Charity Event February 7th |
The Ruffians held our third Charity Evening on Wed 7th February raising funds for the Garden House Hospice in Letchworth who took such good care of two members.
The total raised was £850, matching the amount raised on the night at our second charity evening. Well done everyone!
AGM 2015 |
Minutes of the AGM are attached. We agreed to put the table fees up to £2.00 and to buy a second-hand dealing machine which we have been using since November 2015..
Table fees for 2013-2014 |
The AGM voted to keep the table fees at £1.50 for members and £3.50 for visitors.
NICKO 2013 |
 The Ruffians entered our first ever team in the National Inter-Club Knockout. A close match hinged on a few key boards with Leighton Buzzard winning. The Ruffians went on to play in the Plate competition against other first round losers but met very tough opponents - though we again put up a brave resistance with Clare making 3 slams and Barbara and Chrissy successfully stopping the opponents making another one. Many thanks to Karen, Barbara, Chrissy, Clare and Peter for their bold efforts.
The League of Ruffians |
Starting in 2012, we plan to arrange a friendly team competition with the aim of attracting a few new members.
Details are in the Members Only area, or you can contact Peter Rice (Play Director)
Charity Evening 2015 |
The Ruffians will hold our second Charity Evening on Wed 22nd April at our usual 7:30pm, raising funds for the Garden House Hospice in Letchworth who took such good care of two members.
Tickets cost £5, available from our Treasurer (Clare Rice) and Secretary (Pat Holroyd). Last year we had 18 tables and raised over £1000.
Memorial Bridge Evening |
Many thanks to all who filled the hall and made for such a memorable occasion on April 2nd to commemorate Joe Holroyd and Robin Reid, and to raise over £1000 for the Garden House Hospice.
We presented a cheque at our club session on Wednesday 16th.
Memorial Bridge Evening |
You are very likely to have played against Joe and Pat Holroyd in the past, and most of us no doubt remember well Joe, a stalwart member of the club, who passed away last year.
Pat is arranging a Memorial Bridge Evening for Joe and Robin Reid, who also died last year, and both of whom were founder members of Morden Ruffians Bridge Club. The event is in support of the Garden House Hospice in Letchworth, where they both spent their last days in its care.
As this event could be well supported, please could you all let Pat know whether or not you wish to attend, so she can make the necessary arrangements.
It is being held at Steeple Morden Village Hall on Wed 2nd April at 7:30 prompt (our usual club day and time).
Cost is £5 per player. Hope to see you there - please pass the invitation on to any occasional bridge players who might like to join us.