Dunlaoghaire Golf Club (Bridge Section)
Release 2.19r
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BBO Etiquette

1. Fill in your profile so others can see it. 

2. Put your NAME in profile

3. Announce your system at each table (if can be different depending on partner)

4. You must alert unusual bids by clicking on alert and not in the chat box. 

5. You cannot communicate with your partner in the chat box during play.

6. Introduce yourself and your partner at each table. This way you will know who you are playing against. 

7. Be polite at all times. Save terms such as 'Well done op.' 'Hard Luck op.' ' Thanks for game.' and use them in each game.

8. If someone is abusive to you, record their name and let BBO know. The person will be sanctioned. Bridge is a game there is no place for abuse. 


Photo Gallery
Past-President Marie Daly 2020/21
Past-President Marie Daly 2020/21

Past-President Marie Daly (2020/21)

Past-President Marion Fox 2019/20
Past-President Marion Fox 2019/20
Past-President Moya Murphy 2018/19
Past-President Moya Murphy 2018/19

President Moya Murphy had a successful year. Under her leadership DLGC became affilated to CBAI, and we played in the Massey Brothers League. 

Past President Clair Nason (2017/18) with Captain Ken and Lady Captain Sue Caslin
Past President Clair Nason (2017/18) with Captain Ken and Lady Captain Sue Caslin
Past-President Pam Cooper 2016/17
Past-President Pam Cooper 2016/17

Past President Pam Cooper 2016/17

Past-President Helen Waters (2011/12)
Past-President Helen Waters (2011/12)
Past_President Katharine Verso 2013/14
Past_President Katharine Verso 2013/14

Past-President Katherine Verso (2013/14)

Past_President Piers Segrave Daly 2012-2013
Past_President Piers Segrave Daly 2012-2013
Presidents Prize - Friday 26th January 2017 - Congratulations to Tom and Catherine O'Sullivan winners of Presidents Prize
Presidents Prize - Friday 26th January 2017 - Congratulations to Tom and Catherine O'Sullivan winners of Presidents Prize
END OF SEASON DINNER AND BRIDGE 2017 - Thank you to Pam for hosting a wonderful evening for us all and here are some reminders of the Prize Winners of the Night!
  • End of season 1st place winners 2017
Pat Dunne was Bridge Player of the year (2018)
Pat Dunne was Bridge Player of the year (2018)

President Moya Murphy presenting Pat Dunne with Player of the Year. 

President Clair presenting cheque to Headway - March 2018
President Clair presenting cheque to Headway - March 2018

President Clair Nason presenting Cheque to Headway charity. 

Christmas Dinner & Prizegiving- 2016
  • All smiles
  • Alyson & Nora
  • Joint 1st E/W Pat & Lyn, Piers & Deirdre
  • 3rd E/W Margaret & Kitty
  • Piers & Deirdre
  • Ida & Piers picture with President Pam
  • Isa & Niamh
  • Joan & Terry
  • Lady Captain Judy with Martina
  • 1st N/S Marie & Gerry
  • Martina & John with Pam
  • Maureen & Anne
  • Michael with Pam
  • Padriag & Marian
Centenary Trophy 2016 Winners
Centenary Trophy 2016 Winners

President Pam presents the Centenary Cup to winners Nora Conway & Peg Rayel

Thank you to outgoing President Marian Rushe (2016)
Thank you to outgoing President Marian Rushe (2016)

Outgoing President Marian Rushe is presented with a bouquet of flowers. Thanks for a great bridge year.

Runners Up Pat Dunne & Marian Grimes
Runners Up Pat Dunne & Marian Grimes
President Pam Cooper (2017) Centenary Trophy

President Marian's prize (2016)
President Marian's prize (2016)

Moira and Helen win President Marian Rushe's prize. 

Lady Captain Liz & Kay collect a prize from President Marian (2016)
Lady Captain Liz & Kay collect a prize from President Marian (2016)