Stan Johnston
Handicap |
Minnis Cup
for Inter B players |
Fitzgerald Plate |
NIBU Interclub 1A
NIBU Interclub 2A
NIBU Interclub 3A
NIBU Interclub 4A
Celtic Sims Spring
Celtic Sims Winter
Other Events
W i n n i n g P a i r s |
H i g h e s t R a n k i n g C l u b M e m b e r s |
2024/25 |
2023/24 |
Anna McDowell & Lillian Forsythe
Jacky Marks & Jane Barton |
George Harper & Penny Montgomery |
Penny Montgomery & Helen Priestly 8th |
Penny Montgomery & George Harper 36th |
Hilda Percival-Price & Anne Hughes 3rd |
Hilda Percival-Price & Anne Hughes 4th |
Not Played |
Not Played |
2022/23 |
Bill Perceval Price & Kate Spencer
Jacqui Bloch & Susan Rasmussen |
Lesley Agar & Sally Cheyne |
Not played |
Hilda Perceval-Price & Sue Cunningham 18th |
Hilda Perceval-Price & Anne Hughes 8th |
Hilda Perceval-Price & Anne Hughes 11th |
Not Played |
Not played |
2018/19 |
George Bloch & Helen Priestly |
Susan Rasmussen & Jacqui Bloch |
Hilda Perceval-Price & Anne Hughes |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter with 61.39% |
Penny Montgommery & George Harper with 63.73% |
Susan Rasmussen & Jacqui Bloch with 60.08% |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter with 60.41% |
Not Played |
Not Played |
2017/2018 |
Christine Harper & Nicola Lowry |
Elaine Mulvenna & Bill Ellis |
Lesley Agar & Sally Cheyne |
Hilda & Bill Perceval Price 3rd with 67.03%
Patricia Douglas & Patricia Hyland 16th with 59.87% |
Heather Booth & Marion Lewis 12th with 61.78% |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter 4th with 62.55% |
Not played |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter 46th with 57.84% |
IBU Sims
Joy McVeigh & Allison Ellis 35th with 63.64%
2016/2017 |
Jacky Marks & Rosemary Lowry |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter |
Liz Thomas & Gail Minnis |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter 11th with 60.53% |
Paddy Dines & Gerry Fitzgerald 18th with 60.19% |
Marion Stevenson & Gerry Fitzgerald 4th with 65.02%
Sally Cheyne & Lesley Agar 6th with 65.77% |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter 11th with 61.40% |
Not Played |
2015/2016 |
Helen Priestly & George Bloch |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter |
Patrick Dynes & Gerald Fitzgerald |
Caroline Moorhead & Julie Mackie, 6th with 66.5%
Lynne Cooke & Joyce Scott, 10th with 61%
not played |
Marion Stevenson
& Irene Holland,12th with 60.5%
Liz Thomas & Gail Minnis were 2nd with 69%
Liz Thomas & Gail Minnis were 30th with 59.6%
Our team drawn from Jacky Marks, Rosemary Lowry, Caroline and Colin Moorhead, Vivienne Linter, Liz Johnston, Susan Rasmussen, Anna McDowell, Robert Sweetnam Won the NIBU Inter B League
Bill & Norma Perceval-Price represented Ulster province and won as part of a 12 man team.
2014/2015 |
Norma & Bill Perceval-Price |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter |
Norma & Bill Perceval-Price |
Caroline Moorhead & Julie Mackie
Heather Booth & Marion 3rd with 66% |
Paddy Dynes & Gerry Fitzgerald 8th with 64% |
Gail Minnis & Helen Priestly 16th with 60% |
2013/2014 |
Anne Hughes & Hilda Perceval-Price |
Caroline Moorhead & JulieMackie |
Patrick Dynes & Gerald Fitzgerald |
Colin Moorhead & Vivienne Linter were 14th overall with 61% |
Irene Holland & Helen Priestly were 9th overall with 63% |
Bill Perceval-Price & David Lawther were 8th overall with 66% |
Bill and Norma Perceval-Price with 20th overall with 59.8% |
2012/2013 |
Jacky Marks & Rosie Lowry |
n/a |
2011/2012 |
David Scott & Michael Patterson |
Helen Priestly & Irene Holland |
n/a |