Georges River Bridge Club
Bridge for fun
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2024
Welcome to Georges River Bridge Club
Brenda Dewhurst - Club Championship
Brenda Dewhurst - Club Championship

Brenda Dewhurst Results for 2024. 

Congratulations to our 2024 Club Champions:
    Michael & Margaret Kefford.

Results:  5 June    12 June     19 June     26 June
              Overall    Honour Board

Free Mini-Lesson - Mondays 1:00pm

Join us for a free Mini-Lesson - every Monday 1:00-1:30pm on ZOOM.

Recent topics:
*  What to choose after an opening lead out of turn.
*  Cajoling your opp's into giving you a ruff & discard. Click here for the notes.

Contact Max to get the ZOOM link and/or for the weekly advance email about the lesson.

Also, you can stay online for the BBO game straight after the lesson.

Come along and enjoy bridge with us!

Bridge play, at the venue, Penshurst Anglican Church Hall:

  • Wed 30 Aug 2023
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  • Supervised play
Supervised Bridge Play for (relative) Newcomers
Supervised Bridge Play for (relative) Newcomers

Supervised Bridge Play is available each Wednesday, 10:00 am. 

Those who recently completed a series of lessons are now joining in with others who have have been playing for a year or so.

If you want to get back into bridge, in a relaxed and helpful atmosphere, we'd love you to join us.

For more information, contact Max or Kathy Gilbert.   

Useful Info for Players
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Bidding Slips Remain on View.  Click for more information.

NSWBA Regulations

Alerting Rules For more info, speak to a director. ..........

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Wednesday Supervised
Wednesday Open
Tuesday Pairs
20th July 2024
Saturday Pairs
Penshurst f2f 1:30pm
22nd July 2024
Monday Pairs
BBO 1:30pm
23rd July 2024
Tuesday Pairs
BBO 7:00pm