Llanbrighton Bridge Union
Release 2.19r
Expires 30th November 2024
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4th Sep 2024 17:54 BST
About LlanBrighton
4th Sep 2024 16:17 BST
What The Players Say
3rd Sep 2024 19:33 BST
3rd Jun 2024 15:45 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024

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What The Players Say
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Why are the players excited to go back to Brighton?

We asked some of the players who have played in Brighton in the past and who hope to come this time around for their thoughts:

"Back to Brighton, simply the best place in the country to hold a bridge congress. Beach or shopping in The Lanes in the morning, huge range of restaurants for dinner, and clubbing in the evening for the younger crowd – what's not to like?" - Brian Senior

"A welcome development for bridge in the UK" - Tom Townsend

"Time to relive the old days but with additional Welshness. This is the best thing ever!!!!" - Eve Ewington

"Looking forward to Janet's Jungle Juice!" - Sean Mekie

“It is great to see Bridge return to its spiritual home in the UK. Hopefully Oli and the Dragon team can bring back the annual Bridge pilgrimage to Brighton!” - James Thrower 

"After a long hiatus, I'm very much looking forward to another chance to play summer bridge in Brighton at Oli's Congress. Fun at the table and away for it should make for a great time" - Simon Cope

“Bendigedig!”  Andrea Knox


Last updated : 3rd Sep 2024 19:33 BST