Tip No. 7
This tiime I would like to look at bidding to push the opponents higher than they would like to go.
♠ A J 9 4 Dealer West
♡ 7 All vulnerable
♢ A 9 5 3
♠ Q 10 7 2 ♣ 9 7 6 4 ♠ K 3
♡ J 10 6 5 4 ♡ K 9 8 3 2
♢ 10 4 ♢ Q 8 6
♣ K 5 ♠ 8 6 5 ♣ A 10 3
♡ A Q
♢ K J 7 2
♣ Q J 8 2
East opened 1H. I was South and Doubled. This is a take out double; I would prefer my points to be in the other three suits rather than the opponent’s, but I often find it is best to dive in early with the bidding. West, Albie, bid 2H showing a weak hand with support for his partner. My partner, John, bid 2S showing at least four spades and some values, because now West has taken the double out John is no longer obliged to bid. East passed, as did I because I have shown my hand in one go with my double. Albie bid 3H because he doesn’t want to let us play at the 2-level. He does not necessarily think he will make the contract because he has so few points but is holding five of his partner’s hearts so they have a combined heart holding of at least nine, so it is not unreasonable to bid for nine tricks. This is known as the “Law of Total Trumps”. This pushed John to bid 3S. This is a bit bold as he can only expect me to have three spades. However, it proved to be the correct contract as he rather cleverly made nine tricks. Our opponents did well to push us higher than we wanted to go but were unlucky that we managed to make the contract. The important thing here is to not let the opponents play at the 2-level if you can help it. If we had left them in 2H they would have gone one down to give us only 100 points instead of the 140 we would make by playing in 2S+1 or 3S.
Contact June Booty on 07846 397875 or junetaplin@live.co.uk for information about Bridge classes.