Norton's Jewellers Trophy - Open Pairs Championship
1976 |
Marie Carragher, Jean MacPhail |
1977 |
Mr & Mrs Bill Cruden |
1978 |
Elayne Kays, Marie Carragher |
1979 |
Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy |
1980 |
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1981 |
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1982 |
Inez MacDonald, Mrs. M.A.Farmer |
1983 |
Ken MacDonald, Charles, Asprey |
1984 |
Ron Butler, Iain Galloway |
1985 |
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1986 |
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1987 |
Nan Kirby, Heather Peckett |
1988 |
Paul Hooper, Dave Steeves |
1989 |
Florence Griffin, Jean MacPhail |
1990 |
Helen McCabe, Doris, MacCarey |
1991 |
Walter MacDonald, Steve Fidgen |
1992 |
Chris Larrabee, Gene MacDonald |
1993 |
Charlie Trainor, Orin Carver |
1994 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
1995 |
Gene Ward, Kerry Lafferty |
1996 |
Kathleen Murphy, Sister Mary Angela |
1997 |
Jean MacPahil, Florence Griffin |
1998 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
1999 |
Gwen MacDonald, Florence Griffin |
2000 |
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2001 |
Peter Stark, Connie Smith |
2002 |
Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy |
2003 |
Mel Martin, Gwen MacDonald |
2004 |
Marie Carragher, Kathleen Murphy |
2005 |
Ron Butler, Iain Galloway |
2006 |
Peter Stark, BillFrederikson |
2007 |
Kathleen Murphy, Marie Carragher |
2008 |
Bill Sharpe, Des MacNeill |
2009 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2010 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
2011 |
Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser |
2012 |
Bill Frederikson, Bill Sharpe |
2013 |
Judy Reilly, Catherine MacNeill |
2014 |
Ron Butler, Iain Galloway |
2015 |
Catherine MacNeill, Judy Reilly |
2016 |
Bill Sharpe, Rick Wu |
2017 |
Phillippe Bruneau, Bill Sharpe |
2018 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2019 |
Ron MacDougall, Shane Lafferty |
2020 |
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2021 |
Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly |
2022 |
Al Laughland, Elizabeth Dewolf |
2023 |
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2024 |
Elaine Noonan, Bill Sharpe |
2025 |
Jennifer Acton, Wilson Acton |
Ramsden Trophy - Open Pairs
1975 |
Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy |
1976 |
Mrs. L.B. Hicks, Mrs. J.W. Kirby |
1977 |
Florence Griffin, Kathleen Murphy |
1978 |
G. MacDonald, D. Rogers |
1979 |
M. Rogers, G. Stewart |
1980 |
Mrs. E. McCarville, Mrs. E. Toombs |
1981 |
Major Reid, Dr. Kassner |
1982 |
Dr. W. MacDonald, C. Asprey |
1983 |
Gladys Reid, G. MacKay |
1984 |
Lucy MacKay, Freda MacLean |
1985 |
Olive Hencher, Eddie Michael |
1986 |
Mr. & Mrs. E.E. Douglas |
1987 |
Shane Lafferty, Gene Ward |
1988 |
Mary Rodd, Dot Roper |
1989 |
Marjorie Rogers, Margaret Foley |
1990 |
Christine Larrabee, Gladys Reid |
1991 |
Christine Larrabee, Gladys Reid |
1992 |
Marie Carragher, Kathleen Murphy and Dot Roper, Mary Todd
1993 |
Nan Kirby, Mary Hicks |
1994 |
Sr. Marion Keefe, Marie Carragher |
1995 |
Leo Carragher, Bob Aaron |
1996 |
Olive Fleming, Joseph Godin |
1997 |
Fran Handrahan, Sr. Marion Keefe |
1998 |
Cecilia Dalziel, Kathleen Murphy |
1999 |
Mary Kelly, Adelbert Roche |
2000 |
Gwen MacDonald, Judy Reilly |
2001 |
Bill Frederikson, Olive Fleming |
2002 |
Sr. Marion Keefe, Betty Arsenault |
2003 |
Bill Frederikson, Peter Stark |
2004 |
Sr. Marion Keefe, Fran Handrahan |
2005 |
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2006 |
Gerard Whalen, John Whalen |
2007 |
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2008 |
Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe |
2009 |
Shane Lafferty, Ron MacDougall |
2010 |
Bill Sharpe, Ed Benson |
2011 |
Florence Griffin, Jean Williamson |
2012 |
Carl Bagnall, David Mitchell |
2013 |
Catherine MacNeill, Fran Handrahan |
2014 |
Florence Griffin, Jean Williamson |
2015 |
Judy Reilly, Judy Fraser |
2016 |
Sue Loucks, Fran Handrahan |
2017 |
Catherine & Des MacNeill |
2018 |
Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin |
2019 |
Elaine Noonan, Bill Sharpe |
2020 |
Ken Kerr, Rolf Tomlins |
2021 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2022 |
Lynda Sharpe, Judy Reilly |
2023 |
----- |
2024 |
Elaine Noonan, Elizabeth Dewolf |
"Mixed Pairs" Championship - donated by Major & Gladys Reid (1986)
1987 |
Kathleen Murphy, Leo Carragher |
1988 |
Carol Mann, Rashid Kahn |
1989 |
Betty Costello, Gene Ward |
1990 |
Betty Costello, Gene Ward |
1991 |
Kathleen Murphy, Ray Doucette |
1992 |
Chris Larrabee, Gene MacDonald |
1993 |
Chris Larrabee, Ron Butler |
1994 |
Marie Carragher, Ron MacDougall |
1995 |
Catherine & Des MacNeill |
1996 |
Catherine & DesMacNeill |
1997 |
Kathleen Murphy, Gerard Whalen |
1998 |
Kathleen Murphy, Gerard Whalen |
1999 |
Judy & Bill Reilly |
2000 |
Fran Handrahan, Dennis O'Brien |
2001 |
Florence Griffin, Bob Aaron |
2002 |
Bernice & Lloyd Snyder |
2003 |
Irene Shankel, Mike Rafuse |
2004 |
Marie Hickey, Adelbert Roche |
2005 |
Florence Griffin, Bill Sharpe |
2006 |
Anne Taylor Murray, Guy Cousineau |
2007 |
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2008 |
Catherine MacNeill, Dave Roper |
2009 |
Judy Reilly, Walter MacDonald |
2010 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2011 |
Catherine MacNeill, Adelbert Roche |
2012 |
Catherine MacNeill, Bill Frederikson |
2013 |
Judy Reilly, Adelbert Roche |
2014 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2015 |
Judy Reilly, Adelbert Roche |
2016 |
Catherine & Des MacNeill |
2017 |
Elizabeth Dewolf, Ken Kerr |
2018 |
Elizabeth Dewolf, Ray Malone |
Irene MacArthur, John O'Hanley |
2019 |
Judy Reilly, Shawn Murphy |
2020 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2021 |
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2022 |
Sally Goddard, Allan Callard |
2023 |
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2024 |
Lynne Eager, Dennis O'Brien |
Abegweit Open Pairs - Taylor Jewellers Ltd. Award
2009 |
Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin |
2010 |
Kathleen Murphy, Judy Reilly |
2011 |
Kathleen Murphy, Judy Reilly |
2012 |
Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe |
2013 |
Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin |
2014 |
Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe |
2015 |
Florence Griffin, Alice Whitty |
2016 |
Judy Reilly, Bill Sharpe |
2017 |
Judy Reilly, Bill Sharpe |
2018 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2019 |
Sue Loucks, Joan McCarville |
2020 |
Judy Reilly, Bill Sharpe |
2021 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2022 |
Bill Sharpe, Dave Blacquiere |
2023 |
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2024 |
Lynne Eager, Dennis O'Brien |
Michael Trophy (winners of Christmas Party event)
1987 |
Lily Michael, Joe Gaudin, Helen Bartlett, Dave Steeves |
1988 |
Dave Steeves, Marg Romcke, Mary Hicks, Ernie Carver, George Collard |
1989 |
Mary Hicks, Doss Rogers, Olive Fleming, Ivo Cudmore, Roger Pichette |
1990 |
Marie Carragher, Marg Romcke, Jim Gaudet, Des MacNeill, Eddy Michael, Roy Vessey |
1991 |
Marie Carragher, Jolene Williams, Bev Boswell, Doris McCarey, Mary Kelly |
1992 |
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1993 |
Fr. Edmund Roche, Adelbert Roche |
1994 |
Orin Carver, Charlie Trainor |
1995 |
Gene MacDonald, Gerard Whalen |
1996 |
Bill Reilly, Judy Reilly |
1997 |
Nan Kirby, Esther Cox |
1998 |
Bob Aaron, Mike Lafferty |
1999 |
Bill Frederikson, Scott MacDonald |
2000 |
Chris Larrabee, Betty Arsenault |
2001 |
Ron Butler, Iain Galloway |
2002 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
2003 |
Bill Reilly, Judy Reilly |
2004 |
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2005 |
Bill Sharpe, Bill Frederikson |
2006 |
Helen McCabe, Jean Baker |
2007 |
Carol Reid, Jim Trainor |
2008 |
Bill Sharpe, Francis Drake |
2009 |
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2010 |
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2011 |
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2012 |
Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser |
2013 |
David Mitchell, Carl Bagnall |
2014 |
Joan Cooke, Tom Garland |
2015 |
Len Hynes, Ralph Kennedy |
2016 |
Judith Bezeredi. Irene MacArthur |
2017 |
Bill Sharpe, Francis Drake |
2018 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2019 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2020 |
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2021 |
Edna MacDonald, Lynne Eager |
2022 |
Cindy Wedge, Richard Kenny |
2023 |
Florence Griffin, Shawn Murphy |
2024 |
Men's Open Pairs (Ian & Faye MacLeod Award)
1998 |
Bill Reilly, Bill Nearing |
1999 |
Mel Martin, Del Holmstrom |
2000 |
Scott MacDonald, Bill Frederikson |
2001 |
Walter MacDonald, Steve Fidgen |
2002 |
Mel Martin, Duncan Wilson |
2003 |
Adelbert Roche, Greg Lee |
2004 |
Walter MacDonald, Adelbert Roche |
2005 |
Gerard Whalen, Mike Rafuse |
2006 |
Peter Stark, Bill Frederikson |
2007 |
Bill Frederikson, Bill Sharpe |
2008 |
Walter MacDonald, Adelbert Roche |
2009 |
Bill Sharpe, Richard Kenny |
2010 |
Walter MacDonald, Adelbert Roche |
2011 |
Adelbert Roche, Bill Sharpe |
2012 |
Adelbert Roche, Des MacNeill |
2013 |
Richard Kenny, John O'Hanley |
2014 |
Bill Sharpe, Rick Wu |
2015 |
Bill Sharpe, Francis Drake |
2016 |
Carl Bagnall, David Mitchell |
2017 |
Iain Galloway, Ron Butler |
2018 |
Ron MacDougall, Shane Lafferty |
Women's Pairs (donated by Trophy Hut)
1992 |
Chris Larrabee, Gladys Reid |
1993 |
Dot Roper, Mary Rodd |
1994 |
Chris Larrabee, Gladys Reid |
1995 |
Florence Griffin, Jean MacPhail |
1996 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
1997 |
Dot Roper, Marie Hickey |
1998 |
Jean MacPhail, Gwen MacDonald |
1999 |
Judy Reilly, Mary Nearing |
2000 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
2001 |
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2002 |
Bernice Snyder, Olive Fleming |
2003 |
Gwen MacDonald, Judy Reilly |
2004 |
Joyce Gallant, Arlene Mamye |
2005 |
Catherine MacNeill, Florence Griffin |
2006 |
Judy Reilly, Marie Carragher |
2007 |
Kathleen Murphy, Florence Griffin |
2008 |
Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser |
2009 |
Lynda Sharpre, Helen Turner |
2010 |
Mary Nearing, Jean Baker |
2011 |
Jean Baker, Betty Arsenault |
2012 |
Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly |
2013 |
Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly |
2014 |
Fran Handrahan, Catherine MacNeill |
2015 |
Lynda Sharpe, Judy Fraser |
2016 |
Florence Griffin, Judy Reilly |
2017 |
Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin |
2018 |
Judy Reilly, Florence Griffin |