Monday Bridge |
 Our next Monday meeting will be on March 10th
I believe that the following are available :- Jock/Alys, David /Bernie, Bridget/HazeL Joan T/Jenny, Andrew/Josie, Alan/Moyanne, Janet/Stephen, Terry/Val, Ian/Rosemary, Brian/Jen, Doug/David E.
Need a partner - Sandra.
Please let me know if this is incorrect or you would like to play.
Thanks for supporting our club
Colin S
Thursday Bridge |
 Next: 13th March @ 1pm
The following pairs are playing: Chris/Joanne, Helen/Harry, Colin B/Joan W, Brian/Jen, Ian/Rosemary, Terry/Val, Brian K/Mike, Andrew/Josie, Sue/Angela, Dianne/Marion, Elaine/Bernie, Sandra/Kerie, Bridget/Joan T & Morris/Alys.
Still to confirm: Nil
Looking to a partner (I think): Veronica
As always, please let me know if there are any errors or changes.
Colin B
Friday Morning social rubber Bridge |
 The U3A social Bridge Group play on a Friday morning between 10.00 a.m and 12. 00 a.m. at Sedbury Village Hall. The convenors are Chris and Kerie.
Just turn up before the start time, if you do not have a partner Chris and Kerie should be able to fix you up with one. We play rubber bridge, in the main using the ACOL bidding system but if all four players at a table want to use a separate system then they may do so as long as everyone agrees.
For further information contact Chris or Kerie