Miami Valley Bridge Center
Release 2.19q
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President's Message
Midsummer Message

Dear MVBA Bridge Players,

As I write this message, we are just beginning to start July and the second half of our year.  Recently, we have had some good news:

1--Within the last two weeks, the Monday Morning, Wednesday afternoon, Friday morning, and Saturday afternoon games have had game sizes that rival "pre-pandemic" sizes...if not more.

2---Our Wednesday morning 0-50 game has attracted 3 tables each week with the promise of 2-3 more coming shortly.  Already, six of these players have played in some of the other games.

3---Our Unit financial outlook has improved tremendously compared to last year.  It is even possible with a couple of well attended tournaments, that we can be close to breaking even on the year.

4. --In the past, ACBL has awarded rebates to each unit at the beginning of the calendar year of 10% which for the MVBA generally ran around $1000.  This year the program has changed to a "5-5-5" program where ACBL only gives us a 5% rebate and then the Units have to earn the other 5% through retention of members and 5% through adding new members.  At the end of May, the MVBA was at 51% of the yearly goal.  Thanks to everybody for their hard work in achieving these goals and especially Susan Freeman for all the phone calls and emails that she has made.

5--Speaking of Susan Freeman, she is starting her third class with beginners and all of the people who have started the class are still attending.  That is fantastic!  Hopefully, they will be able to join the 0-50 game at some point.

6--We have a new sign out front to identify the Bridge Center after the last one finally bit the dust in one of our storms.  A big thanks to Jim Dearwester for taking care of this.


Coming up soon, we have quite a few tournaments in Dayton:

1--The NLM tournament is next weekend (July 6-7).  Mike Thill has worked hard on preparing for this tournament.  If you don't have a partner call Anita Brand and she will try to fix you up.

2--The Dayton Sectional for everybody is on August 9-11.  We have two new Co-Chairpersons for this tournament, Rob Bradford and JoAnne Deutsch.  Check out the first class flyer that they have prepared in the Bridge Center.

3--The next STAC tournament (Sectional Tournament at Clubs) is August 19-25.  You can play in any of our games that week at the club and get Silver Points.

4--The Columbus-Dayton Regional is September 2-8.  We are going to need some volunteers to help move tables, bridge mates, and bidding boxes back and forth between the Bridge Center and Sinclair.  Also, Ellen Holroyd will be asking for some help with hospitality.  More on both of these to come.

If you have any changes or suggestions that would make your Bridge experience better, please let me or any Board member know and we will bring it up at a Board Meeting.



May 2024
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Hi everybody! I hope that everyone is enjoying this fantastic spring weather and that this weather has gotten you in the mood to play more bridge!

Here are some of the events that have happened and are happening in the next month:

1. ..........

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April 2024
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Hi everybody!
We have many new "happenings" around the MVBA Bridge World and almost all of them are
1—Ryan Schultz’s team won the Grand National Teams Flight A and are headed to Toronto this
summer to represent District 11 at the NABC. ..........

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March 2024
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As we approach Spring and the Louisville NABC Tournament, I am happy to report that the MVBA is having (with a couple of exceptions) a great start to 2024. ..........

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February 2024
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Hi Everybody!

Welcome to 2024 at the MVBA. ..........

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