Another steady week – but NO grand slams bid or additions to the 70% club – you’re not trying hard enough!! A warm welcome back to Audrey & Bill and, also to three visitors – Carol, and Marian & Steef from Holland.
Social bridge was held last Thursday with three tables, with one more Thursday in March organised – everyone welcome, inc visitors, for a friendly game of bridge – start at 2pm finish at 5pm – partner NOT needed.
Good to hear that some more of our Brexiteer members are on their way back over the next couple of weeks.
The Committee Meeting Bulletin is now on the noticeboard and, also available on the website.
Sign-up sheets are now up for our VE Day Celebratory Tournament on 8th May – followed by cava and tapas; and, also for our Quiz night on Saturday 24th May.

If you have any signs of a cold or a cough, please stay away from the Club – we have several vulnerable members. Also, we would remind you to dress accordingly - bring a cardigan, jacket, or shawl with these colder temperatures.

Bridge bookings for w/c 24th & 31st March are now open – slots available - you can e-mail the Club, use the sign-up sheets in the Clubhouse or TURN UP WITH A PARTNER BEFORE 2.00 LATEST. If you have signed up, please be at the club by 2.15pm.

Friday April 11th - Committee Meeting
Monday April 21st – Easter Tournament
Thursday 8th May – VE Day Celebratory Tournament
Saturday May 10th – AGM
Saturday 24th May – Quiz
Saturday 7th June – Summer Party

The following have birthdays in the second half of March – happy birthday to Anne Muir on the 28th and Edda on the 29th.
Janet’s cards are for sale, in aid of "Caritas", at the Club and she has re-stocked her cards at Polly’s Book shop in the Port, Audrey’s are just available at the Club.