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Welcome to Nailsea Bridge Club
Introduction and General Information
Introduction and General Information

Welcome to Nailsea Bridge Club website.  

The Club plays duplicate bridge on Thursday evenings. We are affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU) via the Somerset Contract Bridge Association (SCBA). Nailsea Club members automatically become members of both the EBU and SCBA once they have played 12 times at this club. As an affiliated club all our members are entitled to the benefits of EBU membership, which you can read about here.

Hands are computer dealt (duplimated), enabling hand records to be available at the end of play. They are also displayed on this website, together with the evening's results. Master Points are then uploaded to the EBU. 

The Club takes part in SCBA competitions and three annual charity simultaneous pairs. Some of our players do well in county competitions and occasionally at national level. Others just enjoy a pleasant evening's bridge.

Visitors and prospective new members are always welcome.

The Club meets at Mizzymead Recreation Centre, Mizzymead Rise, Nailsea BS48 2JJ. Table money is £3.00 for members and £3.00 for visitors.

There is an annual Membership User Fee of £22. Once visitors have played three times they would be expected to become members of the Club.  

Please note that we are now using electronic scoring and request members and visitors to arrive by 7.05pm. If you are unable to arrive by then, but intend to play, please let someone know in advance. The director/scorer will then be able to set up the bridge tablets for a prompt start at 7.10pm.

Festival of Bridge event
Festival of Bridge event

Nailsea Bridge Club have been asked to play a match against Clevedon & Portishead Bridge Club as part of the EBU's Festival of Bridge. This will be a teams-of-four match played with one table in Portishead and one in Nailsea, with pairs in each team taking turns with others to give a match of several hours. A whiteboard will display the ongoing score. It will be played in public as a way to promote the game and the existence of our local clubs. The plan is to play the Nailsea end at Waitrose Coffee Shop, on an outdoor (undercover) table if the weather is OK. It will be held on Tuesday 10th September but the timing is yet to be finalised. Some members have already expressed interest in playing but more will be welcome. Please contact Alan for more details.

Forthcoming Events

At Nailsea:

The recent experiment with monthly Random Teams will be discontinued by popular consensus, but the event may be used occasionally in future.

10th September: Festival of Bridge event (see box above).

County League 2024–25: We hope to field largely the same Nailsea team in the Somerset County League next season (likely in Division 1, first match on 13th September), but if anyone else would like to play please contact Alan or Ken.

Somerset (usually held at Woolavington, details here):

Next event: 9 High Pairs on 21st July.

West of England Congress, Weston-super-Mare, 11th–13th October 2024.

Entries are now open. Download a brochure here or view full details here.

Mizzymead User Registration Renewal

The Bridge Club has no membership fee but Mizzymead Recreation Centre charges a User Registration Fee (URF) which is payable by the members of all sections and regular hirers.  Renewals are due on 1 May and the 2024 fee is £22.

Mizzymead prefer that the separate sections collect the UR fees from their own members and pay over in bulk. They will then not have to deal with numerous individual payments.  Ken Bawdon will collect your £22 either in cash, by cheque payable to Nailsea Bridge Club, or those who use internet banking can make payment direct to:

Account: Nailsea Bridge Club    Sort Code: 20-94-74    A/c No:  60659517

New (and returning former) members will need to complete a Registration Form available from Ken or under the information tab on the left hand side of this Home page.

Celebrating the Club's 50th Anniversary
Celebrating the Club's 50th Anniversary

At the end of November 2022, the Club celebrated its 50th anniversary. A special event was held attended by more than fifty past and present members.

Two sessions of bridge were played either side of an excellent tea. It was a delight to catch up with a number of our past members and see them playing once again.

Two of our current members were also founder members of the Club. Barbara Parker and Marion Blackhall are shown cutting the cake to mark the occasion.

18th July 2024
Club Pairs
25th July 2024
Open Pairs
1st August 2024
Open Pairs
Open Pairs
Director: Ken
Scorer: BridgeTabs
Open Pairs
Director: Alan
Scorer: BridgeTabs
Open Pairs
Director: Ivan
Scorer: BridgeTabs