Canterbury Duplicate Bridge Club
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Archive News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Annual General Meeting

The Club AGM for 2023 will take place at 6.30pm on Friday 3rd March before starting the usual Friday Pairs event.

Our Secretary, Lynne Emmett resigned during 2022 as did committee member, Ron Davis. Whilst their contributions are sadly missed, we will need to elect replacements at the forthcoming AGM. The current committee members - Nicky Adamson, Malcolm Lewis, Louise Preston and I are offering ourselves for re-election at the AGM. Nominations for committee membership should be proposed and seconded by club members and can be done by simply informing one of the committee, preferably in advance of the meeting but, if necessary at the meeting.

I must stress that it is absolutely critical that we replace the two members who resigned so please think seriously about coming forward to join us and put something back into the club we all enjoy. We do not meet very often, as a committee, so it is not an onerous time commitment.

Steve Bispham, Chairman, Canterbury Bridge Club - 5th February 2023

Last updated : 31st Mar 2023 18:11 BST
Children In Need

e-Cats Bridge are running a week of Simultaneous Pairs the week of 6th to the 10th November and we will be running the Friday session. Please come and join us.

The commentary and results for each session from all clubs that night will be available on the e-cats website at 10 pm each evening to download from

Last updated : 16th Nov 2023 23:15 GMT
Christmas Party

The Christmas Party will start at 6-30 pm with the Friday pairs Bridge starting at 7pm on the 15th December2023. 

Last updated : 30th Dec 2023 15:45 GMT
Larsky Qualification heats

Dear all 

There was a change to the qualification process for the Larsky Cup Semi-Finals that was overlooked at the Club. Rather than a single specific Club  session heat, the County Association designated that the Club session scores for in Kent Clubs associated to Kent County, in the weeks begining the 19th November 2023, 3rd December 2023 and the forthcoming 7th January 2024 would count for qualification. This meant that the scores on Friday 24th November and Friday 8th December were eligible, and the evening of the 12th January 2024, will be a night wher the scores is eligible to qualify for the semi-Finals of the Larsky Cup. Provided you meet/met score over 50% in the Club pairs on that night.

Some Club member therefore will have already received their invitation e-mails that since they scored the 50% plus required on the 24/11/2023 and 8/12/2023. The evening of the 12th January is a third opportunity to qualify from Canterbury (or at another club on another day/evening of the week of the 7th to 13th January). Naturally some players will have to chose which partner to play the semi final with as they may have qualified with other partners on different evenings.


Last updated : 3rd Feb 2024 11:46 GMT
Club Relocation

Canterbury Bridge Club has reviewed the Club's situation in context of potential membership and the changes locally in parking access, with input from some members. An option arose that was put forward was to relocate to St Dunstan's Church Hall that has been investigated, and has better car parking, for which a decision was required before end of November 2023.

After a Committee meeting, it was put to the membership on the 24th November prior to the night's play, and the membership (18 members present), agreed to relocate to St Dunstan's Church Hall  for a initial 6 months. The club is very sad to take this step as we have had a very good relationship with St Pauls church management.

The first evening at St Dunstan's will be on Friday 5th January 2024. There will still be kitchen faculities for tea and Coffee during play. There is on site car parking for 12-14 cars and nearby street parking. Details of the Hall can be found here.

The new address is St Dunstan's Church Hall, 80 London Road, Canterbury, Kent. CT2 8LS. There is no change in Club start time. 


Last updated : 28th Mar 2024 01:06 GMT
Good Friday Club Closed

Please Note that on the Friday 29th March 2024 there is no Bridge due to it being Good Friday as the members who stated they would be avialable to the secretary was insufficent to run. The Club will resume after Easter Holidays on the Friday 5th April 2024

Last updated : 2nd Apr 2024 21:10 BST
Celebration of Julia's 90th birthday milestone

We all wish Julia the very best wishes for reaching the milestone of 90years and very much enjoyed the champagne Julia brought along to celebrate with us on the Friday 19th April, although it wouldn't be until the Sunday 21st that Julia was 90.

Julia reported to us this week (26th April) that she had a great week with 7 days straight having at least (probably more) one glass of the classic bubby a day whilst soundly thrashing me in the 3 boards on her way to 2nd this week.

Long may Julia enjoy everything, especially the game she loves of bridge in the various clubs in East Kent.

Last updated : 22nd Jul 2024 00:36 BST