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The website was updated to a new version on 7th January 2014.

Members, please contact the club secretary with comments and suggestions for improvement of the website.

Constitution and Rules
(Version 4 -  26/03/12 )

1     The Club
1.1    The name of the Club is “Goring & Streatley Bridge Club”
1.2    The purpose of the Club is to play duplicate bridge in a competitive but friendly environment.
1.3    The Club may affiliate to the English Bridge Union.
1.4    The Club shall be governed by the Officers and Committee

2     Membership

2.1    Anyone may apply for membership of the Club.
2.2    Applications for membership shall be determined by the Committee.
2.3    The Committee, if it deems it in the interest of the Members as a whole, may :
(a) apply a ceiling to the number of members;
(b) introduce formalities for the election and admission of members;
(c) introduce a “playing test” for new members;
(d) maintain a waiting list.
2.4    All Members shall be bound by the Constitution and Rules.

3     Officers & Committee

3.1    The Officers shall be the Chairman, the Treasurer and the Secretary.
3.2    The Committee shall comprise the Officers and not more than four further elected members and any ex-officio member.
3.3    The Officers and Committee shall be elected by the Members of the Club at the AGM ; the Chairman shall hold office for two years and other officers shall hold office for one year. They shall be eligible for re-election.
3.4    An Officer or Committee member standing for re-election shall not require to be proposed or seconded. Any other person standing for election must be proposed and seconded by Members of the Club.
3.5    The Committee may fill any casual vacancy in its numbers, and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next AGM.
3.6    The Committee shall meet not less than 3 times a year at such times and places as the Chairman shall appoint. The quorum shall be 3.

4     President
4.1    The Club may if it wishes elect a President.
4.2    A proposal for election of any person as President shall be made by the Committee and shall be voted on by the Members at the AGM.
4.3    The President shall hold office for 3 years or such other period as shall be determined by the membership at the time of his appointment and shall be eligible for re-election.
4.4    The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.

5     Meetings
5.1    An Annual General Meeting shall be held once in every year.
5.2    The President or the Chairman or any 3 Members of the Club may requisition a special general meeting by notice in writing specifying the purpose of the meeting to the Secretary, whose duty it shall be to call the meeting within 28 days of receiving such notice.
5.3    The quorum for the meeting shall be 8. If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes of the time appointed for the meeting it shall stand adjourned until the same time 14 days later, when those members present within 5 minutes of the appointed time shall constitute a quorum.
5.4    The Chairman shall preside at the AGM and at all general meetings save in respect of a motion for the Chairman’s re-election or any other motion directly and specifically affecting the Chairman, in respect of which the President shall preside.
5.5    In the absence of the Chairman or (where relevant) the President, another Officer, or in default any Member of the Club, chosen by the Members present, shall preside.
5.6    Notices (including notices of meetings) may be given to Members in writing or orally (including fax, email or telephone), or by notice on the Club’s noticeboard during Club bridge sessions, or in the annual Programme.
5.7    No matter shall be raised at a special general meeting other than the matter(s) set out in the notice convening the meeting.
5.8    The normal business of the AGM shall be :
(a) Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising;
(b) Chairman’s report;
(c) Treasurer’s report and presentation of the accounts;
(d) Election of Officers and Committee;
(e) Programme for the coming year;
(f) Subscriptions.
5.9    Any member may raise any matter relating to the Club at the AGM, but if any matter is raised which in the opinion of the Chairman cannot reasonably be decided without notice he may decline to permit any discussion, or decline to take any vote, or declare that any vote shall be taken as no more than indicative of the provisional views of the Members present, until notice has been given and a special meeting convened.

6     Finances

6.1    The Club shall maintain a fund financed by annual subscriptions or table money or a combination of them both.
6.2    The amount of subscriptions and/or table money shall be determined by the Committee and ratified at the AGM.
6.3    Additional charges may be levied for special events, such as a Christmas party and charity evenings.
6.4    The Club fund shall be controlled by the Treasurer, who shall open and maintain a current account at a Bank approved by the Committee.
6.5    The Committee shall nominate signatories for cheques, with authority for any two to sign cheques for any amount. In addition the Treasurer shall be authorised to sign cheques up to a value of £250.
6.6    The Club fund shall be used for :
(a) hire of premises for playing bridge;
(b) purchase of tables, cards, and other bridge equipment;
(c)  social purposes of the Club;
(d) other expenses connected with the Club.
6.7    Any Members incurring authorized expenditure on behalf of the Club shall be reimbursed out of the Club funds on application to the Treasurer.

7     Bridge
7.1    The Club year shall run from April to March.
7.2    Duplicate bridge sessions will normally be held on alternate Monday evenings at Goring Village Hall. Dates will be notified in the annual Programme.
7.3    The Committee may make alternative arrangements for normal bridge session, and for additional sessions.
7.4    All Members shall be entitled to take part in any bridge sessions on payment of the table money (if any) for that session or the charge for special events.
7.5    Guests may be introduced at and may take part in bridge sessions upon payment of such amount and on such terms (including limitation on the number of attendances) as the Committee may determine.

8     Termination of membership
8.1    Any Member may resign his membership at any time by notifying the Treasurer, but shall not be entitled to any refund of subscription.
8.2    Any Member who fails to pay his subscription to the Treasurer by the third normal bridge session of the Club year shall be deemed to have resigned his membership.

9     Amendment
The Constitution and Rules (other than Rule 10) may be amended by a simple majority of Members present and voting at an AGM or special general meeting.

10    Winding Up

If the Club is wound up any balance remaining in the Club fund after payment of all expenses shall not be returned to Members but shall be donated to a charity chosen by the Committee.


* Notes :

Adopted by the Club at its General Meeting on 4th March 2002

Amended, at rule 3.2, at the AGM on 26th March 2007

Amended, at rule 3.3, at the AGM on 26th March 2007

Amended, at rule 4.3, at AGM on 19th March 2012