This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
The Lisvane Livewires march on |
We have now played four matches, out of six, in EWBA League 3. The Livewires have won three of these matches and lost one - a very satisfactory start to our league entry. We now lie second in the division out of seven teams. Promotion beckons but is unlikely. Well done folks!
Last updated : 14th Feb 2025 09:05 GMT |
Dave Williams |
We now have the sudden and unexpected news that Dave Williams, husband of Catherine, has passed away. Catherine, of course, is a stalwart member of the club and I am sure we would all want to extend our deepest sympathy to her at this time. Dave played with Catherine for a numbers of years but was not a very keen bridge player; he acted more of a support person to Catherine. Latterly, when she used to act as host, Dave would always come along, play if required, but otherwise go home - a great service to the club at the time. We all loved Dave because he was such an affable person.
Catherine would like to thank everyone for their condolences and kind words which described Dave so well, and which she found so comforting. Dave did not want a funeral but, as a family, they have decided to have a 'celebration of life' which will take place once Stuart, their son, has beaten his leukemia. This will not happen for some time as Stuart has still a long road to go. He will shortly be having a cell transplant after a 4th session of chemo, his sister Denise is the donor, so Stuart, Denise and Catherine are constantly back and forth to the Heath Hospital and Llandough Hospital. As soon as there is a date we will let you know, Catherine looks forward to seeing you all once things are resolved.
Last updated : 22nd Jan 2025 19:29 GMT |
Realbridge sessions open to bridge players from all clubs - every Thursday at 19.00. |
Realbridge Sessions
Lisvane Realbridge sessions are open to all bridge players. You do not have to be a Lisvane member in order to play - players from any club can take part. There is now one regular Realbridge session per week - Thu at 19.00. Realbridge is very inexpensive to run so the cost is only £1 per person per session. Players who are not Lisvane members are asked to pay £5 to play for the 2024-25 year (Apr 1 - Mar 31). See main menu for Payments arrangements.
IMPORTANT: In order to facilitate the running of these sessions please book your place at the session using Find a Partner/Booking. The Booking procedure is explained under Booking Instructions.
Login to this session at least 15 min before the start of the session.
Home Page top right - if Thu is next session in Calendar click on "Realbridge login"
Last updated : 19th Dec 2024 14:58 GMT |