Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Thursday 6th October 2022
The meeting started at 18.15.
Present were Mike Welton (Chair), Richard Lowther (Treasurer), Penny Jann (Secretary), Manon Baldock, Josie Craig, Frances Cousins, Joyce & Martin Dennison, Marie Faulkner, Pat Gregory-Carlton, Michael Hartnall, Maggie McCune, Jane Milton, Brian Morrison, Angela Paterson, Ray Ross, Penny Shawyer, Doug & Nina Smit, Joan Stenson, Mike Valmas, John Wells, Alison Welton, Leon & Nicky Wynne,
Apologies were received from Christine & Christopher Bell, Jessica Buckle, Helen Dean, Barbara Doyle-Davidson, Monica Fisher, Barbie & Philip Kitchen, Sharyn Nash, Jeanne Penny, Davina Puckle, Andrew Scott-Plummer and Antoinette Williams.
The last AGM took place on 30th May 2019. There had not been an AGM in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid restricting face-to-face play. It was therefore agreed to take the previous AGM minutes as read.
There were no matters arising.
The Clockhouse Bridge Club Report to August 31st 2022 including the periods 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 had been circulated by email to all members prior to the meeting. Presenting his report, Mike Welton said increasing the current membership of 57 is the most important issue for the club. The club has advertised in local magazines and ask that all members seek new recruits able to play to a reasonable standard. Ideally the club would like at least 20 people to join this year. Martin Dennison asked how much Age UK Surrey needed the club and it was noted that there was a shared need and also that Mike has a good relationship with the manager. The report ended with thanks to the Clockhouse for their continued support, particularly the manager and new caretaker, to the committee, directors and scorers for all the administration, to Josie for setting up the evenings and Frances for the tea and biscuit arrangements, and to our auditor Brian.
Richard Lowther tabled two documents: the Income & Expenditure Account year ended 31st August 2022 and the Balance Sheet as at 31st August 2022. The change to the year end of the club from March to 1st August was done in order for the financial year to be commensurate with the club’s playing seasons. For the 17 months ended 31st August 2021 there were few expenses due to playing on-line. For the year ended 31st August 2022 the club did not collect a full subscription. It was noted that hire of the room accounts for 85% of outgoings. Looking forward the club has paid the Clockhouse for the year which could help in future negotiations. In summary the club is in a reasonable financial position with some reserves in place. The accounts had been audited by Brian Morrison. The accounts were unanimously approved.
The committee members were re-elected en masse for a further year, there being no other nominations.
The Committee 2022-23:
Chair: Mike Welton Joyce Dennison
Treasurer: Richard Lowther Penny Shawyer
Secretary: Penny Jann Josie Craig
Membership Secretary: Jane Milton
7.1 Marie Faulkner had prior to the meeting asked for three points to be considered: earlier start and earlier finish, a rota of members to provide partners for new members and those without a partner, and a better way of re-dealing the cards. Mike Welton had agreed with Marie that a questionnaire would be sent to all members very shortly. However if someone needs to leave as soon as play has finished then they can go.
7.2 Leon Wynne asked whether the club would consider having pre-dealt hands. There is a cost to doing this and it was felt that at this time it would be preferable to continue our current arrangement. However the club could re-consider if members thought the club was behind the times.
7.3 Joyce asked if members wanted to go back to having cumulated prizes once or twice a year. With less members it was agreed not to reinstate these at the current time.
7.4 A number of members were thanked for their hard work and support for the club including Mike Welton who had done very well in negotiating with the Clockhouse, Josie Craig who arrives early and sets everything out, and Joyce Dennison for all her input.
The meeting closed at 18.55.
Penny Jann