Sunshine Coast Bridge |
This is the homepage which deals with Sunshine Coast Bridge aspects as well as some events run by clubs that wish to use this site to publish their events. Currently results of online Pairs events run under the auspices of the Sunshine Coast Bridge Club (SCBC), Cradock Bridge Club and Jeffrey's Bay Bridge Club are displayed on this site.
Pairs Events Schedule
Monday afternoons 14:00 - KoSPA Pairs (One section 24 boards)
Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 09:45 - SC Pairs (One section of 24 boards)
Thursday afternoon 14:00 Jbay Open pairs
Wednesday night 18:45 - SC Pairs (One section of 18 boards)
Friday afternoon 14:15 - Jbay/SC Pairs (One section with boards based on attendance)
Saturday afternoon 14:00 - Cradock Pairs
As from 2021 results are uploaded to SABF for Masterpoints
Sunshine Coast Bridge Club Pays SABF Subs for Loyal Supporters |
Sunshine Coast BC will be paying the SABF subscription fee for 2025 on behalf of 128 regular players. These players have played the required number of events during 2024 to qualify for this concession. For us to implement this payment we need to ensure that your membership details are correct - to do this we have sent an email with your details as we currently have it so that you can confirm this by return email. Of specific importance is the name of the club through which you are affiliated to SABF, as the fee will be paid to your club for them to settle with SABF.
Please help us help you with a rapid response to our email!
The regular players should know who you are and please look in your inbox and even in spam folder as emails sent via our Bridgewebs email server may be discarded by your email system!
We need to have all the information before Wednesday next week (4 Dec 24)
Thank you and enjhoy the festive season!
Analysing Results |
By clicking on "Results" in left Menu and then "Personal Analysis" you can see the entire list of players associated with SC Pairs. By selecting a player you are able to see the detailed graph of performance since inception late July 2020. It allows you to sort by partner or event etc and then you can click on any specific event for more detailed analysis of your play in that event. This is a super tool for those interested in improving their partnership and/or personal play!
On the left, select the menu item "Analyses of results" to obtain a PDF slideshow of how to access and analyse your results and performance over time and for specific events and boards therein or just click here
SABF Masterpoints |
Currently all SC Pairs, Kenton, JBay and PADBC events have been uploaded to the SABF for allocation of Masterpoints.
For your own SABF Masterpoints it is recommended that you log-in to where you can review you profile, masterpoint standing as well as view the results that were uploaded for you.
If you do not yet have a password click on "Request Access" and you will be guided to creating a password.
SCBC and SC Pairs Privacy Policy (POPIA compliance) click here |