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At the recent Annual General Meeting of the club, committee officers were confirmed as follows:

Chairman - Gary Upton

Secretary - Viv Journeaux

Treasurer - Julie Napier

Click on this link Draft AGM Minutes 24th April 2023.pdf to see the draft minutes of the AGM


Kettering Bridge Club has its own impressive premises which were extended and updated a few years ago. 
We have two comfortable rooms: 
The upstairs area has room for fifteen tables
Downstairs there are seven tables

Upstairs 16 tables
Upstairs 16 tables
Downstairs 7 Tables
Downstairs 7 Tables
Manning Trophy Rules

Rules 2022-23 John Manning Cup

a) This competition is a teams event, played monthly usually on the last Thursday of the month.

b) The teams will be four nominated players all of whom must be members. Teams must be nominated by informing the director before play on the night - it need not be the first event.

c) A nominated player may not subsequently play for any other team in that year, unless the team for which he was nominated has officially withdrawn from the competition (see rule (j)).

d) Any number of substitutes may play for a nominated team. A substitute may play for different teams during the season. Playing as a substitute does not prevent someone becoming a nominated member of a new team. Substitutes must be members of the club. Non-members of the club will invalidate a team's score.

e) Individual events will be scored by total IMPS, converted to VP's on the standard scale if 6 teams or less are competing.

f) Final scores will be calculated as the lowest available sum of 5 positions from the 9 monthly heats.

g) The winners will be the team with the lowest such total.

h) A team must play in at least 5 heats to win the trophy.

i) If the number of events is reduced, the qualifying number is reduced by the same number and rules (f), (g) and (h) amended accordingly.

j) Disbanded teams – nominated players may substitute for other teams once written notice withdrawing the team from the competition has been given to a committee member, provided that the team disbanding has played no more than three events. Members of a withdrawn team may not subsequently register as nominated players in a new team.

k) This competition does not stop other teams and players from playing in individual events: they are welcome to do so but cannot count a score for the competition by entering it retrospectively.
) EBU Partnership Understanding - Level Four.

John Manning Plate.

a) This competition is run in conjunction with the John Manning Cup event described above, and all those terms of reference apply equally to the Plate competition

b) Once the result of the monthly Cup competition is known, and the results communicated to the EBU for masterpoints and NGS processing, the event will be rescored, applying a handicap to each team based on its total NGS ranking on the night.

c) Each team will receive or give 0.15 imps per board, multiplied by the difference between the two team’s total NGS ranking.

d) If 7 or more teams are competing on the night, the total handicap of each team, plus or minus, will be applied as a one off figure for each team. If fewer than seven teams, (where IMPS are converted to Victory Points,) then each match will be individually adjusted.

e) The NGS rankings will be taken from the monthly list obtained from the EBU.

f) The handicap figures for each team, against each other team, will be prominently displayed during each evening, based on the NGS rankings of the players actually playing on the evening

Team Squads
Team Captains & Squads for 2021/2022



 A Team    B Team
Tim Durdin


Gary Upton

Daniel Baines   Terry Journeaux

Chris Wormleighton


Viv Journeaux

Mark Hodgson   Jenny Hall
Robert Miller   Johnnie Powell
Simon Few   Joan O'Sullivan
Graham Dolby