may support the chairman in directing sessions as necessary.

b) SECRETARY. The Secretary shall be responsible for day to day administration, drafting and circulating notices, agendas and minutes which are subject to the Chairman’s approval. The Secretary will also deal with correspondence. If appropriate an Assistant Secretary can be added to the Section Committee to help the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary may attend meetings but will not be able to vote. 

c) TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and managing all monies. The Treasurer shall keep accounts, documents and papers relating to the Bridge Section and will make these available to the Committee when directed.

6 Elections of Officers and Committee

a) The Committee shall conduct the general business of the Club, preside over election of officers, and maintain the conduct of the Bridge Section in conformity with accepted EBU practice.

b) Every candidate for office shall be proposed and seconded by members entitled to vote. The candidate must have paid the current subscription and must have been a member for the previous 12 months and be not less than 21

years of age. 

c) Each member of the Bridge Section shall have one vote for each vacancy and no member shall give more than one vote to any candidate. The Chairman will have a casting vote in the event of any tie.


d) In the event of the whole Committee resigning at any time the Secretary shall obtain nominations for new officers during the following seven days, and a ballot shall be held for the election of a new Committee at a Special General Meeting called by the Secretary within ten days of such resignation.

7 Annual General Meetings

a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of October on a day to be fixed by the Committee.

b) Notice of the AGM shall be posted on the Bridge Section Notice Board or website for at least twenty-one days before the date appointed for the Meeting. Motions for inclusion in the Agenda of the AGM must be submitted to the committee prior to the meeting.

c) The Agenda for the AGM shall be posted on the Bridge Section Notice Board and website for at least seven clear days before the date appointed for the Meeting.

d) The audited accounts are to be made available to ALL members at the AGM by the treasurer

 At the AGM a simple statement of the income and expenditure account shall be presented.

  1.   At the AGM one-fifth of the Bridge Section Membership shall form a quorum. If at the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned. The members present may determine when the next meeting will be held and if it should proceed without the required quorum.

8 Special General Meetings

a) The Secretary shall summon Special General Meetings as follows:-

b) At the direction of the Committee or one or more of the officers.

c) Upon a request forwarded to the Secretary made by one-fifth of the members.

d) Notice of any Special General Meeting shall be posted on the Bridge Section Notice Board and website a clear fourteen days before the date appointed for such a meeting.

9 Voting

a) At all General Meetings every member present shall have one vote on each resolution on the agenda.

b) If paid up members are unable to attend an AGM they should have the right to vote either by proxy or post.

c) Votes by e-mail to the secretary are also allowed. The Chairman will have authority to vote on behalf of a member who is absent from an AGM if that person has informed the Chairman of his or her wishes.

10 Guests and Visitors

Guests and visitors will be subject to the current rules of the club and will be required to pay the normal table fee. They shall be deemed visitors for a period of 3 weeks, thereafter they would be expected to become full members of the club and pay a subscription pro rata from the day they join.

11 Winding-up 

If the bridge club can no longer meet or it becomes financially unviable to continue and likely to incur unsustainable debts then a special AGM may be called to wind up the club. A vote to wind up the club must be agreed by a majority of the existing members of the club.

In the event of the members agreeing to wind up the club all debts and financial responsibilities shall be settled from existing club funds. Any remaining surplus funds shall be distributed equally among the members who have had continual membership for more than one year. Bridge assets such as cards and bidding boxes shall be donated to organisations as directed by the committee.

Final version agreed and adopted at AGM 2019

Last updated : 28th Sep 2023 21:26 BST
Club Winners 2022


Club champions 2022 Gary Dobbs and David Minnis.

Improvers winners 2022Mary Gibson and Janet Paley

Last updated : 10th Dec 2022 20:12 GMT
Partner Away?

Its the 'holiday period' but remember we play 51 weeks of the year!  If your usual partner is away, just ring the secretary and she'll do her best to find you one.


Last updated : 2nd Jul 2018 19:58 GMT