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31st Jan 2025 14:41 GMT
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Tip No.8

This time I would like to look at a hand that was played at my local bridge club which shows how pre-emptive bidding makes things difficult for the opponents.

                                      ♠    -                                       Dealer East

                 ♡   A 10 7 3                          N-S vulnerable

                 ♢   A K 10 4                        

♠  K Q J 10 7 6 4          ♣   Q J 9 3 2              ♠    9 8 5 2

  K J                                                                Q 4

  7 6 3                                                             J 5

♣  8                               ♠    A 3                      ♣   10 7 6 5 4

                 ♡   9 8 6 5 2

                    Q 9 8 2

                 ♣   A K

East passed and now South has a difficult decision.  Should he open 1H or 1NT?  Generally you should not open 1NT with a 5-card major but this is such a poor suit.  However, I still think that 1H is a better opening than 1NT because when making your rebid you intend to bid 2D showing an unbalanced hand, usually with 5 or more hearts and 4 or more diamonds.  This South, however, opened 1NT and West found an amazing overcall of 4S.  This is a pre-emptive bid, usually showing 8 spades, but the bid really made life really tricky for North who now has several options.  He can double, which would be for penalties.  He could bid 4NT, which would be for take out.  He could bid 5C, which would be to play, although this is probably the least desirable choice even though he knows partner has at least two clubs.  If double is selected South will No Bid and the contract will go two down, giving N-S a score of 300 points.  If 4NT is bid South will reply 5H and, if North passes, will make 12 tricks giving N-S 680 points.  Should North be silent though?  West has made it impossible for N-S to investigate a slam scientifically so North should probably bid 6H after partner’s 5H bid; this is a bit of a punt but given partner’s opening bid is a very good shot.  This would make and give N-S 1430 points.

Contact June Booty on 07846 397875 or for information about Bridge classes.