Lancashire Contract Bridge Association
Release 2.19r
LOP Open
Scorer: Mitch
LOP Open
Scorer: Mitch
LOP Open
Scorer: Mitch
Fri 30th August 2024
Sat 31st August 2024
Mon 2nd September 2024
LOP Open
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30th Aug 2024 15:45 BST
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29th Aug 2024 18:46 BST
Matches 2024
Matches A Team 2024
The following teams have been selected for the NBL A matches in 2024.
The NBL matches are all on RealBridge and start at 10.30am. The £6 match fee will be deducted from your LCBA account.
July 13 2024    
  B Alston & Colin Mitchell               
  R Bentley & P Hepworth
  S Woodcock & S Clarke
  M Tomlinson (Capt) & L Smith
  Reserves: D Hilton & D Fazackerley
Aug 17 2024
  B Alston & A Petrie
  J Brearley & A Lum
  D Hilton & D Fazackerley
  M Fay & S Clarke
Sept 14 2024
  R Bentley & P Hepworth
  M Tomlinson & L Smith
  M Fay & S Clarke
  J & A Wilkins (Capt)
  Reserves: B Alston & C Mitchell
Oct 19 2024
  J Brearley (Capt) & A Lum
  D Hilton & A Petrie
  M Farr & M Nicholson
  M Fay & S Woodcock
  Reserves:R Bentley & P Hepworth
Matches B Team 2024
The following teams have been selected, together with reserves. If a reserve, please keep the day free- last year it was hard work finding last minute replacements! The £6 match fee will be deducted from your LCBA account. Please let me know if are not able to play. All matches are on RealBridge with 10.30am start.
Sat 13th July 2024
S Challinor & A Kirby
A Lum & D Costich
A & V Petrie                                                   Reserves J & A Wilkins
J & J Brearley (Capt)                                                        J Morrell & A Whittam
Sat 17th Aug 2024
S Challinor (capt) & A Kirby
B Irlam & P Hepworth
J Morrell & A Whittam
S Woodcock & N Kenyon                       Reserves J Dearing & P Richmond
Sat 14th Sept 2024
S Challinor & A Kirby
D Costich & A Lum (capt)
O Cowan & S Berson                               Reserves S Woodcock & N Kenyon
J Morrell & A Whittam                                             J & J Brearley
Sat 19th Oct 2024
J Dearing & P Richmond
M Blake (Capt) & S Bentley
J & A Wilkins
J Morrell & A Whittam                          
Matches C Team 2024


the NBL matches are all on RealBridge and start at 10.30 am. The £6 match fee will be deducted from your LCBA account.
July 13 2024
Deb Fairweather - Linda Hinchin
Gwen Beattie - Steve Gregson (capt)
Marilyn Blake - Steve Bentley
Cath Ashworth - Sheila Judd
Reserves : Julie Adshead - Paul worswick
Aug 17 2024
Veronica Petrie - Ian Edwards (capt)
Judy Brearley  -  Helen Dent
Steve Bentley - Kenny Broadbent
Gwen Beattie - Brian Apfel
Sept 14 2024
Stephen Fanning - Brian Perry
Marilyn Blake - Kenny Broadbent
Ian Edwards - Helen Dent (capt)
Elizabeth Fewster - Liz Hall
Reserves : Deb Fairweather - Linda Hinchin
Oct 19 2024
Judy Brearley - Philip Meadowcroft
Julie Adshead - Paul Worswick
Stephen Fanning - Brian Perry
David Ackhurst - Michael Rushworth (capt)
Reserves : Gwen Beattie - Brian Apfel
Lancs v Manchester Sunday 30th June 2024 Start 12noon

Lancashire v Manchester Sunday 30th June 12noon at Bolton BC 4 Chorley Old Road, Bolton BL1 3AA

Open Team

B Loveridge – M Tomlinson
N Sutcliffe – D Costich
J Brearley – A Lum
J Wilkins – A Wilkins
N Woodcock – S Fjortoft
S Woodcock – M Fay
J High Team
M Blake – S Bentley
E Fewster – L Hall
J Adshead – P Worswick
V Petrie – I Edwards
K Stewart – C Colson
J & S Dootson
Reserve  M Rushworth – D Akhurst


Lancs v Cumbria 29th Sep 2024

The match Lancashire v Cumbria on 29th September 2024 start 1pm will be held at St Herbert's Social Centre, 25 High Hill, Keswick CA12 5NY.

The team selected is-
Marilyn Blake & Steve Bentley
Kenny Broadbent & Rob Burnside
Elizabeth Fewster & Liz Hall
Keith Stewart & Charlie Colson
Oliver Cowan & Stephen Berson
Nick Sutcliffe & Bob Loveridge
Stuart Clarke & Mike Fay
Jeff & Ann Wilkins
Andrew & Veronica Petrie
Judy & John Brearley (capt)
There is no match fee for this away match.
If you find that you are not available, please contact either Marilyn (07925 123866) or myself (07948 513863)