Minutes of the Chipping Norton Bridge Club AGM held on Thursday 9th November at 13.00 p.m.
1. Apologies:
Apologies were received from Anthea Robinson and Jenny Haviland.
2. Chairman’s Report:
David Wigley reported on the activity of the Club for the year ending 30th September 2023. A copy of his report is available on request.
3. Treasurer’s Report:
Sakine Faulkner presented an up-to date report on the Club finances of which copies of the audited accounts were distributed to members and accepted. Considering the expense of the recently purchased Bridgemate system, the Club’s account remains in a healthy position. Liz Spencer suggested that there may be some help from the EBU with regard to such a purchase which will be looked into by the Committee.
4. Election of Officers and Committee including Partner Scheme:
David Wigley expressed his wish to step-down as Chairman. Hugh Simmonds kindly offered to take on the role as Chairman which was accepted by a show of Hands.
Ann Bunker has agreed to step in to continue the work of Chris Franklin as Secretary - Chris being unable at present to fulfill this role.
Peter Branson offered to join the Committee and was accepted by a show of hands as were the other members.
Anthony Benn kindly offered to continue to run the Partner scheme, which was gratefully accepted.
Committee: Chairman: Hugh Simmonds Treasurer: Sakine Faulkner Secretary: Ann Bunker Member: Rupert Timpson Member: Anthea Robinson Member: Peter Branson
Directors: Hugh Simmonds David Wigley Ann Bunker
5. Presentation of Prizes for 2023 Competitions:
Edwards Shield: Linda Edwards & Diane Coe with Paul Spencer and Ian Sidgwick.
Bailey Cup: Linda Edwards and Diane Coe.
Second Place: Ina Merriman and Chris Franklin.
Pam Wigley Trophy: David Wigley & Liz Spencer with Paul Spencer and Ian Sidgwick.
6. Programme for 2024: The following events will take place in 2024:
Bailey Cup: 1st Thursday every month from February to August (Same partner)
Edwards Shield: 18th April - teams of 4.
Pam Wigley Trophy:12th September - teams of 4
7. SIM Pairs: It has been decided to take part in some of these events and dates will be confirmed later.
8. A.O.B.
Teams Events: It was suggested by Mauveen Ball that it would be a good idea for the teams to be decided by drawing names from a hat. This was put to a vote and accepted. This will need to be done at least a week before the event in order to prevent a ˝ table.
Xmas Party; It was suggested by Noreen Cassidy that the invitations to our Xmas Party be extended to the players at our Tuesday Sessions. This was agreed and will be announced at the next Tuesday Session.
Heating: Ina Merriman voiced the concern of many members who find that as winter approaches the room is not heated to a satisfactory temperature. It was decided that the heating should be turned on at least ˝ hour before start of play, possibly longer. Rupert Timpson, who ensures that the heating is operating stated that we have been informed not to adjust the thermostat. Measures will be taken to Improve the situation. There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 1.22 p.m.
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