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CDBC Trophy Winners - History
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CDBC Executive  2024/2025


Sally Goddard

Vice President:

Jayne Hinchliff-Milne

Past President:

Ken Kerr


Rolf Tomlins


Pearle MacCallum

At Large:

Lynne Eager

Barb Woodhead

Edna MacDonald

Director Rep:

Ray Malone

Club Manager:

Erroll Jenkins

Social Committee:

Lynda Sharpe


CDBC Trophy Winners - History



Norton's Jewellers Trophy - Open Pairs Championship
1976 Marie Carragher, Jean MacPhail
1977 Mr & Mrs Bill Cruden
1978 Elayne Kays, Marie Carragher
1979 Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy
1980 -----
1981 -----
1982 Inez MacDonald, Mrs. M.A.Farmer
1983 Ken MacDonald, Charles, Asprey
1984 Ron Butler, Iain Galloway
1985 -----
1986 -----
1987 Nan Kirby, Heather Peckett
1988 Paul Hooper, Dave Steeves
1989 Florence Griffin, Jean MacPhail
1990 Helen McCabe, Doris, MacCarey
1991 Walter MacDonald, Steve Fidgen
1992 Chris Larrabee, Gene MacDonald
1993 Charlie Trainor, Orin Carver
1994 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
1995 Gene Ward, Kerry Lafferty
1996 Kathleen Murphy, Sister Mary Angela
1997 Jean MacPahil, Florence Griffin
1998 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
1999 Gwen MacDonald, Florence Griffin
2000 -----
2001 Peter Stark, Connie Smith
2002 Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy
2003 Mel Martin, Gwen MacDonald
2004 Marie Carragher, Kathleen Murphy
2005 Ron Butler, Iain Galloway
2006 Peter Stark, BillFrederikson
2007 Kathleen Murphy, Marie Carragher
2008 Bill Sharpe, Des MacNeill
2009 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2010 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
2011 Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser
2012 Bill Frederikson, Bill Sharpe
2013 Judy Reilly, Catherine MacNeill
2014 Ron Butler, Iain Galloway
2015 Catherine MacNeill, Judy Reilly
2016 Bill Sharpe, Rick Wu
2017 Phillippe Bruneau, Bill Sharpe
2018 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2019 Ron MacDougall, Shane Lafferty
2020 -----
2021 Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly
2022 Al Laughland, Elizabeth Dewolf
2023 -----
2024 Elaine Noonan, Bill Sharpe
2025 Jennifer Acton, Wilson Acton


Ramsden Trophy - Open Pairs

1975 Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy
1976 Mrs. L.B. Hicks, Mrs. J.W. Kirby
1977 Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy
1978 G. MacDonald, D. Rogers
1979 M. Rogers, G. Stewart
1980 Mrs. E. McCarville, Mrs. E. Toombs
1981 Major Reid, Dr. Kassner
1982 Dr. W. MacDonald, C. Asprey
1983 Gladys Reid, G. MacKay
1984 Lucy MacKay, Freda MacLean
1985 Olive Hencher, Eddie Michael
1986 Mr. & Mrs. E.E. Douglas
1987 Shane Lafferty, Gene Ward
1988 Mary Rodd, Dot Roper
1989 Marjorie Rogers, Margaret Foley
1990 Christine Larrabee, Gladys Reid
1991 Christine Larrabee, Gladys Reid

Marie Carragher, Kathleen Murphy and Dot Roper, Mary Todd

1993 Nan Kirby, Mary Hicks
1994 Sr. Marion Keefe, Marie Carragher
1995 Leo Carragher, Bob Aaron
1996 Olive Fleming, Joseph Godin
1997 Fran Handrahan, Sr. Marion Keefe
1998 Cecilia Dalziel, Kathleen Murphy
1999 Mary Kelly, Adelbert Roche
2000 Gwen MacDonald, Judy Reilly
2001 Bill Frederikson, Olive Fleming
2002 Sr. Marion Keefe, Betty Arsenault
2003 Bill Frederikson, Peter Stark
2004 Sr. Marion Keefe, Fran Handrahan
2005 -----
2006 Gerard Whalen, John Whalen
2007 -----
2008 Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe
2009 Shane Lafferty, Ron MacDougall
2010 Bill Sharpe, Ed Benson
2011 Florence Griffin, Jean Williamson
2012 Carl Bagnall, David Mitchell
2013 Catherine MacNeill, Fran Handrahan
2014 Florence Griffin, Jean Williamson
2015 Judy Reilly, Judy Fraser
2016 Sue Loucks, Fran Handrahan
2017 Catherine & Des MacNeill
2018 Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin
2019 Elaine Noonan, Bill Sharpe
2020 Ken Kerr, Rolf Tomlins
2021 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2022 Lynda Sharpe, Judy Reilly
2023 -----
2024 Elaine Noonan, Elizabeth Dewolf


"Mixed Pairs" Championship - donated by Major & Gladys Reid (1986)
1987 Kathleen Murphy, Leo Carragher
1988 Carol Mann, Rashid Kahn
1989 Betty Costello, Gene Ward
1990 Betty Costello, Gene Ward
1991 Kathleen Murphy, Ray Doucette
1992 Chris Larrabee, Gene MacDonald
1993 Chris Larrabee, Ron Butler
1994 Marie Carragher, Ron MacDougall
1995 Catherine & Des MacNeill
1996 Catherine & DesMacNeill
1997 Kathleen Murphy, Gerard Whalen
1998 Kathleen Murphy, Gerard Whalen
1999 Judy & Bill Reilly
2000 Fran Handrahan, Dennis O'Brien
2001 Florence Griffin, Bob Aaron
2002 Bernice & Lloyd Snyder
2003 Irene Shankel, Mike Rafuse
2004 Marie Hickey, Adelbert Roche
2005 Florence Griffin, Bill Sharpe
2006 Anne Taylor Murray, Guy Cousineau
2007 -----
2008 Catherine MacNeill, Dave Roper
2009 Judy Reilly, Walter MacDonald
2010 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2011 Catherine MacNeill, Adelbert Roche
2012 Catherine MacNeill, Bill Frederikson
2013 Judy Reilly, Adelbert Roche
2014 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2015 Judy Reilly, Adelbert Roche
2016 Catherine & Des MacNeill
2017 Elizabeth Dewolf, Ken Kerr
2018 Elizabeth Dewolf, Ray Malone
  Irene MacArthur, John O'Hanley
2019 Judy Reilly, Shawn Murphy
2020 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2021 -----
2022 Sally Goddard, Allan Callard
2023 -----
2024 Lynne Eager, Dennis O'Brien


Abegweit Open Pairs - Taylor Jewellers Ltd. Award
2009 Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin
2010 Kathleen Murphy, Judy Reilly
2011 Kathleen Murphy, Judy Reilly
2012 Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe
2013 Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin
2014 Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe
2015 Florence Griffin, Alice Whitty
2016 Judy Reilly, Bill Sharpe
2017 Judy Reilly, Bill Sharpe
2018 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2019 Sue Loucks, Joan McCarville
2020 Judy Reilly, Bill Sharpe
2021 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2022 Bill Sharpe, Dave Blacquiere
2023 -----
2024 Lynne Eager, Dennis O'Brien


Michael Trophy (winners of Christmas Party event)
1987 Lily Michael, Joe Gaudin, Helen Bartlett, Dave Steeves
1988 Dave Steeves, Marg Romcke, Mary Hicks, Ernie Carver, George Collard
1989 Mary Hicks, Doss Rogers, Olive Fleming, Ivo Cudmore, Roger Pichette
1990 Marie Carragher, Marg Romcke, Jim Gaudet, Des MacNeill, Eddy Michael, Roy Vessey
1991 Marie Carragher, Jolene Williams, Bev Boswell, Doris McCarey, Mary Kelly
1992 -----
1993 Fr. Edmund Roche, Adelbert Roche
1994 Orin Carver, Charlie Trainor
1995 Gene MacDonald, Gerard Whalen
1996 Bill Reilly, Judy Reilly
1997 Nan Kirby, Esther Cox
1998 Bob Aaron, Mike Lafferty
1999 Bill Frederikson, Scott MacDonald
2000 Chris Larrabee, Betty Arsenault
2001 Ron Butler, Iain Galloway
2002 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
2003 Bill Reilly, Judy Reilly
2004 -----
2005 Bill Sharpe, Bill Frederikson
2006 Helen McCabe, Jean Baker
2007 Carol Reid, Jim Trainor
2008 Bill Sharpe, Francis Drake
2009 -----
2010 -----
2011 -----
2012 Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser
2013 David Mitchell, Carl Bagnall
2014 Joan Cooke, Tom Garland
2015 Len Hynes, Ralph Kennedy
2016 Judith Bezeredi. Irene MacArthur
2017 Bill Sharpe, Francis Drake
2018 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2019 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2020 -----
2021 Edna MacDonald, Lynne Eager
2022 Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny
2023 Florence Griffin, Shawn Murphy


Men's Open Pairs (Ian & Faye MacLeod Award)
1998 Bill Reilly, Bill Nearing
1999 Mel Martin, Del Holmstrom
2000 Scott MacDonald, Bill Frederikson
2001 Walter MacDonald, Steve Fidgen
2002 Mel Martin, Duncan Wilson
2003 Adelbert Roche, Greg Lee
2004 Walter MacDonald, Adelbert Roche
2005 Gerard Whalen, Mike Rafuse
2006 Peter Stark, Bill Frederikson
2007 Bill Frederikson, Bill Sharpe
2008 Walter MacDonald, Adelbert Roche
2009 Bill Sharpe, Richard Kenny
2010 Walter MacDonald, Adelbert Roche
2011 Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe
2012 Adelbert Roche, Des MacNeill
2013 Richard Kenny, John O'Hanley
2014 Bill Sharpe, Rick Wu
2015 Bill Sharpe, Francis Drake
2016 Carl Bagnall, David Mitchell
2017 Iain Galloway, Ron Butler
2018 Ron MacDougall, Shane Lafferty


Women's Pairs (donated by Trophy Hut)

1992 Chris Larrabee, Gladys Reid
1993 Dot Roper, Mary Rodd
1994 Chris Larrabee, Gladys Reid
1995 Florence Griffin, Jean MacPhail
1996 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
1997 Dot Roper, Marie Hickey
1998 Jean MacPhail, Gwen MacDonald
1999 Judy Reilly, Mary Nearing
2000 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
2001 -----
2002 Bernice Snyder, Olive Fleming
2003 Gwen MacDonald, Judy Reilly
2004 Joyce Gallant, Arlene Mamye
2005 Catherine MacNeill, Florence Griffin
2006 Judy Reilly, Marie Carragher
2007 Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin
2008 Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser
2009 Lynda Sharpre, Helen Turner
2010 Mary Nearing, Jean Baker
2011 Jean Baker, Betty Arsenault
2012 Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly
2013 Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly
2014 Fran Handrahan, Catherine MacNeill
2015 Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser
2016 Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly
2017 Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin
2018 Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin