Leighton Buzzard Bridge Club
Release 2.19o
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Accounts 2022

2022 accounts for L.B.B.C.







Hospice at Home

Swiss Charity Pairs Event

Peter and Judi Malpass presenting a cheque to Hospice at Home with the proceeds of our charity pairs event.

Charity Events

Charity Events

Thanks to all who have joined us during the past couple of weeks.

Firstly, our Swiss Pairs event raised £362.20 for the Hospice at Home charity. The winners of the event may be pleased to know that previous holders of the Charity Pairs trophy have recently discovered it under their bed so perhaps this year’s winners Chris Watson and Ian Wilson would be advised to hold the trophy “virtually” to avoid similar mishaps. Well done guys!

The Children in Need event has raised £270 so far and the leading pairs overall are Bob Brown and Peter M and Tom Tomaszczyk and Ann Rooke. Again thanks for your efforts in supporting a worthy cause. 


We operate with MK and Regis clubs so that we can offer bridge on Monday to Friday evenings by sharing our resources and offering free access to each club's membership and guests. The essence of this is that the bridge will be friendly and inclusive of all levels of ability. An umbrella website B O A (bridge online alliance) where all events can be seen but each club will retain it's own identity.

We  have PLAYING directors so we would remind all of you that the Club's ethos is that friendly bridge is the norm at LBBC so director calls are rarely appropriate except if an issue cannot be amicably resolved by discussion at the table. Please see Information and click Appeals and GDPR. 

Click here to register  (with BOA - required for billing)

LBBC Chairman's Report 2023


We have not reported formally since F2F bridge ceased although annual financial statements for each year are posted on the website.

We need now to make some Constitutional decisions and I seek your assistance in formulating actions to bring the organisation up to date.

Current Situation:

1 We are financially strong having reserves of £6k and are generating £1k pa surplus. We are currently taking action to place these reserves in interest bearing accounts.

2 By default we have evolved into an online club and have attendees from far and wide and are using the services of BOA and RealBridge. We have no plans to change this. We currently average 12 tables each week and the bridge is competent and is played in a good spirit. We do not offer additional competitions since our observations are that it often results in lower attendances than a straightforward weekly challenge.

3 Our current committee has reduced following the move from F2F and consists now of a core of 5 active members who communicate by email. (Messrs Malpass x2, Penny Bligh, Colin O’Hara, Andrew Mason). Our directors are the above plus David Gilmore and few issues occur other than with connectivity from time to time. We are grateful to Derek Marsh and John Bateman who are there in the wings with technical support of a very high standard.

4 Our Constitution has not evolved since F2F ceased and the first issue is “who is a member?” Technically I suppose it is those who have paid a subscription and remain active participants in the club.

5 We could not easily convene a meeting to discuss the way ahead so we would wish to seek views in a different way since your Chairman also lacks the skills to organise an online meeting.

Actions needed

6 We need to confirm our future direction. Some of us have proposed a closer association with the other members of BOA but that is within their gift rather than ours.

7 We need to decide who will be our voting forum (if required) for the future and although we do not need funds, should we introduce “membership” for our new friends?

8 What should we do with our reserves?

9 Given the close friendship of our committee, can we find additional or replacement talent to take us forward? Due to the technology, running a Bridge Club is not a difficult job but it is important to have a wider spread of talent than we currently have. We do not need (in my view) bridge experts - social and personal empathy is preferred.

Your actions

Please send me by email if you can, any thoughts you have on what our future plans should include.

If you are able to assist by joining the committee or taking higher office please let me know.

I will produce a further report after receipt of your thoughts.

With thanks and regards

Peter Malpass (Chairman)   Reply to

Partner Required

If you would like us to try and find a partner for you

please call our treasurer Judi on

01296 681583, 07887775006 

or email


15th July 2024
Director: Penny Bligh
22nd July 2024
Summer Sim Pairs
Director: Judi Malpass
29th July 2024
Director: Peter Malpass
5th August 2024
Director: Colin O'Hara
RealBridge at Leighton Buzzard 8/07
Director: Colin O'Hara
RealBridge at Leighton Buzzard 01/07
Director: Penny Bligh
RealBridge at Leighton Buzzard 24/06
Director: Andrew Mason
RealBridge at Leighton Buzzard 17/06
Director: Peter Malpass