Weekly fee
New treasurer, Neil, explained that when the club joined DUCCA our bank balance was £1100 so anything under that amount remains ours but anything over £2000, at the end of the financial year, goes to DUCCA. Last year the club subsidised the Christmas lunch by £600 which took funds down. Room hire and tea money is likely to go up in January 2025 but not anticipated to be a large increase.
Proposal: table money to remain at £2 which will make it appealing to new members and that any necessary increase over the coming year should be decided by committee.
Proposed by – Chris Ross, seconded by – Kate Trimmings and agreed unanimously
Visitors’ fee
Currently required to pay £4 and can come x2 without membership. (The latter is stipulated in the centre’s insurance so cannot be changed).
Proposal: visitors to be encouraged by paying the same as members for their initial 2 sessions.
Proposed by – George Rambridge, seconded by – Chris Ross and agreed unanimously
To attract new players members are encouraged to publicise our low table rate wherever else they play bridge. (We are thought to be the cheapest club in the area).
Neil reminded that subscriptions are now due - £10 for the year.