Western League v Avon |
The latest match in the 2024/25 Western League was played against Avon on Sat 1st Feb. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 14-6)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Miles Cowling & Derek Maggs
B Team (Lost 11-9)
Shirley & James Dutton
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
C Team (Won 16-4)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Wetern League v Cornwall |
The latest match in the 2024/25 Western League was against Cornwall on Sat 11th Jan. The results were :-
A Team (Won 17-3)
Ann Sharples & Bob Mott
Miles Cowling & Derek Maggs
B Team (Won 15-5)
Shirley & James Dutton
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
C Team (Lost 15-5)
Christine & Terry Edwards
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Western League v Wiltshire |
The latest match in the 2024/25 Western League was against Wiltshire on Sat 7th Dec. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 13-7)
Mike Jackson & Dave Willis
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won 13-7)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
C Team (Won 19-1)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Western League v Somerset |
The latest match in the 2024/25 Western League was versus Somerset on Sat 2nd Nov. The results were :-
A Team (Won 17-3)
Ann Sharples & Bob Mott
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won 17-3)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Shirley & James Dutton
C Team (Lost 11-9)
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Wesrtern League v East Wales |
The first match in the 2024/25 Western League v East Wales was played on Sat 28th Sept. The results were :-
A Team (Won 17-3)
Mike Jackson & David Willis
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Lost 13-7)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
C Team (Won 18-2)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Western League 2024/25 |
The dates of the 2024/25 matches are :-
28th September |
East Wales |
2nd November |
Somerset |
7th December |
Wiltshire |
11th January |
Cornwall |
1st February |
Avon |
8th March |
Herefordshire |
5th April |
Devon |
Matches will be played over 24 boards, online, starting at 2pm.
Western League vs East Wales |
The last match in the 2023/24 Western League v East Wales was played on Sat 6th April. The results were :-
A Team (Won 15-5)
Ann Sharples & Bob Mott
Miles Cowling & Derek Maggs
B Team (Won 19-1)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Shirley & James Dutton
C Team (Won 14-6)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Dorset B have qualified for the National county finals having won the league. The A team finished 4th & C Team 5th.
Western League v Cornwall |
The latest match in the 2023/24 Western League v Cornwall was played on Fri 15th (A Team) and Sat 16th March (B&C Teams). The results were :-
A Team (Won 18-2)
Ann Sharples & Chris Stevens
Miles Cowling & Derek Maggs
B Team (Lost 11-9)
Robin Wright & Tim Dunsby
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
C Team (Won 12-8)
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Mike Ullyett & Chris Denton
Western League v Devon |
The latest match in the 2023/24 Western League v Devon was played on Sat 3rd Feb. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 15-5)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Miles Cowling & Derek Maggs
B Team (Won 16-4)
Robin Wright & Alan Wilson
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
C Team (Lost 15-5)
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Western League v Herefordshire |
The latest match in the 2023/24 Western League v Herefordshire was played on Sat 13th Jan. The resuts were :-
A Team (Won 12-8)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Miles Cowling & Derek Maggs
B Team (Lost 13-7)
Robin Wright & Alan Wilson
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Lost 15-5)
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Catherine Lynn & Chris Denton
Western League v Wiltshire |
The latest match in the 2023/24 Western League v Wiltshire was played on Sat 2nd Dec. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 11-9)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Ann Sharples & Bob Mott
B Team (Lost 14-6)
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Lost 14-6)
Christine & Terry Edwards
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Western League v Avon |
The latest match in the 2023/24 Western League v Avon was played on Sat 4th Nov. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 17-3)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
B Team (Won 19-1)
Kelly Courtney & Richard Denning
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Drew 10-10)
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Stephen Coltman & Terry Carpenter
Western League v Somerset |
The first match in the 2023/24 Western League v Somerset was played on Sat 30th Sept. The resuts were :-
A Team (Lost 12-8)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Mike Jackson & David Willis
B Team (Won 17-3)
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Lost 11-9)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Chrissie Denning & Geoff Cave
Western League 2023/24 |
The dates of the 2023/24 matches are :-
30th September |
Somerset |
4th November |
Avon |
2nd December |
Wiltshire |
13th January |
Herefordshire |
3rd February |
Devon |
16th March |
Cornwall |
6th April |
East Wales |
Matches will be played over 24 boards, online, starting at 2pm.
Western League v East Wales |
The last match in the 2022/23 Western League v East Wales was played on Sat 1st April at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Won 15-5)
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won14-6)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Mike Jackson & Richard Denning
C Team (Won 17-3)
John Cruickshank & Bruce Curry
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Western League v Wiltshire |
The latest match in the 2022/23 Western League v Wiltshire was played on Sat 11th March at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 13-7)
Mike Jackson & Dave Willis
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
B Team (Drew 10-10)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Won 18-2)
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Catherine Lynn & Charles Marsh
Western League v Somerset |
The latest match in the 2022/23 Western League v Somerset, online, was played on Sat 4th Feb at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Won 11-9)
Ann Sharples & Bob Mott
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won 11-9)
Kelly Courtney & Richard Denning
Tim Dunsby & David Berwitz
C Team (Won 12-8)
John Cruickshank & Morgan Bunday
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Western League v Avon |
The latest match in the 2022/23 Western League v Avon, online, was played on Sat 14th Jan at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Won 12-8)
Ann Sharples & Chris Stevens
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won 13-7)
Shirley & James Dutton
Mark Hooper & Eugene Sheehan
C Team (Lost 13-7)
John Cruickshank & Bruce Curry
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Western League v Cornwall |
The next match in the 2022/23 Western League v Cornwall, online, was on Sat 3rd Dec at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 14-6)
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won 18-2)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Robin Wright & Alan Wilson
C Team (Won 14-6)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Geoff Cave & Chrissie Denning
Western League v Devon |
The latest match in the 2022/23 Western League was played v Devon, online, on Sat 5th Nov at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 17-3)
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
Mike Jackson & David Willis
B Team (Lost 18-2)
Mike McMorran & Tim Dunsby
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Lost 16-4)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Mike Ullyett & Chris Denton
Western League v Herefordshire |
The first match in the 2022/23 Western League was played v Herefordshire, online, on Sat 24th Sept at 1:45pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 11-9)
Ann Sharples & Chris Stevens
Janet Smith & Mark Hooper
B Team (Won 12-8)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Kelly Courtney & Richard Denning
C Team (Won 11-9)
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Christine & Terry Edwards
Western League v Wiltshire |
The last match of the 2021/22 Western League vs Wiltshire was played online on Sat 2nd April. The results were :-
A Team (Drew 10-10)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Dave Willis & Mike Jackson
B Team (Won 15-5)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
C Team (Lost 15-5)
Terry & Christine Edwards
Catherine Lynn & Terry Carpenter
Western League v East Wales |
The latest match of the 2021/22 Western League vs East Wales was played online on Sat 12th March. The results were :-
A Team (Won 18-2)
Keith Bartlett & Chris Stevens
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
B Team (Won 11-9)
James & Shirley Dutton
Mike Jackson & Kelly Courtney
C Team (Won 17-3)
Catherine Lynn & Royd Laidlow
Geoff Cave & Andrerw Barnett
Western League v Avon |
The latest match of the 2021/22 Western League vs Avon was played online on Sat 12th February. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 17-3)
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
B Team (Won 18-2)
James & Shirley Dutton
Eugene Sheehan & Robin Wright
C Team (Lost 18-2)
Rohan Bagshawe & Chrles Marsh
Mike Ullyett & Chris Denton
Western League v Somerset |
The latest match of the 2021/22 Western League vs Somerset was played online on Sat 15th January. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 14-6)
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
Mike Jackson & David Willis
B Team (Won 14-6)
James & Shirley Dutton
Eugene Sheehan & Robin Wright
C Team (Lost 14-6)
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregpry
Andrew Barnett & Geoff Cave
Western League v Herefordshire |
The latest match of the 2021/22 Western League vs Herefordshire was played online on Sat 11th December. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 18-2)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Miles Cowling & Dick Hyde
B Team (Drew 10-10)
James & Shirley Dutton
Jon Holland & Hugh Kevill-Davies
C Team (Won 11-9)
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregpry
Catherine Lynn & Stephen Coltman
Western League v Devon |
The latest match of the 2021/22 Western League vs Devon was played online on Sat 27th November. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 11-9)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Mike Jackcon & Dave Willis
B Team (Lost 13-7)
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
Richard Denning & Kelly Courtney
C Team (Lost 18-2)
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
Catherine Lynn & Chrissie Denning
Western League v Cornwall |
The first match of the 2021/22 Western League vs Cornwall was played online on Sat 2nd October. The results were :-
A Team (Won 14-6)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Ann Sharples & Bob Mott
B Team (Won 18-2)
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
Richard Denning & Kelly Courtney
C Team (Lost 4-16)
Geoff Cave & Andrew Barnett
John Cruickshank & Morgan Bunday
Western League v Wiltshire |
The latest match of the Western League vs Wiltshire away was played on Sat 14th March. The results were :-
A Team (Won 13-7)
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
John Gardner & Mike Jackson
B Team (Won 13-7)
Mark Hooper & Hugh Kevill-Davies
David Berwitz & Tim Dunsby
C Team (Won 15-5)
Chrissie & Richard Denning
Michael Wiles & James Fitzharris
Western League v Devon |
The next match of the Western League vs Devon was played on Sat 1st February at Torquay Bridge Club. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 17-3)
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
Michael Hornung & John Gardner
B Team (Drew 10-10)
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
Matt Phillips & Tim Dunsby
C Team (Lost 17-3)
Richard Denning & Kelly Courtney
Stephen Coltman & Ian Siddall
Western League v Somerset |
The latest match of the Western League vs Somerset was played on Sat 11th January in Dorchester. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 14-6)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
Nick Forrest & Ed Leatham
Janet Smith & John Gardner
B Team (Won 19-1)
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
Mark Hooper & Robin Wright
C Team (Won 14-6)
Richard Denning & Sarah Fazakerley
Andy Kittridge & Peter Mallett
Western League v Cornwall |
The latest match of the Western League away vs Cornwall was played on Sat 12th October. The results were :-
A Team (Drew 10-10)
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
B Team (Won 15-5)
Janet Smith & Matt Phillips
Mike Jackson & Richard Denning
C Team (Lost 16-4)
Stephen Coltman & Paul Sayer
Bruce Curry & John Cruickshank
Western League v Avon |
The first match of the Western League vs Avon was played on Sat 21st September at 1pm, at Allendale House, Wimborne. The results were :-
A Team (Won 18-2)
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
John Gardner & Eugene Sheehan
B Team (Lost 16-4)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Tim Dunsby & Robin Wright
C Team (Drew 10-10)
Sarah Fazakerley & Kelly Courtney
Stephen Coltman & Ian Siddall
Western League 2019/20 |
The dates of the 2019/20 matches are :-
Avon (H) 21st September
Cornwall (A) 12th October
Somerset (H) 11th January
Devon (A) 1st February
Wiltshire (A) 14th March
Hereford (Woolavington), 18th April
East Wales (Woolavington), Sunday 10th May
Western League v East Wales |
The last match of the Western League vs East Wales was played at Woolavington on Sun 12th May at 1pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 11-9)
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
B Team (Won 18-2)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Peter Mallett
C Team (Won 11-9)
Mike Jackson & Richard Denning
Matt Phillips & Kelly Courtney
Western League v Hereford |
The latest match of the Western League vs Hereford was played at Woolavington on Sat 13th April at 1pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 15-5)
Marh Hooper & Rod Marks
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
B Team (Lost 14-6)
Roy Riley & Steph Donner
James & Shirley Dutton
C Team (Won 15-5)
Terry & Christine Edwards
Sarah Fazakerley & Kelly Courtney
Western League v Wiltshire |
The latest match of the Western League vs Wiltshire was played at All Saints Church, St.Ives, Ringwood, BH24 2NS on Sat 9th March. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 20-0)
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
James & Shirley Dutton
B Team (Won 14-6)
Robin Wright & Tim Dunsby
Mike Jackson & John Gardner
C Team (Won 19-1)
Kelly Courtney & Matt Phillips
Stephen Coltman & Ian Siddall
Western League v Devon |
The latest match of the Western League vs Devon was played at Frampton Village Hall, Frampton, DT2 9NF on Sat 2nd February at 1pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 19-1)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Barrie Cantello & Keith Bartlett
B Team (Lost 13-7)
Pete Mallett & Hugh Kevill-Davies
Claire Hillyard & David Gill
C Team (Won 17-3)
Mike Jackson & Richard Denning
Sarah Fazakerley & Matt Phillips
Western League v Somerset (A) |
The latest match of the Western League vs Somerset was played away at Woolavington on Sat 12th January at 1pm. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 11-9)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
Mark Hooper & Robin Wright
John Gardner & Mike Jackson
B Team (Won 20-0)
Pete Mallett & Andy Kittridge
Bruce Curry & John Cruickshank
C Team (Won 11-9)
Julian Gregory & Rohan Bagshawe
Sarah Fazakerley & Kelly Courtney
Western League vs Cornwall |
The latest match of the Western League vs Cornwall was played at Stratton Village Hall, near Dorchester, on Sat 6th Oct. The results were :- A Team (Lost 11-9) Ann Sharples & Chris Stevens Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello B Team (Won 16-4) Robin Wright & Mark Hooper Bruce Curry & John Cruickshank C Team (Lost 16-4) Mike Jackson & Sarah Fazakerley Karen Gamble & John Marsden |
Western League v Avon |
The first match of the 2018/19 Western League vs Avon was played on Sat 15th Sept at Woolavington. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 15-5)
Janet Smith & John Gardner
Eugene Sheehan & David Gill
B Team (Lost 13-7)
Richard Vessey & Claire Hillyard
Peter Mallett & Andy Kittridge
C Team (Lost 12-8)
Stephen Coltman & Ian Sidall
Karen Gamble & John Marsden
Western League 2018/19 |
The dates of the 2018/19 matches are :-
Avon (A) 15th September
Cornwall (H) 6th October
Somerset (A) 12th January
Devon (H) 2nd February
Wiltshire (H) 9th March
Hereford (Woolavington), 13th April
East Wales (Woolavington), Sunday 12th May
Western League vs East Wales |
The last match of the Western League vs East Wales was played at Woolavington on Sun 13th May. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 18-2)
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
Alan Wilson & Janet Smith
B Team (Lost 19-1)
Robin Wright & David Berwitz
Ron & Val Heath
C Team (Lost 13-7)
Andrew Bishop & Richard Bates
Sarah Fazakerley & Mike Jackson
Despite the loss, the C Team have won their league and will represent the Western League in the National Counties finals.
Western League v Wiltshire |
The re-arranged match vs Wiltshire in the Western League was played away on Sat 28th April at Warminster. The results were :-
A Team (Won 13-7)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Keith Bartlett & Chris Stevens
Alan Wilson & Janet Smith
Eugene Sheehan & David Gill
B Team (Lost 18-2)
Peter Mallett & Hugh Kevill-Davies
Roy Riley & Steph Donner
C Team (Won 20-0)
Terry & Christine Edwards
Matt Phillips & Richard Denning
Western League v Hereford |
The latest match in the Western League was played at Woolavington vs Hereford on Sat 7th April. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 17-3)
James & Shirley Dutton
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Peter Mallett
B Team (Won 17-3)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Mark Hooper & Richard Denning
C Team (Lost 13-7)
Terry & Christine Edwards
Julian Gregory & Rohan Bagshawe
Western League v Wiltshire (MATCH POSTPONED) |
The next match in the Western League is being played away vs Wiltshire on Sat 17th March. The teams selected are :-
A Team
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
James & Shirley Dutton
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Keith Bartlett & Chris Stevens
B Team
Peter Mallett & Andy Kittridge
Ron & Val Heath
C Team
Matt Phillips & Kelly Courtney
Andrew Bishop & Richard Bates
Western League v Devon |
The latest match in the Western League was played vs Devon on Sat 3rd February in Torquay. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 16-4)
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
Eugene Sheehan & David Gill
B Team (Won 20-0)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Jon Holland
C Team (Won 20-0)
Judy Petran & Mary Osmond
Mike Jackson & Richard Denning
Western League v Somerset |
The latest match of the Western League was played vs Somerset on Sat 13th January at West Stafford, nr Dorchester. The results were :-
A Team (Won 13-7)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Barrie Cantello & Chris Stevens
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
Eugene Sheehan & David Gill
B Team (Lost 15-5)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Peter Mallett & Andy Kittridge
John Gardner & Robin Wright
Tim Dunsby & Rod Marks
C Team (Won 16-4)
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregory
Mike Jackson & Richard Denning
Western League v Cornwall |
The latest match of the Western League was held away in Bodmin vs Cornwall on Sat 7th October. The results were :-
A Team (Won 12-8)
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
John Gardner & Alan Wilson
B Team (Won 11-9)
Tim Dunsby & Robin Wright
Mike Jackson & Richard Vessey
C Team (Won 11-9)
Kelly Courtney & Matt Phillips
Terry Edwards & Stephen Websdale
Western League v Avon |
The first match of the Western League season was held at home vs Avon on Sat 16th September. The results were :-
A Team (Won 19-1)
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
James & Shirley Dutton
B Team (Won 16-4)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Peter Mallett
Mike McMorran & Robin Wright
C Team (Lost 11-9)
Richard Bates & Andrew Bishop
Kelly Courtney & Sarah Fazakerley
Western League 2017/18 |
The dates of the 2017/18 matches are :-
Avon (H) 16th September
Cornwall (A) 7th October
Somerset (H) 13th January
Devon (A) 3rd February
Wiltshire (A) 17th March
Hereford, midpoint (Woolavington), 7th April
East Wales, midpoint (Woolavington), Sunday 13th May
Western League v East Wales |
The final Western League match of the season was played vs East Wales at Woolavington on Sun 14th May.
Overall the A tean finished 2nd by 1 VP, the B team won their league and the C team finished 2nd. Dorset won the overall league.
The B team will now go forward to the National Finals for the 3rd consecutive year.
The results were :-
A Team (Won 15-5)
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
B Team (Won 16-4)
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
Helen Ackroyd & Robin Wright
C Team (Won 15-5)
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregory
Sarah Fazakerley & Michael Yeo
Western League v Hereford |
The latest Western League match vs Hereford was played at Woolavington on Sat 1st April. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 15-5)
Ann Sharples & Helen Ackroyd
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
B Team (Won 18-2)
Tim Dunsby & Mike McMorran
Roy Riley & Steph Donner
C Team (Won 19-1)
Richard Bates & Andrew Bishop
Terry & Christine Edwards
Western League v Wiltshire |
The latest Western League match vs Wiltshire was played at home at St.Leonards on Sat 18th March. The results were :-
A Team (Won 16-4)
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
James & Shirley Dutton
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
B Team (Lost 12-8)
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Peter Mallett
Ron Heath & Tim Dunsby
C Team (Won 14-6)
Mary Osmond & Judy Petran
Andrew Barnett & Michael Yeo
Western League v Devon |
The latest Western League match vs Devon was played at Frampton Village Hall on Sat 4th February. The results were :-
A Team (Lost 15-5)
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
B Team (Won 15-5)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Peter Mallett
C Team (Lost 16-4)
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregory
Kelly Courtney & Matt Phillips
Western League vs Somerset |
The latest Western League match vs Somerset was played on Sat 14th January at Woolavington.
A Team (Won 14-6)
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Dave Gill & Eugene Sheehan
Chris Stevens & Alastair Cowley
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
B Team (Won 12-8)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Hugh Kevill-Davies & Pete Mallett
Ron & Val Heath
Robin Wright & Tom Holdsworth
C Team (Won 16-4)
Kelly Courtney & Matt Phillips
Andrew Barnett & Sarah Fazakerley
Western League v Cornwall |
The Western League match vs Cornwall was played on Sat 8th October at Frampton Village Hall. The results were :-
A Team (Won16-4)
Chris Stevens & Alastair Cowley
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
B Team (Won 14-6)
David Berwitz & Robin Wright
Richard Vessey & Claire Hillyard
C Team (Won 13-7)
Kelly Courtney & Matt Phillips
Christine & Terry Edwards
Western League v Avon |
The first Western League match of tthe season vs Avon was played on 17th September at Bristol Bridge Club. The results were :-
A Team (Won 15-5)
Mark Hooper & Rod Marks
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
Eugene Sheehan & David Gill
James & Shirley Dutton
B Team (Won 13-7)
Roy Riley & Stephanie Donner
David Berwitz & Robin Wright
C Team (Won 13-7)
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregory
Mary Osmond & Judy Petran
Western League 2016/17 |
The dates of the 2016/17 matches are :-
Avon (A) 17th September
Cornwall (H) 8th October
Somerset (A) 14th January
Devon (H) 4th February
Wiltshire (H) 18th March
Hereford, midpoint (Woolavington), 1st April
East Wales, midpoint (Woolavington), Sunday 14th May
Western League v East Wales |
The last Western League match of the season was played v East Wales at Woolavington on Sun 15th May.
The final standings are :-
- The A team finished 2nd in their league
- The B team have won their league
- The C team have won their league
- Dorset won the overall league
The B and C teams now go forward to the National Finals.
Well done to all players that have represented the county this season.
The results of the last match were :-
A Team (Lost 16-4)
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
James & Shirley Dutton
B Team (Won 16-4)
Mark Hooper & Robin Wright
Roy Riley & Steph Donner
C Team (Lost 11-9)
Judy Petran & Mary Osmond
Richard Bates & Andrew Bishop
Western League v Hereford |
The results of the latest Western League match v Hereford at Woolavington on Sat 2nd April are :-
A Team (Lost 14-6)
Bob Mott & Barrie Cantello
Chris Stevens & Alastair Cowley
B Team (Won 11-9)
Tim Dunsby & Helen Ackroyd
Peter Mallett & Andy Kittridge
C Team (Won 13-7)
Judy Petran & Mary Osmond
Terry & Chris Edwards
Western League v Wiltshire |
Congratulations to all the teams that won their matches against Wiltshire in the Western league on Sat 12th March at Trowbridge.
A Team (Won 20-0)
John Gardner & Margot Wilson-Gardner
David Gill & Eugene Sheehan
James & Shirley Dutton
Alastair Cowley & Keith Bartlett
B Team (Won 17-3)
Jon Holland & Hugh Kevill-Davies
Tim Dunsby & Helen Ackroyd
C Team (Won 19-1)
Kelly Courtney & Andrew Barnett
Michael Yeo & Geoff Cave
Western League vs Devon |
The latest Western League match versus Devon was played at Torquay on Sat 6th February.
A Team (Won17-3)
Janet Smith & Alan Wilson
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
B Team (Won 18-2)
Claire Hillyard & Richard Vessey
Jon Holland & Hugh Kevill-Davies
C Team (Won 13-7)
Robin Wright & Matt Phillips
Judy Petran & Mary Osmond
Well done to all teams. Many thanks to Judy & Mary for agreeing to play at short notice.
Western League v Somerset |
The latest Western League match versus Somerset was played at home at Frampton on Sat 7th November. The results were :-
A Team (Won 17-3)
Janet Smith, Alan Wilson, David Gill, Eugene Sheehan, Keith Bartlett, Barrie Cantello, James & Shirley Dutton
B Team (Lost 13-7)
Hugh Kevill-Davies, Jon Holland, Peter Mallett, Andy Kittridge, Tim Dunsby, Helen Ackroyd, Richard Vessey & Claire Hillyard
C Team (Won 15-5)
Matt Phillips, Kelly Courtney, Richard Bates & Andrew Bishop
Western League v Cornwall |
The latest Western League match versus Cornwall at Bodmin was played on Sat 10th October. The results were :-
A Team (Won 15-5)
Bob Mott, Ann Sharples, Mark Hooper & Janet Smith
B Team (Won 17-3)
Hugh Kevill-Davies, Jon Holland, Roy Riley & Steph Donner
C Team (Won 20-0)
Robin Wright, Matt Phillips, Kelly Courtney & Sarah Fazakerley
Western League v Avon |
The first Western League match of the season was played at home on 19th Sept v Avon. The results were
A Team (Lost 12-8)
Dave Gill, Eugene Sheehan, Keith Bartlett, Barrie Cantello, Chris Stevens, Alastair Cowley, Mark Hooper & Janet Smith
B Team (Drew 10-10)
Ron Heath, Tim Dunsby, Pete Mallett & Hugh Kevill-Davies
C Team (Won 11-9)
Terry & Chris Edwards, Matt Phillips & Michael Yeo
B Team win Western League |
The last match in the Western League was played on Sat 18th May vs East Wales at Woolavington.
The results were :-
A Team - lost 17-3
B Team - won 18-2
C Team - won 12-8.
This resulted in the B team winning the league. The A team had a dissappointing season winning only 1 match. The C team finished 4th winning 4 matches. Well done to eveyone who has represented the county this season.
Western League v East Wales |
The last match in the Western League is vs East Wales on Sat 16th May at Woolavington.
The selections for this match are :-
A Team:
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
Chris Stevens & Alastair Cowley
B Team:
Tim Dunsby & Helen Ackroyd
Pete Mallett & Andy Kittridge
C Team:
Richard Bates & Andrew Bishop
Sarah Fazakerley & Andrew Barnett
Western League |
The latest match in the Western League was played on Sat 28th March vs Hereford at Ross-on-Wye.
The results were :-
A Team - won 12-8
B Team - lost 13-7
C Team - lost 16-4.
Western League |
The next match in the Western League is vs Hereford on Sat 28th Mar at the Larruperz Centre in Ross-on Wye.
The selections for this match are :-
A Team:
Bob Mott & Ann Sharples
Keith Bartlett & Barrie Cantello
B Team:
Roy Riley & Stephanie Donner
Robin Wright & David Berwitz
C Team:
Rohan Bagshawe & Julian Gregory
Chris & Terry Edwards
Western League |
The latest match in the Western League was played on Sat 14th March at Dorchester.
The results were :-
A Team - lost 16-4
B Team - won 13-7
C Team - won 20-0.
Western League |
The latest match in the Western League was played on Sat 7th Feb at Frampton, Dorchester.
The results were :-
A Team - lost 14-6
B Team - won 16-4
C Team - lost 13-7.