Buckland Bridge Club Competitions Overall Results
Richard Wheen Trophy 2024 Winners: Judith Riiser & Tracey Wood
Greensand Trophy 2024 Winners: Caroline Bennett & Judith Riiser
Greensand Trophy 2023 Winners: Vivienne Finch & George Gillespie
Wed Winter 2019/20 Handicap: 1st Carole Lister 2nd Izzy Gibbons 3rd Robin Hoare
Thur Winter 2019/20 Handicap: 1st Jane Brown 2nd Robin Hoare 3rd Sabina de GC
Wed Autumn 2019 Handicap: 1st Izzy Gibbons 2nd Jonathan Grant 3rd Veronica B
Thur Autumn 2019 Handicap: 1st Sue McLean 2nd Annick Wilcox 3rd Bruce Paul
Summer 2019 Handicap: 1st Sabina de Gaston-Cooper 2nd Bruce Paul 3rd Jane Brown
Greensand Trophy 2019 Winners: Richard Pocock & Geoff Woodcock
Spring 2019 Handicap: 1st Gloria Whitwell 2nd Anne Snell 3rd Maggie Richardson
Surrey Senior Pairs Winners (10th March): Richard Pocock & Geoff Woodcock
February 2019 Monthly Handicap Winners: Helena Pollock & Bruce Paul
January 2019 Monthly Handicap Winner: Bernice Bailey
November 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Roberta Rounthwaite
October 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Hetty Fisher
September 2018 Monthly Handicap Winners: Izabella Gibbons & John Zetter
EBED Autumn Pairs (6th Sept), Overall Winners: Richard Wheen & Vanessa Sadler
August 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Izabella Gibbons
July 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Mike Foss
June 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
May 2018 Monthly Handicap Winners: Inger & Dirk Laan
Greensand Trophy 2018 Winners: Jocelyn Morley & Vanessa Sadler
April 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Gloria Whitwell
March 2018 Monthly Handicap Winners: Michael & Shan Calvert
February 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Bob Morss
January 2018 Monthly Handicap Winner: Jane Brown
November 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Inger Laan
October 2017 Monthly Handicap Winners: Lesley Brown & Maggie Richardson
September 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
August 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Savas Oratis
July 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Anne Snell
June 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Judith Riiser
May 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Dirk Laan
Greensand Trophy 2017 Winners: Richard Pocock & Geoff Woodcock
April 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Hetty Fisher
March 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Annick Wilcox
February 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: John Mitchell
January 2017 Monthly Handicap Winner: Geoff Woodcock
December 2016 Monthly Handicap Winners: Cilla & Keith Willey
November 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Izabella Gibbons
October 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
September 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
August 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: June Burnett
July 2016 Monthly Handicap Winners: Ruzena Cates & Robin Hoare
June 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Pat Davey
May 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Gloria Whitwell
Greensand Trophy 2016 Winners: Gloria Whitwell & Richard Wheen
April 2016 Monthly Handicap Winners: Roberta & Douglas Rounthwaite
March 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Pocock
February 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Ruzena Cates
January 2016 Monthly Handicap Winner: Jane Brown
Overall Champions for 2015 Calendar Year
Individual Winner Geoff Woodcock
Runner Up Vanessa Sadler
Pairs Winners Richard Pocock & Geoff Woodcock
Runners Up Gloria Whitwell & Geoff Woodcock
December 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Gloria Whitwell
November 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: John Mitchell
October 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Geoff Woodcock
September 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Anne Snell
August 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Margaret Drury
July 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Douglas Rounthwaite
June 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Alison Hynes
May 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Alison Hynes
Greensand Trophy 2015 Winners: Helen Bennett & Richard Pocock
April 2015 Monthly Handicap Winners: Jocelyn Morley & Vanessa Sadler
March 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Ruzena Cates
February 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Dirk Laan
January 2015 Monthly Handicap Winner: Lesley Brown
Overall Champions for 2014 Calendar Year
Individual Winner Richard Wheen
Runner Up Geoff Woodcock
Pairs Winners Cilla & Keith Willey
Runners Up Gloria Whitwell & Geoff Woodcock
December 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Veronica Burville
November 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Dirk Laan
October 2014 Monthly Handicap Winners: Rita Hayter & Judith Riiser
September 2014 Monthly Handicap Winners: Diana Boatman & Jenny Bratza
August 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Alison Hynes
July 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Geoff Woodcock
June 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Veronica Burville
May 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Lesley Standen
Greensand Trophy 2014 Winners: Hetty Fisher & Lesley Standen
April 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: June Burnett
March 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
February 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Lesley Standen
January 2014 Monthly Handicap Winner: Savas Oratis
Overall Champions for 2013 Calendar Year
Individual Winner Geoff Woodcock
Runner Up Savas Oratis
Pairs Winners Gloria Whitwell & Geoff Woodcock
Runners Up Elaine Applebee & Jane Sayers
December 2013 Monthly Handicap Winners: Diana Boatman & Jenny Bratza
November 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Marjorie Hill
October 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Sylvia Speirs
Buckland Autumn Teams 2013 Winners: Edwina Askew & Robin Hoare, Jenny Bratza & Richard Wheen
September 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Veronica Burville
August 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Mike Foss
July 2013 Monthly Handicap Winners: Rita Hayter & Eileen Place
June 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Geoff Woodcock
May 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Geoff Woodcock
Greensand Trophy 2013 Winners: Gloria Whitwell & Geoff Woodcock
April 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
Buckland Spring Teams 2013 Winners: Marjorie Hill & Richard Wheen, Inger & Dirk Laan
EBU Stratified Sim Pairs on 14th March 2013,
Overall 1st Place in Band D: Hetty Fisher & Lesley Standen
March 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Richard Wheen
February 2013 Monthly Handicap Winners: Margaret Drury & Barbara Turner
January 2013 Monthly Handicap Winner: Savas Oratis
Overall Champions for 2012 Calendar Year
Individual Winner Geoff Woodcock
Runner Up Anita Durrant
Pairs Winners Elaine Applebee & Jane Sayers
Runners Up Mike Foss & Chris Greenacre
December 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Jane Sayers
November 2012 Monthly Handicap Winners: Diana Boatman & Jenny Bratza
October 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Mike Foss
September 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Marion Atkinson
August 2012 Monthly Handicap Winners: Rita Hayter & Eileen Place
July 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Mike Foss
June 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Dirk Laan
May 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Mary Watford
April 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Savas Oratis
Buckland Spring Teams 2012 Winners: Mary & Phil Watford, Pat Davey & Anita Durrant
March 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Lesley Standen
EBU Stratified Sim Pairs on 15th March 2012,
Overall 1st Place in Band D: Margaret Drury & Robin Hoare
February 2012 Monthly Handicap Winner: Mike Foss
January 2012 Monthly Handicap Winners: Rita Hayter & Eileen Place
Overall Champions for 2011 Calendar Year
Individual Winner Geoff Woodcock
Runner Up Anita Durrant
Pairs Winners Anita Durrant & Lesley Standen
Runners Up Elaine Applebee & Jane Sayers
Rules for Overall Competitions:
The competitions run for the calendar year.
The results are based on the average percentage scores throughout the year.
Qualification for the Individual Competition is 12 events (16 events from 2013).
Qualification for the Pairs Competition is 8 events (12 events from 2013).
The competitions are open to members only.
The overall competitions ran from 2011 to 2015, but are discontinued from 2016
Rules for Monthly Handicap Competition:
This is an individual competition based on the results of all events during one calendar month.
The results are based on average percentage scores during in the month corrected by the players' current handicap.
The handicap for the pair is the average of the handicaps of the individuals making up the pair (up to August 2013)
The handicap for the pair is the greatest of the handicaps of the individuals making up the pair (from September 2013)
Handicaps are calculated from the rolling average percentage score during the preceding 8 months.
There can be joint winners if 2 players always play as a pair.
Qualification for the Monthly Handicap is 3 events.
The handicap competitions are open to members only.
Rules for Teams Competitions:
The overall result is calculated using total Victory Points according to the standard EBU scale.
If two or more teams share first position with an equal number of Victory Points then the winners shall be the team with highest IMPs total.