Citrus Bridge
Release 2.19r
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Special games for February:

STaC Games:  February 3, 5 & 7

STARDUST Week:  Feb. 10, 11, 12 & 14--25% Gold points!!!

Club Championship:  February 17, 18, 19 & 21

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1. Unless you are being paid to teach, don’t give lessons.
2. Never say anything to your partner unless you would want him or her to say the same to you.
3. Don’t “result” (criticize your partner for a normal action just because it didn't work this time).
4. Think twice before discussing the hand you just played. If you can’t wait, be discreet.
5. Remember: You and your partner are on the same side and he or she wants to win as much as you do.
6. If you feel the urge to be nasty, sarcastic, critical or loud, excuse yourself and take a walk.
7. If there is time between hands do not discuss bridge.
8. If you choose to ask another player about a disaster, ask about your hand, not your partners.
9. Don’t criticize your partner in public.
10. Remember that bridge is only a card game.
11. Make sure both of you have a good time.
12. Trust your partner; don’t assume he or she made a mistake.
13. Although it may be unfashionable, it really is ok to be pleasant to a partner you live with.
14. Think before verbally analyzing a hand. Don’t embarrass yourself with an inaccurate comment.
15. When you choose to play bridge with someone, it’s not fair to get upset if he or she does not play perfectly.
16. Never side with an opponent against your partner. Try to support him or her.
17. If you think your too good for your partner and do not enjoy playing bridge with him or her, do everyone a favor and play with someone else. That is much better than being a martyr. However, be careful before burning bridges.
18. Learn your partner’s style, regardless about how you feel about it. Don’t expect your partner to bid exactly as you would. When your partner bids, consider what he or she will have, not what you would have.
19. Picture problems from your partner’s point of view. Seek the bid or play that makes his or her life easier.
20. Sympathize with your partner if he or she makes a mistake. Let your partner know that you like him or her, and always root for him or her 100 percent.

Tips for Bridge players,
Marty Bergen          


Sectional Tournaments

The Villages:  November 23-25th, 2024