Wednesday Duplicate Bridge at the Club |
 The only change at Lansdowne will be lower table money and NO refreshments.
Lansdowne Bridge Club plays face to face duplicate at the Club on every Wednesday evening. We met from 6:30pm, start play at 7pm promptly, and aim to finish by 10:15pm. Please register by Monday beforehand - links in Calendar on right of this page or in circular email - or via email Robin at
We are using BriAn App for the scoring on our mobiles. Slot is "LANS". Click Info BriAn app
Full schedule for coming months in calendar click. Table money £6 (Members) / £8 (Friends). No refreshments are provided, but you can order sandwiches and drinks at the Courtyard bar.
If any questions please email Robin at
Lansdowne Online on Tuesdays |
Dominic runs an online duplicate game for Lansdowne members and friends on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. There is no need to pre-register. Click here for link to Dominic's Bridgewebs link page. Dominic is available for help with immediate post mortem on a hand.
We use Realbridge, rather than BBO, so you can see your partner and opponents on live stream.
Beinners' Bridge Sessions |
Hurlingham RealBridge Tuesdays |
Hurlingham Club is running a weekly bridgesession on RealBridge every Tuesday 6pm. Lansdowne Players are invited to play.
The session is free and no need to preregister. We play 18 boards.
Link for session every week is (click below)
Realbridge Hurlingham Club Tuesdays 6pm
Contact |
 9 Fitzmaurice Place,
London W1J 5JD
Club Website:
Using BriAn |
 We use BriAn for scoring. You can download this app from your app Store / Play Store onto your smartphone. Robin can help you in setting up, although it is relatively easy and intuitive. Further guidance can be sought from:
BriAn User Guide
and a quick tips paper from Bridgewebs