Loreburn Bridge Club
Release 2.19r


 Loreburn Bridge Club

Next committee meeting 

Wednesday 16th Oct. 2024

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Card Dealer Rota
25th Sep 2024 22:58 BST
Rotas for running events
19th Sep 2024 16:56 BST
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Rotas for running events


Opening Club / Collecting Money    

TD. Monthly Rota                   

Scorer. Monthly Rota                    

 Person to contact if you can't fulfil your commitment         

Kitty Krkaldy


Margaret Brydson


Abbie Robertson


Sandra Schneider 

Margaret Brydson

Jo Lauder


Sandra Schneider 

Margaret Brydson


Swap with someone else

Contact a committee member if there are any problems



Janette Fraser


Jean Mason 

Elaine Whitehead

Wk 1.Margaret Brydson

Wk 2.Denise Kearney

Wk 3. Denise Barker

Wk 4.Ian Fraser.

Wk 5. Whoever is available

Wk 1.Margaret Brydson

Wk 2. Denise Kearney

Wk 3. Denise Barker

Wk 4. Whoever is available

Wk 5. Whoever is available

Swap with someone else

Contact a committee member if there is a problem



Pauline Thorp


Hilary Jack

Linda Bellwood

Wk 1. Sheena Wilson

Wk 2. Sandra Schneider

Wk 3. Denise Kearney

Wk 4. Maggie Anderson

Wk 5. Whoever is available

Wk 1. Sandra Schneider

Wk 2. Denise Kearney

Wk 3.Hlary Jack

Wk 4.Denise Barker

Wk 5. Whoever is available

Swap with someone else.

Contact a committee member if any problems


Eileen Cowan


Sandra Schneider

Eileen Cowan

Bob Gibson 

Abbie Robertson

To be agreed on the night

Sandra Schneider

Margaret Brydson

To be agreed on the night