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EBED Sim Pairs

Tuesday 3 September

7.00 BBO, BBO$8

7.15 at the Club, 1 x voucher + £3

Wednesday 4 September

1.30 at the Club, 1 x voucher + £3



Thursday 26 September 7.15

20 boards


Nibbles and time for a chat

Help organising these sessions would be much appreciated

Please reserve your place so we know how many to cater for


Sunday 29 September, 11.00-3.00

Learned in last 5 years and NGS 5 or below

Level 2 systems only

Prizes for

Year one students

Years two - three

Years four to five

£20 per pair to inc lunch

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Sunday 3 November

36 boards 

11am to approx 4.30pm


In aid of Horsham Community Fridge
Helping stop food waste

We'd really appreciate any offers to bring sandwiches or cake

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Sunday 17 Nov, 11am

Teams of 4

Play with each of your teammates

Normal table money

Refreshments provided

Members only

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Sunday 8 December, 11.am

Our mixed pairs championship

All play all

Sandwiches and cake provided

1 x voucher

Members only


Teaching - Our Lessons

Our classes.  Something for everyone.

For Beginners

Thursday mornings from 26 September, 10.00 - 12.00

For those who are learning from scratch let us get you up and running.  You'll be playing bridge, of sorts,

in the first 30 minutes as you get to meet those who are going to be learning with you.

Contact Arthur Chopping on 01403 790308 or arthur@choppings.com


  Continuing Bridge For Improvers And Those Who Haven't Played for Ages

 Wednesday evenings 7pm to 10pm looking at year 2 of the English Bridge Union course

 Term starts 18 September

 We cover playing the cards, defending and the competitive auction

 The cost is £100 per term, plus course material

 For more information contact Matt Piper mattpiper@msn.com or 07729 441433

 For Improvers

 Monday mornings 10.00 - 12.30

 For those wishing to learn how to play bridge our new term starts 9 September and is based
on year 2 of the English Bridge Union course Beginning Bridge

 The cost is £100 per term plus course material

 For more information contact Denise Lincoln denise.lincoln@me.com or 07785 385454


♦  Online, Continuing, Continuing Bridge For Improvers And Those With More Experience

 Tuesdays at 10.15 or 1.30 from 24 September

 An online course on RealBridge for improvers or those with more experience who wish to
  improve and learn more aspects of the game

 Covering aspects of bidding, defence and play we look at a different topic each week
 then play 10 hands relating to the day's topic

 You will be able to see and chat to those at your table and also with the teachers.

 Club members £65 per term

 For more information contact Contact Alan Setchell a.setchell@sky.com or 07816 951319