Lines Bridge Club (Saffron Walden)
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Welcome to Lines Bridge Club (Saffron Walden)
Web Site
Web Site

Welcome to the Lines Bridge Club (Saffron Walden).  We are a very friendly bridge club that aims to cater for players of all standards.  We have two meetings each week on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday evenings.

Tuesday afternoon sessions start at 1.30 pm.  These are ideal for those new to duplicate bridge, although all members are welcome.  These sessions have returned to Face to Face, normally at Saffron Walden Bowls Club in Abbey Lane but, on occasions when this venue is unavailable, at Wicken Bonhunt Community Hall.  We usually play 21 or 22 boards.

Thursday evening sessions start at 7.30 pm. These are currently online (Real Bridge), 20 boards

We also have a number of teaching sessions.

Members are asked to arrive 10 minutes advance of the start time, regardless of format.


Beginners Bridge Course starting September 2024

The Club will be running a Beginners Bridge Course on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 at the Bowls Club in Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden.  The course will start on Tuesday 3 September 2024 and run through to the end of May 2025.  If you are interested in learning to play please contact Gordon Scott either by email or on 01799 525728 for further details.

How do I top up my account with the Club?

Payments are generally made by online transfer to the Club's account at Metro Bank (23-05-80, 40666915, Lines Bridge Club). This is a business account and you may get a message saying that it isn't possible to verify the details but, provided you have checked the sort code and account number, this will be fine.  If you can't make an online payment please contact Gordon to discuss alternatives.

To view your balance, log in via the 'Membership' link and select 'Payments A/C"..

18th July 2024
23rd July 2024
Bowls Club 1.30pm
25th July 2024
Director: Gordon Scott
Scorer: Gordon Scott
Director: Gordon Scott
Scorer: Gordon Scott
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Gordon Scott