Exeter Golf & Country Club Bridge
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Please see the main news item for details of current Bridge Sessions in the Bridge Room. Tuesday evenings will continue online using the RealBridge web site.




Real Bridge Session Link for Tuesday Evening Sessions

Please select the link for the appropriate session:

>>> Tuesday Real Bridge Session - Tuesday 18th March 2025 - Click Here <<<

The embedded link will change every week - please do not bookmark it

Table money is £1 per person for each session

RealBridge Lounge

Come and play Social Bridge in the Mid-Devon RealBridge Lounge anytime of the day or night

4 Players Sit at a Table and just play Bridge - up to 32 Boards - £2 per table

Register & play in the Mid-Devon RealBridge Lounge

EGCC RealBridge Results


Tuesday 18th March

Tuesday 11th March

Tuesday 4th March

Tuesday 25th February

Tuesday 18th February

Tuesday 11th February

Tuesday 4th February

Tuesday 28th January

Tuesday 21st January

Tuesday 14th January

Tuesday 7th January


Tuesday 17th December

Tuesday 10th December

Tuesday 3rd December

Tuesday 26th November

Tuesday 19th November

Tuesday 12th November

Tuesday 5th November

Tuesday 29th October

Tuesday 22nd October

Tuesday 15th October

Tuesday 8th October

Tuesday 1st October

Tuesday 24th September

Tuesday 17th September

Tuesday 10th September

Tuesday 3rd September

Tuesday 27th August

Tuesday 20th August

Tuesday 13th August

Tuesday 6th August

Tuesday 30th July

Tuesday 23rd July

Tuesday 16th July

Tuesday 9th July

Tuesday 2nd July

Tuesday 25th June

Tuesday 18th June

Tuesday 11th June

Tuesday 4th June

Tuesday 28th May

Tuesday 21st May

Tuesday 14th May

Tuesday 7th May

Tuesday 30th April

Tuesday 23rd April

Tuesday 16th April

Tuesday 9th April

Tuesday 2nd April

Tuesday 26th March

Tuesday 19th March

Tuesday 12th March

Tuesday 5th March

Tuesday 27th February

Tuesday 20th February

Tuesday 13th February

Tuesday 6th February

Tuesday 30th January

Tuesday 23rd January

Tuesday 16th January

Tuesday 9th January

Tuesday 2nd January


Tuesday 19th December

Tuesday 12th December

Tuesday 5th December

Tuesday 28th November

Tuesday 21st November

Tuesday 14th November

Tuesday 7th November

Tuesday 31st October

Tuesday 24th October

Tuesday 17th October

Tuesday 10th October

Tuesday 3rd October

Tuesday 26th September

Tuesday 19th September

Tuesday 12th September

Tuesday 5th September

Tuesday 29th August

Tuesday 22nd August

Tuesday 15th August

Tuesday 8th August

Tuesday 1st August

Tuesday 25th July

Tuesday 18th July

Tuesday 11th July

Tuesday 4th July

Tuesday 27th June

Tuesday 20th June

Tuesday 13th June

Tuesday 6th June

Tuesday 30th May

Tuesday 23rd May

Tuesday 16th May

Tuesday 9th May

Tuesday 2nd May

Tuesday 25th April

Tuesday 18th April

Tuesday 11th April

Tuesday 4th April

Tuesday 28th March

Tuesday 21st March

Tuesday 14th March

Tuesday 7th March

Tuesday 28th February

Tuesday 21st February

Tuesday 14th February

Tuesday 7th February

Tuesday 31st January

Tuesday 24th January

Tuesday 17th January

Tuesday 10th January

Tuesday 3rd January


Tuesday 27th December

Tuesday 20th December

Tuesday 13th December

Tuesday 6th December

Tuesday 29th November

Tuesday 22nd November

Tuesday 15th November

Tuesday 8th November

Tuesday 1st November

Tuesday 25th October

Tuesday 18th October

Tuesday 11th October

Tuesday 4th October

Tuesday 27th September

Tuesday 20th September

Tuesday 13th September

Tuesday 6th September

Tuesday 30th August

Tuesday 23rd August

Tuesday 16th August

Tuesday 9th August

Tuesday 2nd August

Tuesday 26th July

Tuesday 19th July

Tuesday 12th July

Tuesday 5th July

Tuesday 28th June

Tuesday 21st June

Tuesday 14th June

Tuesday 7th June

Tuesday 31st May

Tuesday 24th May

Tuesday 17th May

Tuesday 10th May

Tuesday 3rd May

Tuesday 26th April

Tuesday 19th April

Tuesday 12th April

Tuesday 5th April

Tuesday 29th March

Tuesday 22nd March

Tuesday 15th March

Tuesday 8th March

Tuesday 1st March

Tuesday 22nd February

Tuesday 15th February

Tuesday 8th February

Tuesday 1st February

Tuesday 25th January

Tuesday 18th January

Tuesday 11th January

Tuesday 4th January


Tuesday 28th December

Tuesday 21st December

Tuesday 14th December

Tuesday 7th December

Tuesday 30th November

Tuesday 23rd November

Tuesday 16th November

Tuesday 9th November

Tuesday 2nd November

Tuesday 26th October

Tuesday 19th October

Tuesday 12th October

Tuesday 5th October

Tuesday 28th September

Tuesday 21st September

Tuesday 14th September

Tuesday 7th September

Tuesday 31st August

Tuesday 24th August

Tuesday 17th August

Tuesday 10th August

Tuesday 3rd August

Tuesday 27th July

Tuesday 20th July

Tuesday 13th July

Tuesday 6th July

Tuesday 29th June

Tuesday 22nd June

Tuesday 15th June

Tuesday 8th June

Tuesday 1st June

Tuesday 25th May

Tuesday 18th May

Tuesday 11th May

Tuesday 4th May

Tuesday 27th April

Tuesday 20th April

Tuesday 13th April

Tuesday 6th April

Tuesday 30th March

Tuesday 23rd March

Tuesday 16th March

Tuesday 9th March

Tuesday 2nd March

RealBridge for real People

RealBridge, allows you to see and talk to the players at your table (before, during and after the play), which gives it a real "club" feel – very different from the existing bridge websites which rely on messaging and feel much less social

All you need to play is a desktop, laptop, or tablet which ideally has a WebCam so that other players can see you when you play

(The webcam is not essential but does make the event more sociable)

The system is very user-friendly, and even if you have never played before online you should find it very easy to use.

Everyone is welcome to play in the RealBridge sessions. 

If you feel unsure whether you have the technology and skills to play, please contact Rita who will provide help and reassurance!

If you would like to play but do not have a partner please come along anyway - the director will try and sort you out on the day.