Learn To Play
Bridge !
Classes start Thursdays
From 6th Feb
11:00 to 12:00
If interested
text Rae on
0400 995 308
Janet and Tanya
January's Thursday
Handicap Winners!
Office Bearers |
President: Rae McFarling
Vice President: Anna Cleverley
Treasurer: Brian McAllister
Secretary: Robin Smith
phone: 0419 143 688
Directors: Janice Tongs & John Richardson
Committee: Phil Harper, Norm Bird, Leanne Watson, George Lewis
Partnership Secretary: Rae McFarling
phone: 0400 995 308
Events Co-ordinator: Leanne Watson
Postal address: PO Box 804 , Burnie , TAS 7320
Email address: burniebridgeclub@gmail.com
Facebook Page