Bridge Sessions |
Our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING is to be held on Monday 14th April 2025
at 6.00pm in the Bridge Room.
Followed by our normal Monday evening Bridge session at 7.00pm.
We are currently running three Bridge sessions a week. Two in our comfortable Bridge Room which is situated on the first floor of Wear Park with views of the golf course, and Tuesdays on line on Real Bridge.
Mondays: Face-to-Face Duplicate Pairs in the Bridge Room at 6.45pm for 7.00pm (with Partners)
Tuesdays: Online RealBridge Duplicate at 6.30pm for 6.45pm (come without a partner and the director will try and sort you a partner)
Wednesdays: Face-to-Face Duplicate Pairs in the Bridge Room at 1.45pm for 2.00pm (normally there is a draw for partners)
In a change to existing arrangements it has been agreed that non-members may play in our RealBridge sessions on Tuesday evenings at a cost of £1.00 per person per session provided this has been arranged by a section member and contact details provided to our Treasurer (e.g. an email address) so that payment may be requested.
Please see 'Find a Partner' below for additional way to find a partner.
RealBridge - A Ray of Sunshine! |
Do you fancy a game of bridge on line where you can see your partner and opponents and chat as well? This can now happen with RealBridge.
You may already have played RealBridge and might have played in sessions that Malcolm Boyack ran for Exeter Bridge Club.
We are now running regular RealBridge sessions on Tuesday evenings - pairs should login by 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start - as you would normally for face-to-face bridge.
Table Money is £1 per person per session payable to EGCC - players will be contacted by Rita with payment details. In the meantime please make a note of the number of times you play so that you can check your records against ours.
You can register with Rita as a partnership or as an individual but if you register as an individual we cannot guarantee a partner – please come along anyway and we will see whether we can fit you in.
The link for the RealBridge session can be accessed through the RealBridge menu on the left or click here - >>>RealBridge Session<<<
You can find out more about RealBridge on their website -
If you have any queries than please do not hesitate to contact Rita or any member of the committee.
News |
Exeter Golf and Country Club Bridge Section
The Exeter Golf and Country Club Bridge Section has approximately 60 members. Our face-to-face meetings take place in the Bridge Room on the first floor at Wear Park. Tuesday evenings will continue on the RealBridge web site (see above). This means that once again we are running three sessions a week.
Visitors are welcome and can make 3 visits in 12 months. Non-members can play on Tuesday evenings any number of times subject to conditions (see above)
It is not affiliated to the EBU.
The Club meets as follows:
Monday evenings at 7pm to 10.00pm, playing with partner only in the Bridge Room (first floor Wear Park Building).
Tuesday evenings at 6.45pm on RealBridge web site, playing with partner only.
Wednesday afternoons at 2pm to 5.00pm, there is normally a draw for partners.
Please arrive 15 minutes before the Session is due to start.
For full details see the Information page.
The Bridge Room is comfortable area with a view of the Golf course. There is no disabled access to the Bridge room which is on the first floor.
Find a Partner |
We are trialling a new system for players requiring a partner for Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Contact Jan White by email stating the day and date you need a partner,
and provide an email address and telephone number.
Jan will then contact all members.
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"Find a Partner" Section on the Website.
There are instructions of how to use it in the Information Menu.
It will only work if you enter your available dates on a regular basis and regularly review the Site when you are looking for a Partner.
You must update the site when you are successful and find a Partner!
Data Compliance |
Any queries about Data Compliance should be addressed to the Bridge Club Secretary or alternatively to the Exeter Golf and Country Club Compliance Officer