Dirigo Bridge is an ACBL affliated club with 2 sesions per week: Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons starting at 12:00 pm.
The Games are all held at B.P.O.Elks Lodge #244 Located at 106 Odlin Rd. Bangor Me. 04401
If you need a partner for afternoon games you can contact Betty_Ann Ellery 207-522-9216 or e-mail me at: notrumpking@yahoo.com and I'll do my best.
Standing: Ed Spear, Paul Newman, Coleman Driver, Van Raymond, Jane Bradley, Steve Dyer, Sue McCallum, Mel Voisine, Bonnie Fitzpatrick, Paul Johnson, Sue Johnson, Jean Martin, Fran Loring, Bob Clukey, Ed Ferguson, Fran Bradbury, Fred Letourneau, Faith Griffith, Tom Lane, Bill Halteman.Sitting: Forrest Wardwell, Cindy Lee, John Ellery, Betty-Ann Ellery, Kay Whitney, Barbara Farrington, Hilda Wardwell, Don Murray, Matha Williams