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Wraight Cup
Wraight Handicap Cup

The Wraight Handicap Cup is contested twice a year, in Spring and Autumn.

Handicaps are based on NGS on the night.

The competition is open to all inexperienced players competing regularly F2F on Mondays/Tuesdays. To qualify, both players must be inexperienced - i.e. be ranked below the rank of Advanced Master (7500 master points) or of equivalent standing at the time of the competition - and must have played as members on at least five previous occasions over the previous six months.

Previous Winners
  Autumn Spring
2024-25 Shaffin Jaffer and Ken Orford   
2023-24 Helen Finch and Moira Williams Bernard Houssin & Bob Churchward
2022-23 Judith Johnston and Anne Urquhart Hilary Pickup and Jackie Beavon
2021-22 Bob Stow and Philip Hoyle Philip Hoyle and Richard Bird
2020-21 Not held (because of Covid-19 pandemic) Catherine and Roger Preston
2019-20 Grant Bramwell and Jackie Beavon Hilary Parker and Gay Talbot
2018-19 Steven Barron and Andrew Peill Peter Goulding and Christine Ord-Smith
2017-18 Philip Hoyle and Richard Bird Janice Hornby and Janice Mitchell
2016-17 Philip Hoyle and Andrew Peill Robert Boyd and John Nicholls
2015-16 Lynne and Ian Dodsworth Hilary Parker and Gay Talbot
2014-15 Catherine Walne and Fred Thornton Ian Hatton and Brian Smith
2013-14 John Nicholls and Brian Pollard Jill Jagger and Avril Dobson
2012-13 Ian Hatton and Brian Smith Joan Fox and Pat Thompson
2011-12 Margaret and Dennis Pook Gay Talbot & Bill Tippett
2010-11 Judith Johnston and Brian Pollard Grant Bramwell and Ian Hatton
2009-10 Janice Mitchell and Janice Wilkinson Mary Cross and Laura Watson
2008-09 Jeanne and Harry Salisbury Carol Wood and Avril Dobson
2007-08 Gay Talbot and Barbara Webb Anne Truelove and Kath Jasper
2006-07   Peter and Jacce Jeffreys