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This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

AGM 2024 Minutes


Present: Heather Brace (Chair), Dennis Chapple (treasurer), Peter Davis (secretary) and 11 members as listed in attachment to the file copy of these minutes.

Apologies: None

Chair’s remarks: Heather welcomed everyone and thanked the Directors and scorers for their contribution throughout another successful year for the Club. She specifically thanked Lorena for her duties as treasurer during her three-year tour.

2023 AGM minutes. These were approved as a true record. There were no matters arising.

Finance. The accounts as at 31st December 2023 had been audited and were accepted by the membership (proposed by Olaf and seconded by Harry). It was agreed that the annual subscription of £5 would remain unchanged and would be payable at the beginning of 2025. Table money will also be unchanged. After a short discussion it was agreed that the Club should continue to be affiliated to the EBU.

Amendment to the Constitution. The Committee recommended an amendment to the Constitution whereby the quorum for the AGM would be reduced from 12 members including 4 committee members to 8 members including 3 committee members. This reduction reflected the drop in Club membership experienced over the last four years. The motion was proposed by David Lait and seconded by Jackie Knipe and carried unanimously.

Election of Committee. The position of chair was vacant. No nominations had been received but Heather had indicated that she would be prepared to serve in that capacity for another three years in accordance with the provision of Article 7.2 third sentence of the Constitution. Peter will continue as secretary for a further year. . Lorena had stood down as treasurer in January and Dennis Chapple had been co-opted as treasurer by the Committee. There were no further nominations for the post. . Two nominations were received for the position of committee member-June Ferriday and Sally Thomas. Since there were no additional nominations from the floor the Committee was elected en bloc by acclamation.

AOB No items.

. Date of next AGM. This was tentatively set for the third Thursday in February 2025

Last updated : 29th Feb 2024 18:15 GMT