Annie Langstaff (R) - Winner of The Neil Cliff Most Improved Player Cup 2024 |
The Neil Cliff Most Improved Player Cup is awarded each year based on the overall performance percentage increase from the preceding year's results, to the most improved member . This year it was won by Annie Langstaff who had a performance improvement of over 9%! (Annie (R) receiving the cup from Neil Cliff and the previous winner Janey O'Dell).
Annie also goes into the "Hall of Fame" this week for bidding and making a 7NT Grand Slam with partner, Christine Taylor!
(Note: based on the statistics up to and including the end of February. Member must have been a member for both years)
The Fosbrook Cup Winners 2023/24 |
 Congratulations from the club to members Penny Pomfret & Les Baker on winning the 2023/24 Fosbrook Cup. (Presented by Patti Fosbrook)
Winners Peter Bond Cup 2023 & 2024 |
 Due to a slight faux pas by an unnamed club secretary - Nick Hoare was inadvertently not awarded the Peter Bond Trophy in 2023 to make amends we briefly awarded it to him of the same night that we then snatched it back and awarded it to Richard Stratton for his 2024 win of the cup,
The cup is awarded based on highest overall year percentages - Well Done Both
Nick is the Handsome gentleman with the full clothed legs and Richard is the half naked legged gentleman
The Shirley Cowshall Cup |

The Shirley Cowshall Cup was played on Wednesday 24th April 2019 (the nearest Wednesday to Shirley's birthday)
Congratulations to Penny & Jane, very appropriately from the U3A Bridge Group, on winning! .
DBC Trophy 2024 |
Our Congratulations go to Jinny and Keith Bartlett on winning the Di Ball Cup (DBC) on Wednesday 21st August 2024 with an impressive score of 70.83 percent!
They are now rightly on the Club Trophy Winners board.
(Sadly Di was not able to join us on this occasion to present the trophy, but we hope to see her again soon)
Really Easy Congress 2019 |
 For a relatively new club, we play host to some very talented players of which we are rightly extremely proud. At the Norfolk Congress 2019 held at the Wensum Valley Hotel, we had outstanding representation. Of the twenty three teams playing in the misleadingly named Really Easy Congress, three pairs from the Club finished in the top eight! Our congratulations go to Lesley Matthews & David Sumbler, for their first place win and successful claim of the President’s Trophy! Our Congratulations also to our two other finely placed pairs: Penny Pomfret & Jane O’dell and Jane Keidan-Cooper & Elspeth Mackinlay
The member’s accolades do not stop here; with a win for Chris Mallon (with partner Mike Scoltock) in the Men’s Pairs; a further win in the Friday Team’s event (with team members Alan Cooke, Gary Hyett and Mike Scoltock) and Chris was also mentioned in the Saturday’s Daily Telegraph for his 4th place success in the Norfolk Swiss Pairs event (with partner Mike Scoltock). Congratulations Chris Mallon!