Knutsford U3A Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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7th Jul 2024 14:14 BST
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We play on Friday mornings at Toft Cricket Club from 1000 hrs until 12.30

We have a Whatsapp Group for partner matching messages

There is a £25 membership fee collected every 6 months. You also need to be a current U3A paid up member.

New players are welcome but need to come with a partner,  You cannot just turn up and play.

We do have a Whatsapp Group - so new players can join that and maybe find a partner for the odd weeks, but a regular partner is better.









Weak Twos

There is a new item on Weak Twos.  They happen more often than Strong Twos

You can find out how to get in the best Contract Suit or NT
