JANUARY 2025 |
Please read to the end.
This is a reminder that we will take 6 minutes at the beginning of the game on Saturday to honour our dearly departed bridge friends:
Caran L W June 2024; Vera May C June 2024; Dr. Nasser S June 2024; Deanna B September 2024; Sylvia F September 2024; Brenda C October 2024; Alison W December 2024; William (Bill) F December 2024; Elizabeth (Liz) M December 2024; Bella F January 2025; Dr. Allan R January 2025 (Last names are not written here out of respect for the family names)
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Duplicate Light is doing well. It's always nice to see new players. Delma Murray, who teachers Bridge Lessons at Monterey Rec Centre, will be giving lessons in the Dogwood room on Tuesdays at 11:45AM. Please arrive early to register and be ready for the lesson.
I am going away for 7 weeks and have arranged for Directors, Greeters and pregame lessons while I am gone. Please help the Tuesday greeter by giving your name when you register. Thanks. Director phone numbers are on the homepage. Please contact them by email or phone message if you will be late. Always confirm with your partners at all times that you have a game. Arrive early to register and sit quietly for the lessons at 11:45AM in the Fir room. The Holiday Roster is at the end of this email. Please note that if you don't get your scores from ACBLive right way, check the Monterey page for your results: https://www.bridgewebs.com/cgi-bin/bwor/bw.cgi?club=monterey&pid=display_past
On Saturday February 22nd, with a Bazaar at the Centre, our game will be at Windsor Park Pavilion. Bring a seat cushion; the chairs are a little hard. Bring your own coffee or beverage in closed containers. Also bring a snack for the break in the hallway. :)
A reminder: This club operates a Zero Tolerance Policy which means you are kind and mindful toward your partner, opponents, the Director, yourself and the cards. No unsolicited advice anytime during game time. Thank you for not wearing strong scents, perfumes, lotions. No open drink containers and no eating in the play area, before the game and during the break. Have your convention card visible and ready for opponents to read. Cell phones off. Have a nice game.
This is the Holiday Roster, subject to change at any time.
2025-02-01 |
2025-02-04 |
Tues DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
Jon Preston |
Ernie Tradewell |
Director |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Jill Plasteras |
2025-02-08 |
2025-02-11 |
DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Director |
Jon Preston |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Jill Plasteras |
2025-02-15 |
2025-02-18 |
DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
Karen Billett |
Ernie Tradewell |
Director |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Ruth Davies |
prep for WWP |
2025-02-22 |
2025-02-25 |
DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
No lesson |
Ernie Tradewell |
Director |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Jill Plasteras |
Location |
Windsor Park Pavillion |
2025-03-01 |
2025-03-04 |
DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Director |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Jill Plasteras |
2025-03-08 |
2025-03-11 |
DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
Ernie Tradewell |
Jon P or Ernie |
Director |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Jill Plasteras |
2025-03-15 |
2025-03-18 |
DL game lesson |
NA |
Delma Murray |
Open game lesson |
Karen Billett |
Jon P or Ernie |
Director |
Mike Roberts |
Ernie Tradewell |
Greeter |
Ernie/Maureen |
Jill Plasteras |
Nicole is back on March 21st. |
I'll be geocaching, Directing on a cruise and beaching in PV.
See you soon,
August 17 2024 ERRATA |
** Tuesday OCTOBER 15, Duplicate Light will be joining us at Windsor Park Pavillion.
** VICTORIA SECTIONAL is Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Bring your lunch for Saturday to eat outside or in the common area. Fern Cafe will be open. No game Sunday.
Please note the game changes till the end of December.

** Saturday September 14, we will be hosting a 499er game alongside the Open Game. This is on trial for a month or two, on Saturdays, hoping it attracts all players under 500 masterpoints.
** Tuesday OCTOBER 15, Duplicate Light will be joining us at Windsor Park Pavillion.
** click below for schedule:
Monterey Recreation Center 1442 Monterey Avenue, Victoria, BC V8S 4W1 PH: (250)686-5982
Hospitality: Coffee and Tea available. Bring your lunch on Saturday.
Tournament Chair: Ruth Davies tournaments@bridgevictoria.ca
Partnerships: Farhad Rohani partnerships@bridgevictoria.ca
** I am looking for a volunteer (free games) to come in and make 7 or 8 sets of boards per week, when the Douglas/Fir Room is available. As a Monterey Volunteer, you also get free coffee.
See you all at the tables.

BBO ONLINE SPECIAL GAMES: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sundays.

July 2024 Auction, Congrats, Special Games, Summer Rest, Future Cruise |
Happy Canada Day to All 
1. Auction results: Thank you to all the bidders and bid-upons, who participated in the 7th Alzheimer Auction this year. We raised a total $4,965 total. We sold 85 x $10.00 lottery tickets and picked 3 lucky winners! Good job everyone. I am open to suggestions for next year. Do we quit and/or do something else?
2. Congratulations and best of luck to our Local players who will be playing in The World Bridge Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 21 Oct - 3 Nov 2024. The two teams are:
a. Team Canada OPEN: Michael Roche and Daniel Lyder - Victoria, Brad Bart- Vancouver, Jeff Blond, Fred Gitelman and Mark Caplan from Toronto and the Non Playing Captain Bob Todd - Winnipeg
b. Team Canada SENIORS: Gordon McOrmond and Michael Hargreaves- Victoria, Dan Jacob - Vancouver, John Carruthers and Robert Lebi - Toronto, Piotr Klimowicz - Edmonton and Non playing Captain James McAvoy - Victoria
3. Summer Break: Following the example of my esteemed colleague, Bill's club, our planned and scheduled pre-game lessons are placed on hold for the summer. All instructors are taking a break for the Open Pairs and for Duplicate Light. Pre-game lessons will resume after the Labour Day Weekend.
4. Special Games at Monterey till end of 2024:

5. Special Games Online VACB240945 till the end of December 2024:

6. Windsor Park Pavillion Games will be held on these two dates:
Saturday October 19, 2024 (Bazaar at Monterey - time to declutter)
Saturday February 22, 2025 (Rummage Sale at Monterey, declutter)
7. Pictures from the New York to Iceland Sectional At Sea.
Bridge players at the Sectional, click here.
Pictures featuring Ron Smith having fun, click here.
What happens on cruise, stays on cruise 
8. May 28 2025 to June 11 2025 Vancouver-Alaska-Vancouver Sectional At Sea. 
I do not know or deal with prices, please contact John Sobel 1-954-349-2800. New prices coming out today.

Hope you have read this far.
There will be a quiz.
See you at the tables,
JUNE 2024 |
The pencils are sharpened, boards are ready and my bags are packed, ready to go... here are a few reminders/announcements:
1. June 1 is Oak Bay Tea Party Parade. Philip in front office has a message for us: Please keep in mind that a large portion of Oak Bay Avenue will be closed and a higher volume of cars in the area is expected. If coming from downtown by car, you should be able to turn right on Foul Bay, left on Granite; however, parking will likely be at more of a premium than normal. Date and Time: The parade takes place on Saturday, June 1, 2024, starting at 10:30 a.m. from Windsor Park.
2. Ace of Hearts Tournament tomorrow, May 31st, begins at 10AM. Good Luck to all those playing.
3. The Auction is live!! till June 20th, 10PM. I arrive in Victoria at 10:30PM that night so I won't be emailing anybody till the 21st. If you have done a BUY NOW, go ahead and contact your person.
4. Let's chat about last Tuesday Game/Fiasco!! The pair who arrived late had phoned the front desk in plenty of time but the very busy front desk did not deliver the message to me. The Bridgemate Program does not take kindly to the movement being changed once the game has started. Going from a Web movement (even number) to an External movement (odd number of tables) messes with the bridgemates. Thank you for your patience. You will notice that I have written the Directors' contact information on the front page. Please enter these as contacts on your phones, take a screenshot, or keep them close by. A phone call directly to the Director is often the best when you are running late because we can hear the phone over the hustle and bustle of the room. This is the list of Directors:
Ernie Tradewell 250-893-7535 ernie.tradewell1@gmail.com Tuesday June 4 and 18
Maureen Trappe 250-361-8324 Maureen.Trappe@outlook.com Duplicate Light all Tuesdays
Paul O'Brien 1-503-805-9460 pluddite@gmail.com Tuesday June 11, Saturdays June 1, 8, 15
Nicole Dupuis 250-884-5414 benicha@gmail.com as of Saturday June 22nd.
5. Remember the pre-game Announcements: This club operates a Zero Tolerance Policy which means you are kind and mindful toward your partner, opponents, the Director, yourself and the cards. Thank you for not wearing strong scents, perfumes, lotions. No open drink containers and no eating in the play area. Have your convention card visible and ready for opponents to read. Cell phones off. Have a nice game. 
See you all June 22nd. If you are going to Penticton and have a "reserved seat" at Monterey, please let Ernie or Paul know to cross off your names for Penticton week. Remember that you lose your reserved table after 12 NOON.
Thank you.
March 29 2024 Happy Easter |
Happy Easter!     
The Monterey Bridge Club is open tomorrow March 30 and Tuesday April 2nd.
It is closed on Saturday April 6th because you will be at the Sectional Tournament in Sidney. See the tournament flyer by clicking here.
We have the Memorial Games Week April 9 and 13th. This will be club championship points. (no extra charge.) We will be honoring the following friends:
Jane Kent February 2023
Michael Scott-Kerr Feb 2023
Nigel Williamson Feb 2023
Sue Foley February 2023
Barry Waldman March 2023
Emma Abrams March 2023
Mary Szarka June 2023
Gulam Vahanvati Nov 2023
Nancy Allan December 2023
Alan Filmer December 2023
The Day of Bridge will be June 22nd, after the Penticton Regional.
The Auction Site is almost ready for release. It should be release near the end of April. All volunteers from last year are being reinstated unless I hear otherwise. More volunteers and offerings are greatly appreciated. This was last year's auction site: https://www.32auctions.com/DayofBridge2023. Ensure you have an account with 32auctions.com. You will also need an account with http://joinbc.alzheimer.ca/. Don't donate right away, wait till the auction is set up. Wow, technology has truly made this Auction process a lot easier for some of us.
Thank you for your continuous support.
March 2020 CORONAVIRUS |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a new virus. Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia. Some people recover easily, others may get very sick very quickly. There is evidence that it spreads from person to person. Good hygiene can prevent infection. ( https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov)
It has come to my attention that bridge players are still not washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water when using the washrooms! In light of the recent outbreaks of the Coronavirus and the fact that we have bridge players who have traveled to Vancouver and some States in which the virus has been detected, we need to be extra vigilant!!
I will ask several things of you all:
1. If you have any kind of cough or sniffle, please carry a lots of fresh tissues. If you cannot reach your elbow to cough or sneeze, use fresh tissues, not your hands and not a reused tissue.
2. Please carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times. I have asked Monterey to please refill all Hand Sanitizer Stations but as an extra precaution, it is best to have your own as well. If you have to cough, sneeze or blow your nose, please follow through with hand sanitizer.
3. Gently remind each other. These health precautions need to become a mindful habit.
4. If you have traveled outside of Victoria, or you are in contact with someone who has, please get a medical check up to ensure you have not been in contact with the Coronavirus. Symptoms can range from mild illness to pneumonia. People with coronavirus may experience fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue, shortness of breath. If you have any of these, stay home.
5. Keep current with the latest news about the coronavirus.
Last evening dining out with friends, one of their uncles, who's graduated with a master's degree and who worked in Shenzhen Hospital (Guangdong Province, China) sent him the following notes on Coronavirus for guidance:
1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold.
2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.
5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap.
6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it.
7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice.
8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice.
10. Can't emphasize enough - drink plenty of water!
1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days
2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.
Travel advisory for Canadians: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/latest-travel-health-advice.html