Bulmer Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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13th Sep 2024 10:01 BST
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Welcome to Bulmer Bridge Club
Competition Winners
Competition Winners

Douglas Tilley Trophy: December 2023: Les Allan

Winter season winners 2023: Hazel and Charles Ward

Summer Season winners 2023: Hazel and Charles Ward

Spring Season winners 2023: Hazel and Charles Ward






Special Message

Tournament Play restarted on Thursday 5th September 2024.

There are 14 weeks of competition play and members need to compete for a minimum of 10 weeks to qualify.

The Christmas social, competing for the Doug Tilley Trophy will take place on Thursday, 19th December 2024

Evening play continues until Thursday, 24th October at 6.45pm.

From Thursday, 31st October, play will begin at 1.45pm, during the winter months.

There will be no play on Thursday, 12th and 26th December 2024.

Tournament play will restart on Thursday, 2nd January 2025 at 1.45pm.





At present, the annual subscription is £15 pa payable on joining or after the January AGM.

Weekly table money is £2 per player for 2023.

£3 for visitors.

Scorer: Sylvia Andrews
Scorer: Sylvia Andrews
Scorer: Sylvia Andrews