Maidenhead Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
0 0 0 0 0 0
Pages viewed in 2024
Our venue:
Cox Green Community Centre,
Highfield Lane,

Visitors are welcome - we normally operate a host system.
Recent Updates
Realbridge directors notes
29th Jun 2024 14:03 BST
Maidenhead Home Page
24th Jun 2024 16:59 BST
Partner request and comments
24th Jun 2024 16:48 BST
News & Items of Interest
23rd Jun 2024 21:12 BST
Realbridge directors notes

To run an event involves actions on Realbridge (RB), Bridgewebs (BW) and EBU. The chairman, secretary and treasurer can supply the relevant account names and passwords if it becomes necessary (e.g. if Malcolm is ill and cannot set up events). You should also read the Realbridge Director Guide for fuller details.

Prior to event (normally performed by Malcolm)

 RB  Create new event here  
 BW  Set up calendar entry, click "Calendar", select appropriate entry, scroll down to Online Bridge, Set Online Service: = "Realbridge". Fill in online Session No.: (e.g. as cs.html?p=210325128437&q=bGpLKZqLyKP8)
 BW Send email if required


Sometime before session start


Log in as Director

Click "Advanced" to give Advanced director actions. Go to "Load config file:". Import MAIDENHEAD_2.json or MAIDENHEAD_3.json (see below for contents).

Click yellow band and amend session name as e.g. "Maidenhead Jan 14"

Click the banner and edit in the director or other useful info (e.g. "Tonight's director is Malcolm, phone nnnnnn, mobile mmmmm )

Amend other settings in Advanced or Session settings as required. See next section, "Starting and running session" for advice.


Starting and running session


This spreadsheet may help in selecting a suitable movement and boards per round. Normally 3 boards 4-6 tables, 2 boards 6 1/2 tables or more. Then perform any last minute tailoring.

Session settings

scoring method - Matchpoint pairs

movement - Howell (normal for 1 winner) or Mitchell (2 winners)

Set boards per round = normally 2, but may be 3

number of rounds - Normally 12, but may be 8

Time/round - Normally 14:00 for 2 boards or 21:00 for 3 boards

Show mm:ss for next item

Click OK


Advanced director actions

EBU info - 10 Normal Club session

Club scale

Set Club name - Maidenhead BC

ID # - 206408

Click top left "X" to Close window

 RB Click + next to "n tables" a few times to increase tables to, say,  10

Click "Open Session" to allow players to now enter this session.

Output suitable messages and publish using "ANNOUNCE".

 RB Click - next to "n tables" to reduce tables to all complete or only one half table.
 RB Click "Start Session"
 RB Add in another pair or table if late pairs turn up. Only until the end of round one. You may need to give assigned scores for one or more boards.
 RB When convenient (suggest during round 1), Click on "Advanced", click ">", click the downward arrow against "Select player to edit". You should get a list of current players in the form "Firstname Lastname#EBUnumber" (e.g. "Malcolm Burch#123456"). Scroll down and select any entry not in this form. Edit it to be correct. Note that it is very important to get names correct, they are a nuisance to amend on Bridgewebs. EBU numbers are less important, they are relatively easy to resolve during the EBU P2P upload (provided the name is correct).

Post event

 RB Make any score correction required (e.g. mis-claims and judgement rulings)
 RB Click the USEBIO button and export the 3 files, 
  • USEBIO 1.2 file
  • USEBIO 1.2 file with play (LIN data inside the USEBIO file)
  • PBN file

Import the USEBIO file (including LIN in the name) and the PBN

 EBU  Import the USEBIO file (without LIN in the name) to MyEBU, resolve player queries.
 RB Amend any results in light of appeals etc. Repeat previous actions.
 RB Destroy the session after a day or so (once you know no score amendments needed).


Sample json files, save somewhere suitable


  "name": "Maidenhead BC dd mmm",
  "scoring_method": 6,
  "boards_per_round": 2,
  "num_rounds": 12,
  "num_tables": 10, 
  "time_per_round": 840,
  "time_display": 1,
  "club_name": "Maidenhead BC",
  "club_id_number": "206408",
  "ebu_charge_code": 10,
  "ebu_masterpoint_scale": 1, 
  "table_announcements": [{
            "round": "all",
            "html": "

Welcome to Maidenhead

Last week's winners, click here .

See banner at top for the director this week. Directors contact details -

Malcolm ( 01628 629979 mob: 07472 377019 ).

Bryn ( phone: 01628 785257 ).

Les ( mob: 07769 848888 ).

Tom ( 01628 632127 mob: 07906 276671 ).

UNDOs are allowed during the auction only for Misclicks ie for unintended calls, and not for a change of mind about a bid. Opponents are normally expected to accept.

To reduce the possibility of misclicks please set the Input Style in Settings to 'Two taps (tablet)' or 'Double click (mouse)'.

UNDOs for misclicks are not allowed during the play of the cards.

Please note, if you are a sitout on Round one, DO NOT wander off. Just in case a late pair joins.

"             }     ] }



  "name": "Maidenhead BC dd mmm",
  "scoring_method": 6,
  "boards_per_round": 3,
  "num_rounds": 8,
  "num_tables": 10, 
  "time_per_round": 1260,
  "time_display": 1,
  "club_name": "Maidenhead BC",
  "club_id_number": "206408",
  "ebu_charge_code": 10,
  "ebu_masterpoint_scale": 1, 
  "table_announcements": [{
            "round": "all",
            "html": "

Welcome to Maidenhead

Last week's winners, click here .

See banner at top for the director this week. Directors contact details -

Malcolm ( 01628 629979 mob: 07472 377019 ).

Bryn ( phone: 01628 785257 ).

Les ( mob: 07769 848888 ).

Tom ( 01628 632127 mob: 07906 276671 ).

UNDOs are allowed during the auction only for Misclicks ie for unintended calls, and not for a change of mind about a bid. Opponents are normally expected to accept.

To reduce the possibility of misclicks please set the Input Style in Settings to 'Two taps (tablet)' or 'Double click (mouse)'.

UNDOs for misclicks are not allowed during the play of the cards.

Please note, if you are a sitout on Round one, DO NOT wander off. Just in case a late pair joins.

"             }     ] }